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Division of Pediatric Cardiology Records, 1990-2013

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the administrative records of the Division of Pediatric Cardiology, a provider of cardiovascular diagnostic and treatment services for cardiovascular diseases that may affect the fetus, infant, child, adolescent, or young adult. Materials include correspondence, printed materials, CDs, vendor and product files, reports, invoices, contracts, notes, schedules, meeting materials, and floor plans. Materials date from 1990 to 2013.
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James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003

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Contains the professional papers of James B. Wyngaarden, former professor and administrator of Duke University School of Medicine and Duke University Hospital. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, reports, minutes, and committee materials. Major subjects include Duke University Hospital, Duke University Medical Center, and hospital administration. Materials range in date from 1958 to 1993.

Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982

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Contains the professional papers of Philip Handler (1917-1981), professor and chair of Duke University's Department of Biochemistry. Types of materials include correspondence, programs, bulletins, illustrations, exams, course materials, applications, agendas, reports, writings, clippings, speeches, tributes, invoices, reprints, biographical materials, questionnaires, and photographs. Major correspondents include Wilburt Cornell Davison, Barnes Woodhall, andWilliam A. Perlzweig. Major subjects include Duke University's Research Training Program, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, medical education, National Academy of Sciences, Lederle Laboratories, and Oak Ridge Laboratories. Materials date from 1933 to 1982.

Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998

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Melvyn Lieberman (1938-1997) was a professor in the Departments of Physiology, Cell Biology, and Biomedical Engineering at Duke University Medical Center (DUMC). He also directed the Graduate Studies programs for the Department of Cell Biology and the Department of Physiology and served as a special assistant to the executive vice president at DUMC and the senior vice president research administrator at DUMC. Major subjects include the DUMC Summer Educational Enrichment Program, the Duke Scientific Research Initiative, the Duke University Affiliated Physicians program, the American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and the Levine Science Research Center. Contains educational materials, construction records, conference and committee materials, correspondence, reprints, meeting and workshop materials, research files, weekly and annual reports, articles and publications, financial records, and subject files for professional colleagues and participating institutions that contributed to Lieberman's medical research and educational career. Materials range in date from 1965 to 1998.

Framed Items Collection, 1955-1995

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Contains photographs and portraits of Duke University Medical Center staff and administrators. Also included are plaques and architectural drawings of buildings on Duke's campus. Materials range in date from 1955 to 1995.

City of Medicine, USA Collection, 1980-2003

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the historical records of the City of Medicine, a public relations and community outreach health organization based in Durham, North Carolina. Types of materials include scrapbooks, clippings, publications, reports, speeches, textiles, videotapes, photographs and memorabilia. Major subjects include Durham, North Carolina, public relations, and Duke University. Materials range in date from 1980 to 2003.

Galen S. Wagner Papers, 1964-2008

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Galen S. Wagner (1939-2016), a Duke cardiologist instrumental in developing the Duke Cardiovascular Databank. Types of material include correspondence, reports, applications, CVs, schedules, photographs, slides, video cassette tapes, administrative records, Duke University Cooperative Cardiovascular Care Society (DUCCS) materials, printed materials, patient files, surveys, brochures, directories, and records pertaining to Wagner's time training staff at Cabarrus Memorial Hospital in Concord, North Carolina. Materials date from 1964 to 2008.

Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005

Abstract Or Scope
Helen Kaiser (1900-1988), was a professor and the first Director of Physical Therapy at Duke. She was also an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), serving as President of APTA from 1938 to 1940 and member of the Board of Directors from 1926 to 1930 and 1940 to 1946. This collection contains professional writings produced and collected by Kaiser over the course of her career and course materials compiled during Kaiser's time as a Professor of Physical Therapy at Duke. Other materials include correspondence, booklets, pamphlets, articles, committee and meeting minutes, reports, course descriptions and evaluations, floorplans, blueprints, grant files, photographic materials, and a scrapbook pertaining to Kaiser's time as the Director of Physical Therapy at Duke, as well as her personal life. Materials range in date from 1903 to 2005, with the bulk of the material dating from 1912 to 1988.

Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Records, 1920-2018

Abstract Or Scope
The Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Duke University began as a post-baccalaureate certificate program originally offered by the School of Medicine in 1943. Helen L. Kaiser was brought on by Dr. Lenox Baker to help establish the program and serve as the first Director of Physical Therapy and Associate Professor of Physical Therapy. The program was officially elevated to a Master of Science degree in 1970. In 1998, the Physical Therapy course was lengthened to three years and the Master of Science degree was replaced by the Doctor of Physical Therapy. This collection contains planning files, schedules, syllabi, correspondence, budget records, meeting agendas and notes, research, calendars, admissions policies and statistics, survey results, grading policies, meeting minutes, student handbooks, booklets, student and alumni publications, newsletters, studies, reprints, transcripts, questionnaire results, presentation and lecture materials, audiovisual recordings of events, interviews, anniversary projects, orientation and graduation materials, blank copies of examinations, on-site evaluations, outcome assessments, site team responses, and photographic materials pertaining to the graduate program in Physical Therapy at Duke. Major subjects include courses, ongoing curriculum development, national accreditation, faculty records, publications, and papers collected by department chair Robert Bartlett for the graduate program in physical therapy at Duke University. Materials range in date from 1920 to 2018.

Joseph B. Parker Papers, 1941-2006

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Joseph B. Parker Jr., served in the medical corps of the United States Navy Reserve for four years during World War II. He first came to Duke University medical school to complete his psychiatric education. He went on to serve as an instructor of neuropsychiatry at Duke University from 1948 to 1949 and worked part time in child community clinics in North Carolina. He went on to become an assistant professor and associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Tennessee from 1949 to 1953, where he was the director of the Child Guidance Clinic. Afterwards he served as Associate professor of psychiatry at Duke from 1953 to 1959 and developed a psychiatric service with training and research activities at the new V.A. Hospital. Dr. Parker left Duke in 1959 to serve as professor and chairman of the University of Kentucky's Department of Psychiatry. In 1970, Dr. Parker returned to Duke University Medical Center as a professor of psychiatry and remained in this position until his retirement and serving as professor emeritus.

Edward C. Halperin Papers, 1961-2017

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Edward Halperin from his tenure at Duke. Halperin served on Duke faculty for twenty-three years as a professor and chairperson of the Department of Radiation Oncology, vice dean of the School of Medicine, and associate vice chancellor. Types of materials include correspondence, grant applications, a cassette tape, articles, speeches, and reports. Materials range in date from 1961 to 2009, with the bulk of the collection concentrated from 1961 to 2017.

Jerome S. Harris Records, 1931-2016

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Dr. Jerome Sylvan Harris (1909-2005), Buren Sidbury Professor at Duke University Medical Center and the second chairman of the Department of Pediatrics (1954-1968). Types of materials include photographs, negatives, contact prints, artifacts, reprints, research materials, certificates, a plaque, slides, 16mm film, a reel-to-reel-audio tape, mini cassette tapes, printed materials, clippings, correspondence, notes, drafts, reports, artwork, writings, and other administrative materials. Collection also contains IRB materials, both analog and digital, and "Protection of Human Subjects in Research at DUMC" manual drafts and different versions. The bulk of the materials pertain to Harris' career at Duke. Materials date from 1931 to 2016.

Division of Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Oral Surgery Records, 1958-2023

Abstract Or Scope
Contains various materials from the Division of Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Oral Surgery. Includes Dr. Nicholas Georgiade's patient slides, patent materials for his work on cleft palates, and correspondence, much of which refers to his work on cleft palates. A small amount of correspondence belonging to Dr. Jeffrey Marcus. Photographs given to the Division by Dr. Maria Matton-van Leuven, a former research associate documenting Dr. Guido Matton and her time at Duke. A small amount of administrative records from the Division such as printed materials, meeting materials, the Cleft Palate Trust Fund, Duke Cleft and Craniofacial Team history, a departmental history, alumni events, and the Flap Dissection Course, as well as digital files documenting the Duke Cleft and Craniofacial Team's involvement in Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness Month in Durham, North Carolina. Also contains the Video Atlas of Microsurgical Composite Tissue Transplantation video series by Dr Donald Serafin, former Chief of the Division of Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Oral Surgery. Materials date from 1958 to 2023.

