Written Programming, Loose Files (folder 7 of 9) RESTRICTED, 1974-1997, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Charles Edward Buckley Papers, 1954-2020, undatedResearch, 1964-2005, undatedDeveloping Computing Programs, 1968-2005, undated
Written Programming, Loose Files (folder 6 of 9) RESTRICTED, 1977, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Charles Edward Buckley Papers, 1954-2020, undatedResearch, 1964-2005, undatedDeveloping Computing Programs, 1968-2005, undated
Written Programming, Loose Files (folder 5 of 9) RESTRICTED, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Charles Edward Buckley Papers, 1954-2020, undatedResearch, 1964-2005, undatedDeveloping Computing Programs, 1968-2005, undated
Written Programming, Loose Files (folder 4 of 9) RESTRICTED, 1988-1997, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Charles Edward Buckley Papers, 1954-2020, undatedResearch, 1964-2005, undatedDeveloping Computing Programs, 1968-2005, undated
Written Programming, Loose Files (folder 3 of 9) RESTRICTED, 1982-1997, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Charles Edward Buckley Papers, 1954-2020, undatedResearch, 1964-2005, undatedDeveloping Computing Programs, 1968-2005, undated
Written Programming, Loose Files (folder 2 of 9) RESTRICTED, 1974-1975, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Charles Edward Buckley Papers, 1954-2020, undatedResearch, 1964-2005, undatedDeveloping Computing Programs, 1968-2005, undated
Written Programming, Loose Files (folder 1 of 9) RESTRICTED, 1998-1999, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Charles Edward Buckley Papers, 1954-2020, undatedResearch, 1964-2005, undatedDeveloping Computing Programs, 1968-2005, undated
Written Programming, inspired by "Laser Nephelometry: Computer Programs and Computational Methods" RESTRICTED, 1979, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Charles Edward Buckley Papers, 1954-2020, undatedResearch, 1964-2005, undatedDeveloping Computing Programs, 1968-2005, undated
Written Programming, Binder 3 RESTRICTED, 1979 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Charles Edward Buckley Papers, 1954-2020, undatedResearch, 1964-2005, undatedDeveloping Computing Programs, 1968-2005, undated
Written Programming, Binder 2 RESTRICTED, 1980, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Charles Edward Buckley Papers, 1954-2020, undatedResearch, 1964-2005, undatedDeveloping Computing Programs, 1968-2005, undated
Written Programming, Binder 1 RESTRICTED, 1988-1997, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Charles Edward Buckley Papers, 1954-2020, undatedResearch, 1964-2005, undatedDeveloping Computing Programs, 1968-2005, undated
Writing; "Use of Buerger's Exercises in the Treatment of Diabetic Patients with Peripheral Vascular Disease" (by Helen Kaiser), undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Writing, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Health Administration Records, 1943-1991Ray E. Brown Papers and Reprints, undated
Writing; "Today's Tomorrow" (by Helen Kaiser); Presented by the 54th Annual Conference of the American Physical Therapy Association, 1968 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Writing; "The Treatment of Scoliosis by the So-Called Compensation Method" (by Arthur Steindler), 1926 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Writing; "The Prescription of Physical Therapy" (by Jesse Wright), undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Writing; "The Medical Center Report, 1958-1959" (by W.C. Davison), 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Writing; "The Control of Crippling in Ancient Times" (by Edward L. Compere), 1943 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Records, 1920-2018Physical Therapy Archives Project, 1920-2017
Writing; "The Business of Ethics: Gender, Medicine, and Professional Codification of the American Physical Therapy Association, 1918-1935" (by Beth Linker), 2005 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Records, 1920-2018Physical Therapy Archives Project, 1920-2017
Writings, undated Box 36 Bookmark Collection Context David B. Larson Papers, 1975-2002Accession A2003.070, 1978-2002
Writings, undated Box 37 Bookmark Collection Context David B. Larson Papers, 1975-2002Accession A2003.070, 1978-2002
Writings, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979Academic Memorabilia, (bulk 1909-1916), 1909-1938Merton College and Oxford University, (bulk 1915-1916), 1910-1938
Writings, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Notes, 1913-1988
Writings, undated Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Joseph B. Parker Papers, 1941-2006Published papers, Professional papers, and Notes, 1941-1999
Writings, undated Box 214 Bookmark Collection Context Dale Purves Papers, 1950-2020, undatedAccession A2015.019, undated
