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David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of David C. Sabiston Jr. (1924-2009), surgeon and chair of the Department of Surgery at Duke University from 1964 to 1994. Types of materials include personal and professional correspondence, memorabilia, scrapbooks, correspondence, clippings, printed materials, DVDs, CDs, floppy disks, VHS cassettes, certificates, research materials, committee minutes, reports, manuscript and illustration materials, reports, departmental lectures, presentations and talks, budgets, evaluations, administrative documents, planning documents, notes, photographs, slides, audiotapes, gowns, hoods, robes, and digital surrogates of plaques and awards. Major correspondents include Del Stickel, Donald Silver, J. Leonard Goldner, James F. Glenn, Will Camp Sealy, Samuel A. Wells Jr., and Kenneth Pickrell. Materials range in date from 1887 to 2015, with the bulk starting in 1920.

Department of Ophthalmology Records, 1940-2014

Abstract Or Scope
The Department of Ophthalmology, established in 1965, began in 1930 as a division within the Department of Surgery. Divisions of the department include Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Cornea Service, Glaucoma, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Oculoplastics, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Research Division, and Vitreoretinal Service. This collection contains publications, administrative and departmental records, reprints by faculty and staff, research files and materials, alumni files, grant information, photographs, slides, negatives, audiovisual materials, and public relations materials. The materials date from 1940 to 2014. Materials range in date from 1940 to 2014.

North Carolina Licensed Practical Nurses Association Records, 1946-2012

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the organizational records of the North Carolina Licensed Practical Nurses Association (NCLPNA), whose mission was to provide professional development, continuing education opportunities, and political advocacy for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and practical nursing students in the state of North Carolina. Major topics include licensed practical nursing, nursing education standards in North Carolina, African American women in medicine, North Carolina hospital systems, and healthcare advocacy. Types of materials include subject files, meeting minutes, reports, correspondence, continuing education and conference materials, publications, financial records, membership records, bound and unbound ledgers, photographs, publications, transparencies, ephemera, and drawings. Materials range in date from 1946 to 2012, with the bulk dating from 1965 to 2009.

Ed Thalmann Papers, 1970-2003

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Ed Thalmann (1945-2004), former assistant clinical professor in anesthesiology for Duke University's Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and assistant medical director of the Divers Alert Network in Durham, North Carolina. Types of materials include correspondence, reference files, articles, slides, manuals, and notes. Major subjects include decompression, decompression sickness, and diving. Materials range in date from 1970 to 2003, with the bulk of material undated.
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Glenn J. Jaffe Records, 1984-2014

Abstract Or Scope
Glenn Jay Jaffe, MD, Robert Machemer MD Distinguished Professor of Ophthalmology and Chief of the Division of Retinal Ophthalmology, is a retina specialist with an active basic and clinical research program. He is a vitreo-retinal surgeon and professor of ophthalmology at Duke University Eye Center. He is also the founder and Director of the OCT Reading Center at Duke. The bulk of this collection is comprised of laboratory notebooks, but it also includes slides, CDs, negatives, invoices, and research materials. The materials date from 1984 to 2014.
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Accession A2016.040, 1984-2014

Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Wilburt Cornell Davison (1897-1972), pediatrician, chair of pediatrics, and first dean of Duke University School of Medicine (1927-1960). Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, memorabilia, scrapbooks, photographs, clippings, programs, budgets, reports, deeds, poems, manuscript materials, creative writings, genealogical materials, article reprints, diplomas, and certificates and invitations. Oversized diplomas and certificates have been separated from this collection. Major correspondents include George G. Allen, Atala Davison, Jay M. Arena, F. Vernon Altvater, Bessie Baker, William B. Bell, William Preston Few, Wiley D. Forbus, Frederic Moir Hanes, Elizabeth Hanes, Julian Deryl Hart, Sir William Osler, Talmage Peele, Wilder Penfield, Watson S. Rankin, Josiah Trent, and Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans. Major groups and associations in the collection include Alpha Omega Alpha, American Hospital Association, American Medical Association, Association of American Medical Colleges, Lincoln Hospital, Rockefeller Foundation, and Society for Pediatric Research. Major subjects in this collection include pediatrics, medical education, Duke University School of Medicine, Duke University faculty and students, Duke Hospital, and Private Diagnostic Clinic. Materials date from 1881 to 1972.

