Materials relate to the administration of the Department of Anesthesiology, departmental anniversaries, and research endeavors. Types of materials include 1 ledger, fundraising goals, commemorative anniversary book, grant materials, notes, correspondence, articles, photographs, posters, commemorative anniversary DVD, and digital files. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2011, with the bulk of material dating between 1991 and 2011.
Contains the collected materials of the Department of Arts & Health at Duke, a department established in 1978 to promote the role of the arts and humanities in healthcare at Duke Hospital. Types of materials include administrative files, grant reports, subject files, research project files, articles, publications, clippings, scrapbooks, photographs, slides, video tapes, audio cassette tapes, exhibit material, exhibit budgets, artwork, artifacts, personal gift requests and records, performance programs, notes, correspondence, and administrative materials. Major subjects include arts and healthcare as a discipline, cultural arts programming undertaken at Duke Hospital, funding and grant sources, and the "Duke Employee Shows." Materials range in date from 1939 to 2014.
The Department of Biochemistry was established in 1930, making it one of the original departments of the Duke University School of Medicine. Chairs of the department include William A. Perlzweig, Philip Handler, Robert Hill, Christian R. H. Raetz, interim chair Peter Agre, interim chair Kenneth Kreuzer, and Richard G. Brennan. This collection contains general correspondence from the Department of Biochemistry, index cards containing student information, long range plans, artwork, framed images, and publications by W.A. Perlzweig, Phillip Handler, and other authors. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2004, with the bulk of material dating between 1930 and 1975.
The Department of Cell Biology focuses on research of the molecular structure and function of cells and their component parts with a vision of determining how cells interact to form embryos, tissues, and nervous systems, as well as investigating their role in physiology, behavior, and tissue repair and regeneration. Contains teaching notes relating to cell and tissue biology and microanatomy. Types of materials include class schedules, lecture notes, slide list, lab assignments, and study questions. Materials date to 1989.
Pastoral services are available at all Duke Health hospitals any time of day or night. The chaplaincy program at Duke Hospital was started by P. Wesley Aitken shortly after Aikten's graduation from Duke Divinity School in July 1956. Contains a portrait of P. Wesley Aitken. Portrait is undated.
Contains the administrative records of the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, formerly named the Department of Community and Family Medicine (1979-2019). Prior to 1979, the department was the Department of Community Health Science. This collection contains correspondence, reports, budgets, minutes, writings, planning materials, news releases, clippings, rosters, course and curriculum materials, residency and internship materials, evaluations, surveys, committee materials, field reports, award information, artwork, photographic materials, AV materials, and digital files. Photographs include Mead Johnson Award winners, 1981-1988; Duke-Watts Family Medicine Faculty and Residents, 1973-1993; Duke Family Medicine Program group photographs, 1983-1995; staff photographs (both identified and unidentified); staff parties and events; and Duke Endowment-King's Fund College, 1971-1981. Images also include departmental faculty members including E. Harvey Estes, Jr.; Samuel W. Warburton; and Kathryn M. Andolsek. Major topics include the Family Medicine Residency Program, the Division of Family Medicine, Student Health, the Regional Medical Program, the King's Fund, the Duke Endowment, Sea Level Hospital, the Andean Rural Health Project, the Fallout Preparedness Committee, and Medical Education for National Defense. Materials date from 1959 to 2021.
Materials relate to the history and administration of Duke's Department of Health Administration, established in 1930 as the first graduate program in the nation for the training of hospital administrators. Contains newsletters, correspondence, meeting minutes, attendance and membership lists, reports, articles, studies, notes, course evaluations, agendas, bound oral history transcripts, curriculum vitae, financial records, invoices, event programs, program applications, course catalogs, and photographs. Materials range in date from 1943 to 1991.
The Department of Medicine was established in 1930, coinciding with the opening of Duke Hospital. Types of materials include reprints; appointment lists of professors, associates, instructors, residents, affiliates, and alumni; biographical sketches; Eugene A. Stead Jr. alumni lists; a biography of Frederic Moir Hanes; lists of chief residents of Duke Hospital, VA Medical Center, and Ambulatory Care; a list of the numbers of house staff; student, house staff, and faculty files; and staff and faculty group photographs. Major subjects include the Department of Medicine. Materials date from 1930 to 2017.
Contains bound copies of articles published by members of the Microbiology Department. Also includes a composite image from the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology's seasonal door decorating contest with COVID-19 playing a prominent role. Materials range in date from 1931 to 2020.
The Department of Neurobiology was established in 1988. This collection contains handbooks, correspondence, curriculum brochures, meeting minutes, program proposals, curriculum vitae, portraits, and a committee report. Materials range in date from 1981 to 2001.