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Lenox D. Baker Papers, 1930-1979

Abstract Or Scope
Lenox D. Baker graduated as part of Duke University School of Medicine's first graduating class in 1932. He came back to Duke in 1937 and became the chief of the Division of Orthopaedics, a position he held until 1967. He helped establish the North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Hospital and served as its medical director until 1972. Baker was also a founding member and later president of the North Carolina Orthopaedic Association. This collection contains personal, professional, and administrative materials in connection with Baker. Materials include correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, articles, and meeting and society records. Major subjects include his work as chief of Duke University's Division of Orthopaedics at Duke University, as well as his role in various clinics and his work at the Cerebral Palsy Hospital. Other subjects include politics and elections, including Baker's support for various candidates, the North Carolina Employ the Physically Handicapped Commission, and professional societies such as the North Carolina Orthopaedic Society, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, and the American Orthopaedic Association. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1979.
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Administrative and Personal Papers, 1930-1979

Lenox D. Baker Papers, 1930-1979 14.5 Linear Feet (28 manuscript boxes, 1 flat box)

Bessie B. Baker Papers, 1930-1941

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Bessie Baker (1874-1942), first dean of the Duke University School of Nursing. Types of materials include correspondence, writings, and course materials. Major subjects include Duke Hospital, Duke University School of Nursing, nursing education, and nursing students. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1941.
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Papers, 1930-1941

Bessie B. Baker Papers, 1930-1941 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Edwin C. Hamblen Papers, 1930-1969

Abstract Or Scope
Edwin Crowell Hamblen (1900-1963) served as a professor of endocrinology at Duke University School of Medicine and later chief of the endocrine division and endocrinologist at Duke University Hospital. Types of materials include correspondence, manuscript materials, articles, reprints, photographs, and certificates. Major subjects include Edwin C. Hamblen, Duke University Medical Center faculty, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, reproductive medicine, and endocrine aspects of gynecology. Some materials are in Spanish. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1969.
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Papers, 1930-1969

Edwin C. Hamblen Papers, 1930-1969 3 Linear Feet (2 cartons)

Joseph E. Markee Records, 1930-1972

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional records of Dr. Joseph E. Markee, former chair of the Dept. of Anatomy at Duke University.
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Joseph E. Markee Records, 1930-1972

Department of Anatomy Records, 1930-1983

Abstract Or Scope
Contains records documenting the Department of Anatomy, established in 1930 as part of the original School of Medicine. The name of the department changed to the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy in 1988. This collection contains portraits, articles, meeting notes, reprints, and minutes created by Joseph E. Markee, Francis Huntington Swett, and others pertaining to the activities of the Department of Anatomy (now the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy) at Duke University, including curriculum scheduling and the new teaching facility (1965). A book of faculty reprints from 1930 to 1940 is also included, entitled "A complete file of publications from the Department of Anatomy, Duke University School of Medicine." Materials date from 1930 to 1983.
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Faculty Reprints, 1930-1940

Walter Kempner Papers and Records, circa 1930-2016

Abstract Or Scope
Contains professional records pertaining to Walter Kempner's (1903-1997) Rice Diet and related work for Duke University. Kempner began working at Duke's School of Medicine in the Department of Medicine in 1934 and was interested in the effect of diet on various diseases including hypertension and diabetes, which developed into the Rice Diet. The collection also contains business records from the Walter Kemper Foundation. Types of materials include medical records, newsletters, correspondence, clippings, budgets, logbooks, membership materials, and minutes. Major subjects include reducing diets, cell physiology, obesity, and Duke University Medical Center. Materials range in date from circa 1930 to 2016.
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Department of Medicine Records, 1930 - 2017

Abstract Or Scope
The Department of Medicine was established in 1930, coinciding with the opening of Duke Hospital. Types of materials include reprints; appointment lists of professors, associates, instructors, residents, affiliates, and alumni; biographical sketches; Eugene A. Stead Jr. alumni lists; a biography of Frederic Moir Hanes; lists of chief residents of Duke Hospital, VA Medical Center, and Ambulatory Care; a list of the numbers of house staff; student, house staff, and faculty files; and staff and faculty group photographs. Major subjects include the Department of Medicine. Materials date from 1930 to 2017.
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Francis Bayard Carter Papers, 1930-1976

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Francis Bayard "Nick" Carter (1898-1977), physician, professor, and chair of the Duke University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, speeches and presentations, reports, budgets, lists, articles, course materials, studies, and meeting minutes. Major subjects include study and teaching of obstetrics and gynecology, Duke University School of Medicine, and Duke University Hospital. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1976.
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Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1930-1972

Department of Pediatrics Records, 1930-2014

Abstract Or Scope
Duke School of Medicine's Department of Pediatrics was founded in 1927 by Wilburt C. Davison, MD, the first dean of the medical school. He also served as the first Department of Pediatrics chair (1927 to 1954). Other chairs include Jerome Harris, MD; Samuel L. Katz, MD; Michael M. Frank, MD; Joseph St. Geme, MD; and Ann M. Reed, MD. The collection documents the Department of Pediatrics with information about the department, Duke Children's Hospital, and affiliated clinics. Types of materials include departmental administrative files, financial information, planning and development materials, Duke Children's Hospital blueprints, meeting and committee materials, research files, printed materials, correspondence, reports and manuals, a small amount of audiovisual materials, grant and award information, and a list of Pediatrics House Staff. Materials date from 1930 to 2014.
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Accession A2020.022, 1930-1954

Department of Pediatrics Records, 1930-2014 126.75 Linear Feet (82 cartons, 1 half manuscript box, 14 blueprints)

Josiah C. Trent Papers, 1930-1961

Abstract Or Scope
Contains professional papers of Josiah C. Trent (1914-1948), associate professor of surgery and chief of the Division of Thoracic Surgery at Duke. Materials include correspondence, patient files, and subject files pertaining to Dr. Trent's professional life. Most of the correspondence chronicles Trent's involvement with various professional organizations and his acquaintance with prominent figures in various fields: medical history--John Fulton, Henry Sigerist, and W. W. Francis; the history of Duke University--Wilburt C. Davison, Lenox D. Baker; the history of the development of library administration--Thomas Keys and Bertha Hallam. The bulk of the materials were removed from Trent's medical office upon his death and has relatively few items that pertain to his personal life. Items of a more personal nature are located with the James H. and Mary D. B. T. Semans Family Papers in Duke University's Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library. Materials date from 1930 to 1961.
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Correspondence, 1930-1961

Josiah C. Trent Papers, 1930-1961 3.5 Linear Feet (2 cartons, 1 manuscript box)