Elbert L. Persons Papers, 1923-1970

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional and a small amount of personal papers of Elbert Lapsley Persons (1904-1970), Professor of Medicine and Professor of Community Health Sciences at Duke University. Types of materials include professional and personal correspondence, grant materials, records pertaining to Persons' time with the 65th General Hospital, Duke Medicine, and the ACP, as well as administrative records, guides, brochures, programs, schedules, information on Duke Medicine's Annual Medical Symposium, meeting materials, schedules, notes, photographic materials, a small amount of personal papers, speeches, writings, and contracts. Materials range in date from 1923 to 1970.

Educational Media Services Motion Film Collection, 1946-1991, undated

Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains video footage documenting the history of Duke University Medical Center. The EMS Film Reels series contain films that came from the office of Educational Media Services. Coverage includes operations, procedures, instructional aids, conference presentations, and documentaries. People featured in the collection include David C. Sabiston, Leonard Goldner, Wilburt C. Davison, Jospeh E. Markee, Onye Akwari, James F. Glenn, and Allen Roses. Items of note include Wilburt C. Davison's "Dave at Roaring Gap" film clips, and IBM Conference film. Materials range in date from 1946 to 1991 with the bulk being undated.

Elizabeth Reeves Collection, 1913-1988

Abstract Or Scope
Deputy Head of the Division of Environmental Stress, Naval Medical Research Center, United States; member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society.
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C. J. Lambertsen Papers, 1930-2004

Abstract Or Scope
Christian James (C. J.) Lambertsen (1917-2011) worked as a professor of pharmacology, director of the Institute for Environmental Medicine, and the founding director of the Environmental Biomedical Stress Data Center in 1985 at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine. He designed the Lambertsen Amphibious Respiratory Unit (LARU), which was the first widely used, closed-circuit Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA) in the United States. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, photographs, audio material, slides, lab books, lab data, experimental measures and procedures, diagrams, graphs, articles, manuscript drafts, grant proposals, newspaper clippings, and notes. Primary subjects include decompression, oxygenation, diving, decompression sickness, diving physiology, and underwater breathing apparatus. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2004.

Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993

Abstract Or Scope
Jasper Lamar Callaway (1911-1993) was the chief of the Division of Dermatology at Duke University Medical Center from 1946 to 1975.

Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001

Abstract Or Scope
Contains records received from the Undersea Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS), a United States based international nonprofit association serving physicians, scientists, associates, and nurses in the fields of hyperbaric and dive medicine. Types of materials include reports, reprints, news releases, minutes, programs, correspondence, and photographs. Materials date from 1931 to 2001.

Robert J. Lefkowitz Papers, 1962-2023

Abstract Or Scope
Contains professional papers of Robert J. Lefkowitz, James B. Duke Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator in the Department of Biochemistry at Duke University Medical Center. Types of materials include travel and conference materials, speeches, memoranda, committee materials, awards and honors, former employee files, old equipment files, grant materials, alumni files, material transfer agreements, mice invoices, research, and digital files. Major subjects include Duke University Department of Biochemistry, Duke University School of Medicine, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Materials range in date from 1962 to 2023.

Victor J. Dzau Laboratory Notebooks, 1978-2007, undated

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the laboratory notebooks and research materials of Victor J. Dzau (1945- ), James B. Duke Professor of Medicine at Duke and former chancellor for health affairs at Duke University and president and CEO of Duke University Health System. Collection also contains the research materials of Dzau's former PhD and masters students from Stanford University, Harvard Medical School, and Duke University. Materials include laboratory notebooks, research notes, microscope slides, photo slides, negatives, 3.5 inch floppy disks, CDs, DVDs, and zip disks. The Dzau laboratory research focuses on the molecular and genetic mechanisms of cardiovascular disease and the development of new gene-based therapies for heart disease. These materials range from 1978 to 2007.
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James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of James B. Wyngaarden, former professor and administrator of Duke University School of Medicine and Duke University Hospital. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, reports, minutes, and committee materials. Major subjects include Duke University Hospital, Duke University Medical Center, and hospital administration. Materials range in date from 1958 to 1993.

Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Records, 1920-2018

Abstract Or Scope
The Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Duke University began as a post-baccalaureate certificate program originally offered by the School of Medicine in 1943. Helen L. Kaiser was brought on by Dr. Lenox Baker to help establish the program and serve as the first Director of Physical Therapy and Associate Professor of Physical Therapy. The program was officially elevated to a Master of Science degree in 1970. In 1998, the Physical Therapy course was lengthened to three years and the Master of Science degree was replaced by the Doctor of Physical Therapy. This collection contains planning files, schedules, syllabi, correspondence, budget records, meeting agendas and notes, research, calendars, admissions policies and statistics, survey results, grading policies, meeting minutes, student handbooks, booklets, student and alumni publications, newsletters, studies, reprints, transcripts, questionnaire results, presentation and lecture materials, audiovisual recordings of events, interviews, anniversary projects, orientation and graduation materials, blank copies of examinations, on-site evaluations, outcome assessments, site team responses, and photographic materials pertaining to the graduate program in Physical Therapy at Duke. Major subjects include courses, ongoing curriculum development, national accreditation, faculty records, publications, and papers collected by department chair Robert Bartlett for the graduate program in physical therapy at Duke University. Materials range in date from 1920 to 2018.

Department of Pediatrics Records, 1930-2014

Abstract Or Scope
Duke School of Medicine's Department of Pediatrics was founded in 1927 by Wilburt C. Davison, MD, the first dean of the medical school. He also served as the first Department of Pediatrics chair (1927 to 1954). Other chairs include Jerome Harris, MD; Samuel L. Katz, MD; Michael M. Frank, MD; Joseph St. Geme, MD; and Ann M. Reed, MD. The collection documents the Department of Pediatrics with information about the department, Duke Children's Hospital, and affiliated clinics. Types of materials include departmental administrative files, financial information, planning and development materials, Duke Children's Hospital blueprints, meeting and committee materials, research files, printed materials, correspondence, reports and manuals, a small amount of audiovisual materials, grant and award information, and a list of Pediatrics House Staff. Materials date from 1930 to 2014.

William P. Wilson Papers, 1960-2007

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the records of William P. Wilson from 1976 to 2007 including those from his professional work at Duke and his professional and personal life after his retirement from Duke. Types of materials include correspondence, manuscripts, itinerary for speaking engagements, outlines for lectures, research notes, brochures, pamphlets, photos, clippings and one CD pertaining to the work of Dr. Wilson especially in psychiatry and spiritual healing. Major topics include Duke University, psychiatry and Christianity.

Audiovisual Collection, 1946-2024

Abstract Or Scope
Contains audio, video, and a small amount of digital photographs documenting the history of Duke University Medical Center. Coverage includes documentaries, alumni gatherings, interviews, speeches, lectures, conferences, awards, tributes, groundbreakings, building dedications, grand rounds, and student-faculty shows. Materials in this collection have been acquired from multiple sources. Some of the materials have been separated from existing collections. People featured in the collection include: Jay M. Arena; William G. Anlyan; Lenox D. Baker; Ivan W. Brown; F. Bayard Carter; Elon Clark; Martin M. Cummings; Wilburt C. Davison; Victor J. Dzau; Wiley D. Forbus; Joseph C. Greenfield, Jr.; Charles B. Hammond; Philip Handler; Merel Harmel; Barton F. Haynes; Leslie Hohman; Charles Johnson; Samuel L. Katz; Joseph E. Markee; Robert J. Reeves; David T. Smith; Eugene A. Stead, Jr.; Andrew G. Wallace; and Barnes Woodhall. Items of note include Wilburt C. Davison's Dave at Roaring Gap, MEDSAC and Quail Roost conference recordings, a 14-part orientation of Duke Hospital North, documentaries about the 65th General Hospital, documentaries about Duke's hyperbaric chamber, the multi-part interview series "Before the Colors Fade," and "Keepers of the House" documentary. Also includes videos of the School of Medicine's Match Day program and Memory Lane video series for graduating medical students. Types of formats include VHS tapes, Betacam tapes, U-Matic tapes, audiocassette tapes, DVDs, CDs, other forms for optical media, film, magnetic tapes, reel-to-reel audio, wire recordings, and digital files. Materials range in date from 1946 to 2024.
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Educational Media Services Records, 1950-2005

