[patient name removed] - Embolectomy, Dr. Sabiston, Original Neg., undated Reel EMS Reel 483 Bookmark Collection Context Educational Media Services Motion Film Collection, 1946-1991, undatedEMS Film Reels, 1951-1991, undated
PedGI- Biological Safety, 1994 Box 44 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Pediatrics Records, 1930-2014Accession A2011.025, 1979-2008
Responsible conduct of research, undated Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Russell, James E., 1954 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Medico-Legal Case Records, 1931-1967
Shytle, John D., various dates Box Ro-Z Bookmark Collection Context Biographical Files Collection, 1930s-presentBiographical Files, 1930s-present
Slides; Unidentified (folder 13 of 17), undated Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Charles and Peggy Hammond Papers, 1915-2016, undatedTeaching Materials, 1967-2010, undated
Stroke and Other Forms for Computer Entry, undated Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Albert Heyman Papers, 1959-2007Dr. Heyman, Personal and Administrative Materials, 1964-2005
The Maguire Sisters, 1987 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Perspectives Photographs and Contact Sheets, 1944-2002Perspectives Photographs, 1944-2002Children's Classic, 1987
Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia, PA), June 24, 2008 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Robert J. Lefkowitz Papers, 1962-2023Travel and Conferences, 1988-2022
Tishman, Dan & Cheryl, 2004 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Dean's Office (School of Medicine) Records, 1916-2020R. Sanders Williams, 1916-2012Accession A2017.015, 1973-2012