Yale University, 1997 Box 236 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015Accession A2004.096, 1964-1998
Yale University, 1988-2001 Bookmark Collection Context William G. Anlyan Papers, 1930-2015Accession A2012.038: Additions of July 2012, 1931-2011Miscellaneous Chronological Correspondence, 1931-2011
Yale, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Samuel L. Katz Papers and Records, 1963-2011Accession A2005.013: Correspondence and Subject Files, 1969-2005
Yale, slides, 1979 Box 125 Bookmark Collection Context William G. Anlyan Papers, 1930-2015Accession A2012.038: Additions of July 2012, 1931-2011Miscellaneous Chronological Correspondence, 1931-2011
Yale School of Medicine: Thomas R. Kosten, M.D., 1997 Box 237 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015Accession A2004.096, 1964-1998
Yale School of Medicine Bicentennial Symposium (New Haven, CT), April 28-29, 2011 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Robert J. Lefkowitz Papers, 1962-2023Travel and Conferences, 1988-2022
Yale Medical Library, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Medical Center Library Records, 1932-2023History of Medicine Collections Records, 1932-2010George Stanley Terence Cavanagh records, undated
Yale Corporation (folder 3 of 3), 2005-2011 Box 243 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015Accession A2016.002, 1993-2015Main Files, 2000-2014
Yale Corporation (folder 2 of 3), 2005-2011 Box 243 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015Accession A2016.002, 1993-2015Main Files, 2000-2014
Yale Corporation (folder 1 of 3), 2005-2011 Box 242 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015Accession A2016.002, 1993-2015Main Files, 2000-2014
Yale Corporation Ad Hoc Committee, Hartford, CT (February 10, 2006), 2006 Box 31 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Travel Files, 1983-2006Meetings Attended, 1984-2006
Yale Capital Campaign, undated Box 120 Bookmark Collection Context William G. Anlyan Papers, 1930-2015Accession A2012.036: Additions Of May 2012, 1964-2011
Yale - Anlyan's Alumni Material, undated Box 120 Bookmark Collection Context William G. Anlyan Papers, 1930-2015Accession A2012.036: Additions Of May 2012, 1964-2011
Yagi, Kunio, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Henry Kamin Papers, 1940-1988, bulk 1960-1988Flavins and Flavoproteins Symposium Materials, 1969-1978
Yaggy, Susan interview, June 28, 2007 Box Safe Bookmark Collection Context Oral History Collection, 1955-2012Yaggy, Susan, 2007
Yaggy, Susan interview, June 13, 2007 Box Safe Bookmark Collection Context Oral History Collection, 1955-2012Yaggy, Susan, 2007
Yaggy Report For Sanford Study, 1977-1982 Box 81 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Pediatrics Records, 1930-2014Accession A2011.035, 1973-2006
Yaggy, Duncan, undated Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Mark C. Rogers Papers, 1976-1996Correspondence, 1977-1992
Yaggy, Duncan, undated Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Photograph Collection, 1928-2024People: Individuals, undated
Yaggy, Duncan, undated PAGE 1434 Bookmark Collection Context Intercom Photographs and Contact Sheet Collection, 1977-1986Intercom Contact Sheets, 1977-1986
Yaggy, Duncan: shot at desk, undated PAGE 440 Bookmark Collection Context Intercom Photographs and Contact Sheet Collection, 1977-1986Intercom Contact Sheets, 1977-1986
Yaggy, Duncan interview, June 24, 2011 Box Master (CDs) 2 Bookmark Collection Context Oral History Collection, 1955-2012Yaggy, Duncan, 2011
Yaggy, Duncan interview, June 24, 2011 Box Use (CDs) B Bookmark Collection Context Oral History Collection, 1955-2012Yaggy, Duncan, 2011
Yaggy, Duncan, 1985-1988 Box 28 Bookmark Collection Context William G. Anlyan Papers, 1930-2015Correspondence and Administrative Files, 1930-1990Correspondence and Administrative Files, 1961-1990
Yaggy Correspondence, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Daniel (Dan) G. Blazer Papers, 1984-2004Subject Files, 1984-2004
Yaggy Correspondence (Cultural Services Program History), 1981-1983 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Arts & Health at Duke Records, 1939-2014Records, 1939-2013Subject Files, 1939-2013
Yaggu proposal, 1989-1990 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Physician Assistant Program Records, 1964-2021Reginald D. Carter Papers, 1967-2020Subject Files, 1967-2003
[YAC transgenic project], 1993 Box 27a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
YAC Screening Ceph Data EST, 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Y2K, undated Box 46 Bookmark Collection Context Medical Center Library Records, 1932-2023Unprocessed Accessions, undated
Y2K, undated Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Y2K: Mission Critical, undated Box 36 Bookmark Collection Context Michael D. Israel Papers, 1987-2002Notebooks, 1997-2000, undatedd
Y, 2002-2002 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Robert J. Lefkowitz Papers, 1962-2023Letters of Recommendation, 1980-2016
Y, 1977 Box 34 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Y, 1970-1972 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Norman F. Conant Papers, 1930-1981General and Personal Correspondence, 1948-1972
Y, 1967 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979Correspondence, 1900-1972General correspondence, 1962-1968
Y, 1966 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979Correspondence, 1900-1972General correspondence, 1962-1968
Y, 1965 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979Correspondence, 1900-1972General correspondence, 1962-1968
Y, 1964 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979Correspondence, 1900-1972General correspondence, 1962-1968
Y, 1963 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979Correspondence, 1900-1972General correspondence, 1962-1968
Y, 1960-1961 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Norman F. Conant Papers, 1930-1981General and Personal Correspondence, 1948-1972
Y, 1945-1959 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Richard S. Lyman Papers, 1927-1957Correspondence, 1940-1957
X-Z correspondence Old rosters, Neurobiology, undated Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Dale Purves Papers, 1950-2020, undatedAccessions A2003.077 and A2004.087: Correspondence, Research, and Administrative Files, 1971-2003Duke University files, 1987-2002
X-Z, 1962 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979Correspondence, 1900-1972General correspondence, 1962-1968
X-Y-Z, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Samuel L. Katz Papers and Records, 1963-2011Accession A2005.013: Correspondence and Subject Files, 1969-2005
XYZ, undated Box 123 Bookmark Collection Context William G. Anlyan Papers, 1930-2015Accession A2012.038: Additions of July 2012, 1931-2011Miscellaneous Chronological Correspondence, 1931-2011
X, Y, Z, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Josiah C. Trent Papers, 1930-1961Patient Records, 1940-1946
X-Y-Z, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004General Correspondence, undated