Abstract Or Scope
Materials were created by staff and artists of Medical Art, later Medical Illustration, a section of Educational Media Services, a division of the Duke University School of Medicine. Artists include Elon H. Clark, Robert L. Blake, Robert G. Gordon and Stanley M. Coffman. Types of materials include photographs, negatives, slides, sketches, and drawings. The collection also contains prints, negatives, and sketches of items created by Gordon and Coffman for David C. Sabiston's "Atlas of Cardiothoracic Surgery." Major subjects include Duke University School of Medicine and medical illustration. Materials range in date from 1950 to 2003.

City of Medicine, USA Collection, 1980-2003

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the historical records of the City of Medicine, a public relations and community outreach health organization based in Durham, North Carolina. Types of materials include scrapbooks, clippings, publications, reports, speeches, textiles, videotapes, photographs and memorabilia. Major subjects include Durham, North Carolina, public relations, and Duke University. Materials range in date from 1980 to 2003.
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Accession A2004.003, 1980-2003

School of Nursing Records, 1930-2024

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the administrative records of the School of Nursing, School of Nursing Alumni Association, and other nursing student associations. Types of materials include correspondence, minutes, certificates, newsletters, budgets, evaluations, reports, class records, proceedings, publications, awards, photographs, ephemera, memorabilia, printed materials, DVDs, CDs, clippings, and digital files. Major subjects include Duke University School of Nursing students and faculty, School of Nursing Alumni Association, Nursing Student Government Association, Nursing education, continuing education, nursing students, nursing societies, sororities, Sigma Theta Tau, Bessie Baker, Rachel Booth, Myrtle Irene Brown, Dorothy Brundage, Ann Jacobansky, Margaret Pinkerton, Florence K. Wilson, and Ruby L. Wilson. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2024.

Jay M. Arena Papers, 1931-1995

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Jay Morris Arena (1909-1996), professor of pediatrics and community health and director of the Duke Poison Control Center. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, minutes, reprints, newsletters, clippings, programs, certificates, photographs, biographical materials, and manuscript materials. Major correspondents include Wilburt Cornell Davison, Atala Davison, Talmage Peele, Thomas Thweatt Jones and members of the Duke Children's Classic advisory group. Major subjects include Duke University Hospital, pediatrics, accidental poisoning in children, poisoning prevention and safety measures, poisoning case studies, treatment of poisoning, poison control centers, American Academy of Pediatrics, Duke Poison Control Center, and pediatrics in China. Materials range in date from 1931 to 1995.

Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003

Abstract Or Scope
Documents the professional career of Ewald W. Busse (1917-2004), the former chair of Duke's Department of Psychiatry and founding director the Duke University Center for Aging and Human Development. The materials include Busse's "History of the Department of Psychiatry at Duke"; Busse's reprints; a history of the Duke Medical Center Building Fund; awards and honors; reports and evaluations regarding the J. B. Gibbons Scholarship; minutes, newsletters, correspondence, and publications from the International Association of Gerontology; information about Highland Hospital (Asheville, North Carolina); materials regarding the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development; and the Medical School Advisory Committee's (MedSAC) minutes materials. Materials range in date from 1945 to 2003.

