Duke File #1711; Bohn et al, 1999-2003 Box 251 Bookmark Collection Context Robert J. Lefkowitz Papers, 1962-2023Material Transfer Agreements, 1988-2009
Pathfinders, 2007-2008 Box 244 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015Accession A2016.002, 1993-2015Integrative Medicine, 1993-2015
Duke File #2058; Daaka, 2002 Box 251 Bookmark Collection Context Robert J. Lefkowitz Papers, 1962-2023Material Transfer Agreements, 1988-2009
IOM Integrative Medicine Demonstration Project (folder 2 of 2), 2008-2010 Box 244 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015Accession A2016.002, 1993-2015Integrative Medicine, 1993-2015
Duke File #2102; Premont, RJL, Caron GRK6 Modulating Patent, 2002 Box 251 Bookmark Collection Context Robert J. Lefkowitz Papers, 1962-2023Material Transfer Agreements, 1988-2009
IOM Integrative Medicine Demonstration Project (folder 1 of 2), 2008-2010 Box 244 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015Accession A2016.002, 1993-2015Integrative Medicine, 1993-2015
Duke File #2172; J. Stamler, 2002-2004 Box 251 Bookmark Collection Context Robert J. Lefkowitz Papers, 1962-2023Material Transfer Agreements, 1988-2009
Investigating the Mind, 2004-2008 Box 244 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015Accession A2016.002, 1993-2015Integrative Medicine, 1993-2015
Duke File #2195; Sudha Shenoy; Invention Disclosure (folder 1 of 3), 1999-2004 Box 251 Bookmark Collection Context Robert J. Lefkowitz Papers, 1962-2023Material Transfer Agreements, 1988-2009
Grossenbacher, John, 2009 Box 244 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015Accession A2016.002, 1993-2015Integrative Medicine, 1993-2015