1200-1299, undated Box 54 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Ophthalmology Records, 1940-2014Accession A2005.059: Laboratory Research Materials, 1987-1999Eye Perfusion Data:, undated
11. Welcoming Remarks, Eighth Annual Career Education Honors Convocation, June 4, 1982 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
11. Virus and other Encephalitis, 1946 Box 37 Bookmark Collection Context Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979Articles and Writings, 1916-1969
11. Vevey permit, 1914 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979Appendices, 1892-1971
11, undated Box 57 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Audiovisual Materials, 1952-2007Floppy disks and diskettes, undated
11th Series, 1947 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context International Correspondence Society of Allergists Collection, 1942-1966Records, 1942-1966
11th Merel H. Harmel Lecture (2 Folders), February 5, 1997 Box 158 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015Transfer of 1999, 1986-1999Talks, 1992-1997
11th Meeting Cornell, 1992 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Wolfgang K. Joklik Papers, 1945-2013Accession A2013.119, 1945-2013Biographical Materials, 1945-2005
11. The Rebellious Child [13], undated Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context William P. Wilson Papers, 1960-2007Addition of October 2010 (A2010-057): Writings and Subject Files, undated
11. The History of Pediatrics in North Carolina, 1966 Box 42 Bookmark Collection Context Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979Medicine in North Carolina Subject Files, 1916-1972