International Correspondence Society of Allergists Collection, 1942-1966

Abstract Or Scope
The International Correspondence Society of Allergists began in 1937 as a way to exchange technical information and experiences between allergists around the world. Contains correspondence and case reports discussing patient cases, new treatments, and professional development. Materials range in date from 1942 to 1966.
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Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Philip Handler (1917-1981), professor and chair of Duke University's Department of Biochemistry. Types of materials include correspondence, programs, bulletins, illustrations, exams, course materials, applications, agendas, reports, writings, clippings, speeches, tributes, invoices, reprints, biographical materials, questionnaires, and photographs. Major correspondents include Wilburt Cornell Davison, Barnes Woodhall, andWilliam A. Perlzweig. Major subjects include Duke University's Research Training Program, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, medical education, National Academy of Sciences, Lederle Laboratories, and Oak Ridge Laboratories. Materials date from 1933 to 1982.

Ralph Arnold Papers and Medical Equipment, 1942-2013

Abstract Or Scope
Ralph Arnold (1910-1960) was a professor of otology and an associate professor of otolaryngology and ophthalmology at the Duke University Medical Center in the 1940s and 1950s. He also served as part of the 65th General Hospital during World War II. The collection consists photographs, correspondence, records pertaining to the patent Arnold received for silicone treated cotton, medical records from Arnold's time in the army, and medical equipment, at least some of which was used for the 65th General Hospital. Materials date from 1942 to 2013.
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Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013

Abstract Or Scope
Contains records of the laboratory work and files of Huntington F. Willard, first director of the Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy at Duke University, vice Chancellor for Genome Sciences and professor in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology.
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Dean's Office (School of Medicine) Records, 1916-2020

Abstract Or Scope
Contains records originating in Duke School of Medicine's Dean's Office. Includes R. Sanders (Sandy) Williams administrative records; a small amount of Wilburt C. Davison reprints; Medical Center Executive Committee (MCEC) meeting materials; posters from the Dean's Office Noteworthy Faculty Series comprised of posters and photographs; portraits of Edward W. Holmes and Nancy C. Andrews; architectural materials documenting the planning and building of the School of Medicine's Leaning Center; and Mary E. Klotman and Duke University School of Medicine's "Turning a Moment into a Movement: Dismantling Racism in the Duke School of Medicine and Beyond" video and discussion, which is affiliated with Moments to Movement, Duke Health's collective stand against systemic racism and injustice. Materials date from 1916 to 2020.

Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Ralph Snyderman, MD, is Chancellor Emeritus of Duke University, James B. Duke Professor of Medicine, and Director of the Duke Center for Research on Personalized Health Care. Contains the collected papers of Snyderman. Materials document Snyderman's professional appointments at both Duke University and Genentech, Inc., a biomedical technology firm in San Francisco, California. The papers consist of publications, manuscript materials, research materials, collected publications and citations, presentations and related correspondence, travel files, Genentech, Inc. research and administrative materials, subject files, business records from Snyderman's role as Duke's Chancellor for Health Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) committee and working group files, and papers from other committees and professional organizations of which Snyderman was a member. Major subjects in this collection include Snyderman's research in inflammation, immunology, and rheumatology; health care reform; medical administration and the role of the academic health center; and integrative and prospective medicine. Materials range in date from 1899 to 2006 with the bulk of the materials dating from 1968 to 2006.

Wolfgang K. Joklik Papers, 1945-2013

Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the collected materials which document the professional career of Wolfgang K. Joklik, Chair of the Duke Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology (1968-1993) and co-founder of the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center (1972). Materials include reprints; manuscript materials and publication correspondence; proceedings and correspondence relating to professional organizations of which Joklik was a member; programs and correspondence concerning professional talks, meetings, workshops, and symposia; employee files and recommendations; Duke University news publications; and subject files concerning the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center. Major subjects include the National Academy of Science (NAS), the American Society of Virology, the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Cancer Special Program Advisory Committee, the American Society for Microbiology, and both the McGinnis Memorial and Joklik Lecture Series. Materials date from 1945 to 2013.

Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Ralph Snyderman, MD, is Chancellor Emeritus of Duke University, James B. Duke Professor of Medicine, and Director of the Duke Center for Research on Personalized Health Care. Contains administrative records created by Snyderman during his tenure as Chancellor for Health Affairs and President and CEO of Duke University Health System (1989-2004). Types of materials include minutes, agendas, reports, committee materials, chronological files, and videotapes. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, Duke University Health System, School of Medicine, School of Nursing and administration. Materials date from 1899 to 2015.

