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David E. Yount Collection, 1862-2000

Abstract Or Scope
David E. Yount (1935-2000) was a researcher on bubble formation theory and decompression sickness, University of Hawaii professor of physics, chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Hawaii, administrator at the University of Hawaii, and a member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS). Collection contains correspondence, reports, committee materials, text of speeches and lectures, presentation notes, manuscript materials, research files, and grant files. Major subjects include diving, acoustics, decompression, decompression sickness, high-energy physics, and diving physiology. Materials range in date from 1862 to 2000, with the bulk of materials dating from 1975 to 2000.
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John D. York Papers, 1986-2012

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. John D. York was a professor of biochemistry and pharmacology and cancer biology at Duke University Medical Center. He is also an invesigator for the non-profit medical research organization Howard Hughes Medical Institute. At Duke, York studied biology and enzyme regulation of inositol cellular signal transduction pathways, and the mechanisms of lithium action as it pertains to treatment of bipolar disorder. In 2012, he became the chair of Vanderbilt University's Dept. of Biochemistry.
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Interview, June 24, 2011

James B. Wyngaarden Oral History Interviews, 1982-2007, undated

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. James Barnes Wyngaarden, MD, is a former professor and administrator of Duke University School of Medicine and Duke University Hospital. This collection includes 3 oral history interviews conducted at separate times. Interviews were conducted on April 9, 1982 by Dr James Gifford, March 21, 2005 by Jessica Roseberry, and October 17, 2007 by Jessica Roseberry as part of the Women in Duke Medicine Oral History Exhibit. In the 1982 interview, Wyngaarden discusses his background, education, professional career, research, his time at Duke and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and research training programs. In the 2005 interview, Wyngaarden discusses his work at both the NIH and Duke, as well as his commitment to the concept of the physician scientist and his continued work in scientific fields since leaving the NIH. In the 2007 interview, which is part of the Women in Duke Medicine Oral History Exhibit, Wyngaarden discusses Dr. Grace Kerby and his understanding of her experiences in the Department of Medicine.
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James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of James B. Wyngaarden, former professor and administrator of Duke University School of Medicine and Duke University Hospital. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, reports, minutes, and committee materials. Major subjects include Duke University Hospital, Duke University Medical Center, and hospital administration. Materials range in date from 1958 to 1993.

Barnes Woodhall Papers, 1930-1987

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Barnes Woodhall (1905-1985), professor and chair of the Division of Neurological Surgery and dean of the School of Medicine at Duke University. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, minutes, reports, memoranda, memorabilia, short writings, reprints, and photographs. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, Duke University School of Medicine, health services administration, Veteran's Administration, North Carolina Atomic Energy Commission, Health Planning Council for Central North Carolina, Journal of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center Library, National Library of Medicine and MEDLARS, National Institutes of Health, hospital design and construction, and Research Triangle Institute. Major correspondents include Everett Hopkins, R. Taylor Cole, and Douglas M. Knight. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1987.
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Woodhall - Miscellaneous, 1963-1987

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Walter G. Wolfe Records, 1965-1998

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Walter G. Wolfe, MD, Emeritus Professor of Surgery and Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Duke University and Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Chief of Surgical Services at the Durham VA Medical Center was a cardiothoracic surgeon, clinician researcher, teacher, and mentor during his more than 50 year career at Duke. In 2015, by virtue of his exceptional contributions to Duke Surgery, Wolfe was designated a Master Surgeon. This collection includes Wolfe's professional materials. The bulk of the materials are slides documenting his pathologies and surgeries. The collection also contains photographic prints, negatives, and a small amount of correspondence, printed materials, and presentations. Materials date from 1965 to 1998.
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Walter G. Wolfe Oral History Interviews, 1994, 2019

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Walter G. Wolfe, MD (1937-2020), emeritus faculty member and a Duke cardiothoracic surgeon, led the cardiac surgery program at the Veterans Administration (VA) turning the struggling VA program into one of the most successful in the country. During his more than 50 year tenure at Duke, he was a cardiothoracic surgeon, clinician researcher, teacher, and mentor. This collection contains 2 oral history interviews conducted on July 14, 1994 by Dr. James F. Gifford and June 5, 2019 by Susannah Roberson as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the 1994 interview, Wolfe discusses his career, work of the Pulmonary Physiology Laboratory of which Wolfe was the director, the structure of the Department of Surgery, and the evolution of the Department of Surgery. In the 2019 interview, Wolfe discusses his early life, education, why he decided to join the medical profession, how he came to complete his residency at Duke, his different roles during his career at Duke, what it was like to work for and with Sabiston, and his memories of Sabiston.
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Robert G. Winfree Records, 1951-1996