Writing; "Study and Treatment of Muscle Imbalance in Cases if Low Back and Sciatic Pain" (by Henry O. Kendall and Florence P. Kendall), 1936 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Writing; "Strength and Science: Gender, Physiotherapy, and Medicine in Early Twentieth Century America" (by Beth Linker), 2005 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Records, 1920-2018Physical Therapy Archives Project, 1920-2017
Writings; "The Pornographic Anatomy Book? The Curious Tale of The Anatomical Basis of Medical Practice" (by Edward C. Halperin), 1971-1972, 2006-2009, 2013, 2017 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Edward C. Halperin Papers, 1961-2017Records, 1961-2017
Writings; "The "Jewish Problem" in United States Medical Education, 1920-1955" (by Edward C. Halperin), 1998-2000 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Edward C. Halperin Papers, 1961-2017Records, 1961-2017
Writings; "Special Report: Desegregation of Hospitals and Medical Societies in North Carolina" (by Edward C. Halperin), 1987-1988 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Edward C. Halperin Papers, 1961-2017Records, 1961-2017
Writings, Reprints, and Articles, 1936-1979 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Thelma Ingles Papers, 1936-2012Additions to the Thelma Ingles Papers, 1936-1989Bound Copies of Diary Entries and further Thelma Ingles Articles, 1936-1979
Writings on Trauma Victims in Los Angeles County, 1976-1989 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Onyekwere E. Akwari Papers, 1914-2021Professional Activities, 1914-2020
Writings; Ollie and the Monkey, undated Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Jerome S. Harris Records, 1931-2016Accession A2020.061, 1938-2016
Writings; Miscellaneous, 1932-1961 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Jerome S. Harris Records, 1931-2016Accession A2019.042, 1931-2013
Writings; Maxillary Arch Alignment in the Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Infant, Using the Pinned Coaxial Screw Appliance (by Nicholas G. Georgiade, MD and Ralph A. Latham, PhD), 1975 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Division of Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Oral Surgery Records, 1958-2023Records, 1958-2018
Writings, manuscripts, and correspondence, O-V, 1940-1944 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Edwin C. Hamblen Papers, 1930-1969Papers, 1930-1969
Writings, manuscripts, and correspondence, A-M, 1937-1961 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Edwin C. Hamblen Papers, 1930-1969Papers, 1930-1969
Writings in memoriam, 1964 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Alfred Blalock Papers, 1899-1985Personal Materials, circa 1921-1964
Writings, hospitals and health care in the 1980s, 1980 Box 102 Bookmark Collection Context William G. Anlyan Papers, 1930-2015Lectures, Speeches, and Symposia, 1964-1988Speeches and Writings, 1964-1988
Writings; "Heart Disease in Children", circa 1961 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Jerome S. Harris Records, 1931-2016Accession A2019.042, 1931-2013
Writings; Heart Disease in Children (by Jerome S. Harris and Madison S. Spach MD), undated Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Jerome S. Harris Records, 1931-2016Accession A2020.061, 1938-2016
Writing; "Set-Up for Physical Therapy" (by Helen L. Kaiser), 1937 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Writings, circa 1947-1948 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Gerhard Chester Henricksen Papers, 1942-1955Other Materials, circa 1947-1948
Writings, Changing patterns in Medical Education, undated Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Thomas D. Kinney Papers, circa 1945-1996General Subject Files II, 1960-1981
Writings by Sabiston, 1978, undated Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Contains David C. Sabiston Jr.'s presidential address to the Annals of Surgery and a piece by Sabiston on Alfred Blalock's life and career. Materials date to 1978, and some materials are undated. view more view less Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Writings, 1978, 2000
Writings by Ruby Wilson, 1984, 2007, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Catherine Lynch Gilliss Records, 1932-2017Ruby Wilson, 1961-2014
Writings by others; "Transplantability of Myelocytmatosis MC29 Virus-producing Cell Lines in Chickens", 1990 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Alphonse J. Langlois Papers, 1963-2004Papers, 1963-2004
Writings by others; "Is it time to consider an attenuated live virus vaccine against HIV?" By Dani Bolognesi, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Alphonse J. Langlois Papers, 1963-2004Papers, 1963-2004
Writings by Others (folder 2 of 2), undated Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Printed Materials, 1942-2004
Writings by Others (folder 1 of 2), 1957-1995 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Printed Materials, 1942-2004