Kenneth S. McCarty Papers, 1973-1984

Abstract Or Scope
Kenneth S. McCarty Jr. (1948-2010) was a graduate of Duke University (1966) and Duke University School of Medicine (1969). After becoming board certified in internal medicine and pathology, McCarty joined the faculty of Duke University School of Medicine. This collection contains reprints of articles concerning McCarty's medical research into the hormonal aspects and treatment of breast disease while at Duke. Materials range in date from 1973 to 1984.
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Department of Health Administration Records, 1943-1991

Abstract Or Scope
Materials relate to the history and administration of Duke's Department of Health Administration, established in 1930 as the first graduate program in the nation for the training of hospital administrators. Contains newsletters, correspondence, meeting minutes, attendance and membership lists, reports, articles, studies, notes, course evaluations, agendas, bound oral history transcripts, curriculum vitae, financial records, invoices, event programs, program applications, course catalogs, and photographs. Materials range in date from 1943 to 1991.
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Department of Arts & Health at Duke Records, 1939-2014

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the collected materials of the Department of Arts & Health at Duke, a department established in 1978 to promote the role of the arts and humanities in healthcare at Duke Hospital. Types of materials include administrative files, grant reports, subject files, research project files, articles, publications, clippings, scrapbooks, photographs, slides, video tapes, audio cassette tapes, exhibit material, exhibit budgets, artwork, artifacts, personal gift requests and records, performance programs, notes, correspondence, and administrative materials. Major subjects include arts and healthcare as a discipline, cultural arts programming undertaken at Duke Hospital, funding and grant sources, and the "Duke Employee Shows." Materials range in date from 1939 to 2014.

J. Deryl Hart Papers and Records, 1916-1987

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of J. Deryl Hart, chair of the Department of Surgery at Duke University from 1930 to 1960, and president of Duke University from 1960 to 1963. Major subjects include Chowan College, Duke University Medical Center, the Duke Private Diagnostic Clinic, surgical wound infection, medical hospitals, history of teaching medical schools, and history of surgery in North Carolina. Types of materials include personal and professional correspondence, memorabilia, certificates, diplomas, scrapbooks, photographs, speeches, lectures, addresses, clippings, sketches, reprints, ledgers, lantern slides, subject files, and committee materials. Materials range in date from 1916 to 1987.
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Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008

Abstract Or Scope
Gordon G Hammes, PhD, is the Duke University Distinguished Service Professor of Biochemistry Emeritus. Contains the professional papers and records of the administration of Hammes, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs at Duke University Medical Center. Also contains some materials from the Edward W. Holmes administration. Types of materials include correspondence with individuals and corporations, appointment, promotion and tenure materials, minutes, reports, subject files, budgets, evaluations, grant and contacts, and long-range planning documents. Major subjects include departments and administration of Duke University Medical Center, medical education, and faculty. Materials range in date from 1987 to 2008.

Arthur A. Morris Papers, 1940-1996

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Duke alumni, Arthur Allen Morris (1917-1997), founder and former president of the Neurosurgical Society of America. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, conference programs, proposals, newsletters, research materials, course notes, photographs, certificates, surgical tools, and abstracts. Materials range in date from 1940 to 1996.
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Charles and Peggy Hammond Papers, 1915-2016, undated

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Dr. Charles B. Hammond (1936-2021), chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1980-2002), and a small amount of personal correspondence belonging to Peggy Hammond. Types of materials include 3.5 inch floppy disks, a 16mm film reel, awards, CDs, certificates, clippings, conference materials, correspondence, digital surrogates, DVDs, lantern slides, negatives, newsletters, notes, slides, and VHS tapes. Major subjects of the collection include Hammond's involvement in and recognitions from professional organizations like the American Fertility Society and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Materials range in date from 1915 to 2016, and some materials are undated.