Abstract Or Scope
Contains records created by the office of Robert G. Winfree (1943-2011), an administrator of Duke University Medical Center. Winfree's work involved close contact with top-level medical center administrators, including Ralph Snyderman, William Anlyan, Bernard McGinty, and Jane Elchlepp. Records pertain to the administration of Duke University Medical Center divisions, especially regarding accreditation, investigative compliance, and building maintenance and expansion. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes, budgets, space allocation plans, and committee materials. Subjects include space allocation, clinics, accreditation, administration, management, compliance, site visits, public relations, expansion, Duke University Medical Center buildings, Sea Level Hospital, Duke Health Information Systems, the Medical Center Information System, and the personal life of Robert G. Winfree. Materials range in date from 1951 to 1994.

William P. Wilson Papers, 1960-2007

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the records of William P. Wilson from 1976 to 2007 including those from his professional work at Duke and his professional and personal life after his retirement from Duke. Types of materials include correspondence, manuscripts, itinerary for speaking engagements, outlines for lectures, research notes, brochures, pamphlets, photos, clippings and one CD pertaining to the work of Dr. Wilson especially in psychiatry and spiritual healing. Major topics include Duke University, psychiatry and Christianity.
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William P. Wilson Oral History Interviews, 2010-2010

Abstract Or Scope
William P. Wilson (1922-2018) was a Professor of Psychiatry and director of the electroencephalographic laboratories at Duke University Medical Center, as well as the founder and original program director of Duke's program for Christianity, medicine, and psychiatry. This collection contains 2 oral history interviews conducted at separate times. Interviews were conducted on January 13, 2010 and February 11, 2010 by Jessica Roseberry. In the January 13, 2010 interview, Wilson discusses his medical career and his memories of Duke's Department of Psychiatry from its early days through his retirement in 1984. In the February 11, 2010 interview, Wilson discusses the establishment of the program for Christianity, medicine, and psychiatry at Duke and the fifteen years he served as the program's head.
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Interview, January 13, 2010

Ruby Leila Wilson Oral History Interviews, 1991-2007

Abstract Or Scope
Ruby Leila Wilson was the dean of the Duke University School of Nursing from 1971 to 1984.
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Interview, January 1, 1991

Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Ruby Leila Wilson (1931-), professor and dean of the Duke University School of Nursing. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, reports, evaluations, manuals, designs, buildings plans, budgets, speeches, applications, course materials, conference materials, photographs, minutes, notes, programs, AV materials, and academic regalia. Major subjects include Duke University School of Nursing, faculty, nursing students, nursing education, curriculum development, and Duke University Hospital. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2008.
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Interview, June 22, 2005

Joanne A. P. Wilson Oral History Interviews, 2007, 2024

Abstract Or Scope
Joanne A. P. Wilson was the second African-American woman to graduate from Duke University School of Medicine. She later became a full professor in Duke's Department of Medicine. This collection contains 2 oral history interviews conducted on May 24, 2007 by Jessica Roseberry as part of the Women in Duke Medicine Oral History Exhibit and March 2, 2024 by Ava Meigs as part of the Bass Connections Agents of Change Oral History Project. In the May 24, 2007 interview, Wilson discusses her experiences as a woman within the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Duke and establishing the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology at the University of South Alabama. In the March 2, 2024 interview, Wilson discusses her experiences as an undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, her experiences as a medical student at Duke, her diverse forms of activism, and her thoughts on the path to equity in medicine and at Duke. The themes of this interview includes racial discrimination, community activism, preventive care, and health equity.
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Joanne A. P. Wilson Oral History Interviews, 2007, 2024 2 interviews (2 master CDs, 2 use CDs, and 2 transcripts) and 1.04 GB

Florence K. Wilson Papers, 1933-1967

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Florence K. Wilson (1889-1960), dean of the Duke University School of Nursing from 1946 to 1954. Types of materials include correspondence, conference materials, committee materials, professional association materials, short writings, and applications. Major subjects include Duke University School of Nursing, nursing education, and nursing students. Materials range in date from 1933 to 1967.

