Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Correspondence, 2002 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context George L. Maddox Papers, 1950-2010Accession A2019.033, 1965-2010Grant Records, 1986-2005
Schanberg, Saul, various dates Box Ro-Z Bookmark Collection Context Biographical Files Collection, 1930s-presentBiographical Files, 1930s-present
Slides; Reduction of cardiovascular disease in women, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Charles and Peggy Hammond Papers, 1915-2016, undatedTeaching Materials, 1967-2010, undated
Task Force-Future Directions of New Imaging Techs, 2004-2005 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Dean's Office (School of Medicine) Records, 1916-2020R. Sanders Williams, 1916-2012Accession A2017.015, 1973-2012
Taylor, Haywood M., undated Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979Subject and Correspondence Files, 1924-1972Subject and Correspondence Files, 1924-1944
Terry's notes, 1984 Box 74a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Thoracic Surgery Division, 1968-1969 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Tom Collier (graduate) with his parents and Bob Harbaugh, M.D., 1987 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Perspectives Photographs and Contact Sheets, 1944-2002Perspectives Photographs, 1944-2002Spring, 1987
Ukraine #2, May-June 1997 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context William P. Wilson Papers, 1960-2007Speaking Engagements, undated
Unidentified A and B Rolls, undated Reel EMS Reel 469 Bookmark Collection Context Educational Media Services Motion Film Collection, 1946-1991, undatedEMS Film Reels, 1951-1991, undated