Onyekwere E. Akwari Papers, 1914-2021

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Onyekwere E. Akwari (1942-2019), the first African-American surgeon on the faculty of Duke University. Types of materials include correspondence, pamphlets, programs, financial information, calendars, datebooks, identification cards, passports and visas, applications, memorabilia, printed materials, a yearbook, certificates, building plans, cassette tapes, CDs, DVDs, U-Matic video cassettes, 16mm film reels, certificates, notes, meeting minutes and agendas, funeral programs and obituaries, photographs, newspaper clippings, publications, reprints, textiles, artifacts, scrapbooks, binders, transcripts, and electronic records pertaining to Akwari's personal and professional interests and activities. Major subjects include the Society of Black American Surgeons (SBAS) and St. Titus Episcopal Church (Durham, N.C.). Materials date from 1914 to 2021.

Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development Records, 1952-2019

Abstract Or Scope
The Duke University Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development was created in 1955 by the U.S. Surgeon General and was designated as one of five regional resource centers on aging. The center's first initiatives included the Duke Longitudinal Studies, a 20-year project begun in 1956 that monitored the physical, mental, social, and economic status of approximately 800 older adults. Types of materials include correspondence, audiovisual materials, reprints, departmental histories, budget materials, computer printouts, brochures, newsletters, clippings, directories, grant materials, questionnaires, printed materials, architectural plans, and internal administrative papers such as meeting minutes, reports, publications, and photographs. Major subjects include the study of aging and human development, mental health, geriatric medicine, psychological and psychiatric behavior of older adults, Carol Woods Retirement Home, the Hillhaven LaSalle Nursing Center, the Forest at Duke, the Greenery Rehabilitation Center, the United Methodist Retirement Home, the Croasdaile Village, and Ewald W. Busse. A portion of the materials came from the files of Dorothy K. Heyman; these files have been interspersed throughout the collection. The collection contains materials from Gerda G. Fillenbaum concerning the Study at Carol Woods in Chapel Hill, NC (1979-1981), the Longitudinal Retirement History Study (1969-1979), the Older Americans Resources and Services Program (OARS), and the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD). The collection also contains materials from Lisa P. Gwyther, concerning her work with Alzheimer's and related diseases and the Duke Aging Center Family Support Program. The collection also contains materials from Mitchell Heflin concerning the Consortium for Faculty Development to Advance Geriatric Education (FD-AGE), the Duke Geriatrics Division's curriculum on the care of older adults entitled "Clinical Core on Aging", and the Duke Geriatric Education Center (GEC). Materials range in date from 1952 to 2019.
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Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996

Abstract Or Scope
Albert Behnke, a physician and captain in the United States Navy; pioneered the development of body composition assessment through the study of elite athletes; member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society. Collection contains correspondence, reports, committee materials, text of speeches and lectures, presentation notes, manuscript materials, research files, reprints, and grant files. Major subjects include diving, decompression, diving physiology, and body composition. Materials range in date from 1906 to 1997.

William G. Anlyan Papers, 1930-2015

Abstract Or Scope
Contains papers and records pertaining to the professional career and administration of Duke University Medical Center under William George Anlyan (1925-2016). Anlyan came to Duke University School of Medicine for his residency in general and thoracic surgery (1949-1955). Afterwards, he joined the surgical staff led by Dr. Deryl Hart, becoming a full professor of surgery in 1961, and, from 1964 to 1969, was the third dean of the School of Medicine. Anlyan also served as vice president for health affairs (1969-1983) and chancellor for health affairs (1983-1989). From 1988 to 1993, Anlyan was the executive vice president and chancellor for health affairs before becoming chancellor of Duke University (1990-1995). Types of materials include subject files, chronological files, reports, budgets, plans, correspondence, memoranda, clippings, and photographs. Major correspondents include Wilburt Cornell Davison, Douglas M. Knight, E. Croft Long, Charles Frenzel, Joseph E. Markee, Barnes Woodhall, Terry Sanford, Philip Handler, Ruby Wilson, and Henry Rauch. Major subjects include hospital administration, health policy, construction financing, development, financial management, medical education, nursing education, community-institutional relations, parking facilities, and transportation. Major projects and leadership work include the Civitan Project, Private Sector Conference, The Duke Endowment, Duke University Medical Center, Duke Private Diagnostic Clinics, Duke University School of Medicine, Medical Center Board of Visitors, Highland Hospital (Asheville, North Carolina), National Library of Medicine, Association of American Medical Colleges, Veterans Administration, Watts Hospital (Durham, North Carolina), North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (Durham, North Carolina), Sea Level Hospital (Sealevel, North Carolina) and merchant marine care, Durham Health Partners and City of Medicine, Institute of Medicine, North Carolina Medical Care Commission, and Whitehead Medical Research Institute. The materials in this collection date from 1930 to 2015.

Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional records of Dr. Wiley Davis Forbus (1894-1976), MD, professor and chair of the Department of Pathology at Duke University from 1930 to 1964; Area Consultant in Pathology for the Veterans Administration from 1948 through the 1960s; "chief mover" (Baker, 1959) of the North Carolina Medical Examiner's System; and Medical Education Consultant in Europe and the "Far East" from 1953 to the 1960s. Major subjects include the Department of Pathology, the Duke University School of Medicine, nursing and medical education, autopsies, the early history of Duke University, the Veterans Administration, Duke Pathological Services, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, medical education in the "Far East" in the 1950s and early 1960s, race relations in North Carolina, small hospitals in North Carolina, Medico-Legal concepts and practices, history of medicine in North Carolina, and early Hodgkin's disease research. These records include but are not limited to abstracts, accounts, annual reports, budgets, committee files, correspondence, course outlines, curriculum, curriculum vitae, lectures, manuscripts, memoranda, minutes, monographs, photographs, plans, proceedings, programs, protocols, publications, recommendations, reports, and schedules. An effort was made to cross reference when possible and list the contents and major topics within each folder on the folder tab for easy use. Materials date from 1849 to 1979 with the bulk of the materials dating from 1923 to 1979.

J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of J. Leonard Goldner, MD (1918-2005), professor and orthopaedic surgeon at Duke University Medical Center and Duke University School of Medicine. Types of materials include correspondence, reprints, newsletters, clippings, programs, certificates, awards, photographs, audiovisual materials, biographical materials, notes, memorabilia, manuscripts, digital files, artwork, and medical tools. Major subjects include the American Orthopaedic Association, the Piedmont Orthopedic Society, Duke University Medical Center, and the Interurban Orthopedic Club. Materials date from 1930 to 2013.
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Medical Center Engineering and Operations Records, 1927-1996

Abstract Or Scope
Contains specifications and construction documents used to guide planning and construction of buildings of the Duke University Medical Center. Building plans and site plans were created by or retained by Duke University Medical Center, Engineering and Operations department. Major subjects in this collection include history of Duke University Medical Center buildings and Duke Hospital. Materials range in date from 1927 to 1996.
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Medical Center Library Records, 1932-2023

Abstract Or Scope
The Medical Center Library serves the Duke University Medical Center's academic, professional, research, teaching, and patient communities. The Library was conceived in the late 1920s and early 1930s by Wilburt C. Davison and early staff of the Duke University School of Medicine. This collection contains records of the Medical Center Library at Duke University. Materials were created by library directors or administrators and professional library staff. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, grants, articles, meeting minutes, job ads, proposals, meeting agendas, subject files, photographs, building blueprints, policies, publications, library statistics, manuals, Annual Snapshots, and digital files. Materials range in date from 1932 to 2023.

Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Will Camp Sealy (1912-2001), chair of the Division of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in the Department of Surgery at Duke University Medical Center (1950-1984). Materials include correspondence, reports, reprints, minutes, grant materials, speeches, notes, travel records, and committee materials. Major subjects include Duke University School of Medicine, arrhythmia, thoracic surgery, and cardiovascular surgical procedures. Materials date from 1938 to 1983.

Intercom Photographs and Contact Sheet Collection, 1977-1986

Abstract Or Scope
"Intercom," a Duke Medical Center publication, circulated weekly from 1953 until 1986. This publication provided employees with weekly news about various Medical Center topics, including research findings and parking and construction updates. Types of materials include contact sheets, photographs, and informational index cards. Materials range in date from 1977 to 1986.
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