Roger D. Williams Collection, 1947-1966

Abstract Or Scope
Contains materials pertaining to Roger D. Williams (1924-2009), graduate of Duke University School of Medicine and Professor of General Surgery at Ohio State University College of Medicine. Types of materials include bound volumes of reprints of Williams' publications and his Duke graduate robe and hood. Materials date from 1947 to 1966.
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R. Sanders Williams Oral History Interview, February 4, 2004

Abstract Or Scope
R. Sanders Williams is dean of the Duke University School of Medicine.
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Interview, February 4, 2004

Hilda P. Willett Oral History Interview, May 21, 2007

Abstract Or Scope
Hilda P. Willett (1923-2013) was the first female in Duke's Department of Microbiology (now the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology) and the first person to receive a PhD from that department, later becoming a full professor. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on May 21, 2007 by Jessica Roseberry as part of the Women in Duke Medicine Oral History Exhibit. In this interview, Willett discusses her memories of being a female in Duke's Department of Microbiology.
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Hilda P. Willett Oral History Interview, May 21, 2007 1 interview (2 master CDs, 2 use CDs, and 1 transcript)

Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013

Abstract Or Scope
Contains records of the laboratory work and files of Huntington F. Willard, first director of the Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy at Duke University, vice Chancellor for Genome Sciences and professor in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology.
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Catherine M. Wilfert Oral History Interview, August 25, 2006

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Catherine M. Wilfert (1936- ) was chief of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics at the Duke University School of Medicine from 1976 until 1994. An award-winning AIDS researcher, she has done much of her work in developing countries. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on August 26, 2006 by Jessica Roseberry as part of the Women in Duke Medicine Oral History Exhibit. In this interview, Wilfert discusses her work with AIDS patients in developing countries and the development of the anti-HIV drug AZT.
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Catherine M. Wilfert Oral History Interview, August 25, 2006 1 interview (2 master CDs, 2 use CDs, and 1 transcript)

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Delbert R. Wigfall Oral History Interview, 2024

Abstract Or Scope
Delbert R. Wigfall, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics and former Associate Dean for Medical Education, was a colleague and close friend of Brenda Armstrong, MD, Professor of Pediatrics and Associate Dean of Admissions for the Duke University School of Medicine. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on February 18, 2024 by Ava Meigs as part of the Bass Connections Agents of Change Oral History Project. In the interview, which primarily focuses on Armstrong as a pivotal figure in the history of the Duke University School of Medicine, Wigfall discusses Armstrong's beginnings in science and medicine, her experiences as one of the few Black physicians at Duke, her work as Associate Dean of Admissions, resistance to her racial equity initiatives, her reputation among patients, and her legacy within the Duke and Durham communities. The themes of this interview includes health equity, access to health care, fostering diversity, and community activism.
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Interview, February 18, 2024

Frances K. Widmann Oral History Interview, November 28, 2007

Abstract Or Scope
Frances K. Widmann (1935-2013) was a former director of the Durham Veterans Administration Hospital blood bank and faculty member in Duke's Department of Pathology. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on November 28, 2007 by Jessica Roseberry as part of the Women in Duke Medicine Oral History Exhibit. In this interview, Widmann discusses her experiences as a woman at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University Medical Center, and the Durham Veterans Administration Hospital.
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Frances K. Widmann Oral History Interview, November 28, 2007 1 interview (1 master CD, 1 use CD, and 1 transcript)

Evelyn Booker Wicker Oral History Interview, February 10, 2006

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Evelyn Booker Wicker held numerous positions at Duke University Hospital for more than 30 years, including director of Nursing Services for Duke Hospital South, 1978-1986; director of nursing, Division of Women's Health at Duke Hospital, 1986-1990; and director of Duke University Medical Center's Hospital Career Development Program, 1991-2000.
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Evelyn Booker Wicker Oral History Interview, February 10, 2006

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Interview, circa. 1990

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Interview, October 30, 2009

Charles Watson Wharton Papers, 1930-1933

Abstract Or Scope
Charlies Watson Wharton (1909-1990) had a medical practice in Smithfield, North Carolina. The collection includes notebooks; diagrams; sketches about preclinical subjects, physiology, and pharmacology; medical histories; and physical examinations. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1933.

Richard D. Weiner Records, 1933-2022

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Richard David Weiner, MD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, received his training and spent the bulk of his career as a psychiatrist and faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke. Weiner's research interests are in electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and is considered a world authority on this treatment modality, particularly in terms of research to optimize safely and efficacy of the equipment used to deliver ECT, as well as regulation of these devices by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Includes materials documenting Weiner's work with ECT at Duke, as well as national activities in this area. Types of materials include publications, publicity, clippings, conference proceedings, reports, reprints, administrative records, photographic materials, presentations, ECT records, FDA materials, and legal materials. Materials date from 1933 to 2022.
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Ronald J. Weigel Oral History Interview, 2019