Edwin C. Hamblen Papers, 1930-1969

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Edwin Crowell Hamblen (1900-1963) served as a professor of endocrinology at Duke University School of Medicine and later chief of the endocrine division and endocrinologist at Duke University Hospital. Types of materials include correspondence, manuscript materials, articles, reprints, photographs, and certificates. Major subjects include Edwin C. Hamblen, Duke University Medical Center faculty, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, reproductive medicine, and endocrine aspects of gynecology. Some materials are in Spanish. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1969.
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Gerhard Chester Henricksen Papers, 1942-1955

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Gerhard Chester Henricksen (1907-1994), Duke University's assistant university treasurer during the 1940s, was responsible for coordinating funding and budget activities of Duke University Hospital. He was also an original member of the Accountants' 52 Club, which was organized for the national exchange of ideas, procedures, and techniques among the organization's hospital financial officers. Collection contains Henricksen's professional papers. It includes materials from the Accountants' 52 Club, the American Hospital Association, and the Southern Institute for Hospital Administrators, as well as Henricksen's own writings. Types of materials include brochures, conference proceedings, correspondence, reports, memoranda, printed materials, budgets, bulletins, and short writings. Materials range in date from 1947 to 1955.
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Other Materials, circa 1947-1948

Catherine Lynch Gilliss Records, 1932-2017

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Contains the personal and professional papers of Catherine Lynch Gilliss, dean of the Duke University School of Nursing from 2004 to 2014. Types of materials include personal correspondence, professional correspondence, artwork, diplomas, programs, notes, photographic materials, clippings, scrapbooks, an oral history transcript, drafts, reports, budgets, minutes, notes, agendas, resumes, printed materials, programs, clippings, itineraries, survey data, grant applications, architectural renderings and plans, AV materials, and photographic materials. Major correspondents include Ruby Wilson. Major subjects include Duke University School of Nursing administrative records, academic affairs, and strategic planning. Materials date from 1932 to 2017.

Alphonse J. Langlois Papers, 1963-2004

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Alphonse J. Langlois, PhD (1929-2013) was a research professor of medicine at Duke University Medical Center. This collection contains his professional papers. Types of materials include correspondence, photographs, research notes, reprints, clippings, printed materials, artifacts, reports, and CVs. Major subjects include HIV and cancer research. Materials date from 1963 to 2004.

J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of J. Leonard Goldner, MD (1918-2005), professor and orthopaedic surgeon at Duke University Medical Center and Duke University School of Medicine. Types of materials include correspondence, reprints, newsletters, clippings, programs, certificates, awards, photographs, audiovisual materials, biographical materials, notes, memorabilia, manuscripts, digital files, artwork, and medical tools. Major subjects include the American Orthopaedic Association, the Piedmont Orthopedic Society, Duke University Medical Center, and the Interurban Orthopedic Club. Materials date from 1930 to 2013.
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Writings, 1948-2004

Barnes Woodhall Papers, 1930-1987

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Contains the personal and professional papers of Barnes Woodhall (1905-1985), professor and chair of the Division of Neurological Surgery and dean of the School of Medicine at Duke University. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, minutes, reports, memoranda, memorabilia, short writings, reprints, and photographs. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, Duke University School of Medicine, health services administration, Veteran's Administration, North Carolina Atomic Energy Commission, Health Planning Council for Central North Carolina, Journal of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center Library, National Library of Medicine and MEDLARS, National Institutes of Health, hospital design and construction, and Research Triangle Institute. Major correspondents include Everett Hopkins, R. Taylor Cole, and Douglas M. Knight. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1987.
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Writings and Speeches, 1965-1975

Woodhall - Miscellaneous, 1963-1987

Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004

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Contains the personal and professional papers of Dr. Eleanor Beamer Easley, MD (1907-1998), a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology who practiced in Durham, North Carolina. Easley was the first female graduate of Duke University School of Medicine's first four-year class. In 1941, Easley helped co-found the Durham Women's Clinic. Types of materials include notes from talks and presentations, writings, meeting minutes, agendas, articles, reports, photographs, correspondence, memberships, degrees, awards, and clippings. Major subjects include Durham, North Carolina; nursing; obstetrics and gynecology; women physicians; women's health; and Watts Hospital. Materials range in date from 1910 to 2004.
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Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983