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Ronald J. Weigel, MD, PhD, MBA, earned his undergraduate and masters in chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his medical degree from Yale University School of Medicine and a doctoral degree in molecular biophysics and biochemistry from the Yale University Graduate School. He received his surgical training at Duke University Medical Center completing his internship, a postdoctoral fellowship, and residency at Duke; he was Chief Resident for Duke Surgery in 1992. He earned his master of business administration from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Weigel joined the faculty at the University of Iowa's Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine in 2005 where he is a professor of surgical oncology and endocrine surgery, biochemistry, anatomy and cell biology, and molecular physiology and biophysics and the chair of the Department of Surgery. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on May 29, 2019 by Emily Stewart as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the interview Weigel discusses his early life, education, his decision to become a doctor, medical school and his PhD from Yale, his decision to pursue surgery, his decision to come to Duke for his residency, memories of Dr. Sabiston, experiences being a surgery intern at Duke, using Sabiston as his example for how to be a mentor, his experience being Sabiston's Chief Resident in 1992, how Sabiston supported African Americans and women in the Department of Surgery, how Sabiston interacted with patients, Sabiston's holiday parties, and his career after Duke.
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Interview, May 29, 2019

Watts School of Nursing Records, 1975-2013

Abstract Or Scope
Watts School of Nursing (WSON), formerly Watts Hospital Training School for Nurses, is North Carolina's second oldest nursing school, established by George W. Watts in 1895. In 2019, WSON transistioned to Watts College of Nursing and their long-standing diploma program transitioned to a baccalaureate program in January 2020. Types of materials include nursing student composites, photographs of Watts Hospital, and a certificate. Materials date from 1975 to 2013.
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Watts Hospital Records, 1909-1940

Abstract Or Scope
Watts Hospital, located in Durham, North Carolina, was the city's first hospital. It was funded by George W. Watts and opened in 1895 as a private 22-bed, modern hospital, dedicated to the care of Durham's white citizens. African American citizens were cared for at Lincoln Hospital, which opened in 1901. By 1909, Watts Hospital's 22-bed facility was too small for a fast growing Durham, and a newer facility was built on 25 acres at the intersection of Club Boulevard and Board Street. This is where the hospital remained until it closed in 1976 when it merged with Lincoln Hospital when Durham County General Hospital (now Duke Regional Hospital) opened. The grounds and buildings of the hospital's 1909 campus were converted into the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, which opened in 1980. Types of materials hospital ledgers documenting births and expenses. Materials date from 1909 to 1940.
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Ledgers, 1909-1940

Louanne K. Watley Nursing Memorabilia, 1959-1960

Abstract Or Scope
Louanne K. Watley is a photographer based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Watley started her career in nursing, receiving her nursing degree from Duke University School of Nursing. After her career in nursing, she discovered poetry and photography, and she developed her skills in those areas. Contains photographs from Watley's time at Duke. Materials date from 1959 to 1960.
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Nursing Memorabilia, 1959-1960

Louanne K. Watley Nursing Memorabilia, 1959-1960 0.1 Linear Feet (1 folder)

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Interview, undated

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Interview, February 7, 2012

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Interview, May 14, 2004

Bertram E. Walls Oral History Interview, 2024

Abstract Or Scope
Bertram E. Walls, MD, received his medical degree from Duke University Medicine School in 1976, where he also completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Ob/Gyn). It was during this time, Walls worked alongside Donald T. Moore, MD, a renowned Ob/Gyn physician, who had significant influence on Walls' career and personal values. Following his medical training, Walls embarked on a career in private practice, specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. Later, Walls pursued further education, graduating from Duke Fuqua Business School in 1994. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on February 10, 2024 by Gemma Holland as part of the Bass Connections Agents of Change Oral History Project. In the interview, Walls discusses Moore's role in establishing clinics at Lincoln Hospital, his mentorship of medical students and residents, and his impact on patient care and surgical skills. The themes of this interview includes advocacy for diversity and inclusion in healthcare, serving underserved communities, and the legacy of Moore.
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Interview, February 10, 2024

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Galen S. Wagner Papers, 1964-2008

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Galen S. Wagner (1939-2016), a Duke cardiologist instrumental in developing the Duke Cardiovascular Databank. Types of material include correspondence, reports, applications, CVs, schedules, photographs, slides, video cassette tapes, administrative records, Duke University Cooperative Cardiovascular Care Society (DUCCS) materials, printed materials, patient files, surveys, brochures, directories, and records pertaining to Wagner's time training staff at Cabarrus Memorial Hospital in Concord, North Carolina. Materials date from 1964 to 2008.
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Interview, February 14, 2007

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Interview, June 29, 2011

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James R. Urbaniak Oral History Interview, 2018-2018

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. James R. Urbaniak graduated from Duke University School of Medicine in 1962 and completed his residency training in Orthopaedics at Duke in 1969. Urbaniak joined Duke's faculty in 1969 as an Assistant Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery and became a full professor in 1977. He became the Chief of the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery (1985-2002). In 1991 he was awarded the Virginia Flowers Baker Professorship Chair and, in 1994, he was appointed Vice Chairman of the Department of Surgery for Clinical Affairs. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on November 6, 2018 by Dr. Justin Barr and is part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the interview, Urbaniak discusses his childhood, how he came to Duke, his experiences at Duke, orthopedics and orthopedic surgery, his time as the attending physician to the United States Congress and the Supreme Court during the Vietnam War, general surgery, Dr. David C. Sabiston, Dr. Lenox D. Baker, Dr. J. Leonard Goldner, hand surgery, microsurgery, and vascularized fibular grafts.
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Interview, November 6, 2018

Ross M. Ungerleider Oral History Interview, 1994-1994

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Ross M. Ungerleider, MD, MBA, is a surgeon, researcher, author, public speaker, surgical educator, and coach. He completed his residency in General and Thoracic Surgery at Duke University Medical Center, joining the faculty in 1987 where he rose to tenured professor by 1996. In addition to this, he also held the roles of Chief of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Surgical Director and co-founder of Pediatric and Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, and Surgical Director and founder of the EMCO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenator) program. He remained at Duke until 2001 when he left to help build children's heart programs and teach leadership and teamwork at numerous other medical institutions. He is recognized for pioneering the use of echocardiography in the operating room to evaluate the heart anatomy at the time of repair, and to assess the adequacy of the repair prior to the patient leaving the operating room, providing care for more than 7,000 hearts of infants and children with congenital heart disease. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on July 22, 1994 by Dr. James Gifford. In this interview, which is included in the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project, Ungerleider discusses his personal background, education and surgical training, research experiences at Duke and the research being done in his laboratory, the importance of the research work done in laboratories as a means to teach the next generation of doctors, building the Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenator) Programs at Duke, and how Sabiston's leadership of the Department of Surgery created an environment that promoted academic surgery that attracted excellent residents.
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Interview, July 22, 1994

Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001

Abstract Or Scope
Contains records received from the Undersea Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS), a United States based international nonprofit association serving physicians, scientists, associates, and nurses in the fields of hyperbaric and dive medicine. Types of materials include reports, reprints, news releases, minutes, programs, correspondence, and photographs. Materials date from 1931 to 2001.

Lee Tyrey Papers, 1969-1991

Abstract Or Scope
Elmer Lee Tyrey was a professor at Duke University School of Medicine from 1983 to 2006. He taught in multiple departments during his time at Duke, serving as a Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1983-2006), a Professor for the Department of Neurobiology (1994-2006), and an Associate Professor in the Department of Anatomy (1987-1989). This collection contains published articles and manuscripts, as well as experimental procedures, notes, and laboratory notebooks concerning Lee Tyrey's research into the neuroendocrine mechanisms that regulate reproductive function through the use of the rat model. The collection also contains materials collected by Tyrey during his times as a professor at Duke University School of Medicine, including medical illustrations, teaching and informational films, publications, and memoranda. Materials range in date from 1969 to 1991.
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Malcolm P. Tyor and Anne Bradfield Tyor Papers, 1943-2006

Abstract Or Scope
Malcolm P. Tyor (1923-2003) was chief of the Division of Gastroenterology at Duke University Medical Center for twenty years (1965-1985). His wife, Anne Bradfield Tyor (1925-2012), graduated from the Duke University School of Dietetics in 1946. This collection contains personal and professional correspondence, mailing lists and other materials for organizing class reunions, drafts of talks, film, photographs, certificates, and plaques. The bulk of the collection consists of the papers of Malcolm P. Tyor. Anne Bradfield Tyor is a correspondent and a subject of correspondence in the class reunion materials. Major subjects include the Duke University School of Medicine; Duke Medical Center; the Division of Gastroenterology; Tyor's extensive involvement in professional networks and organizations in gastroenterology, medical research; alumni of the Duke University School of Medicine; gastroenterologists who maintained professional connections with Malcolm P. Tyor; and reunion materials from members of the Duke University School of Medicine class of 1946. Materials range in date from 1943 to 2006.
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Malcolm P. Tyor and Anne Bradfield Tyor Papers, 1943-2006 3.5 Linear Feet (2 cartons, 1 flat box, and 1 flat box folder)

Anne Bradfield Tyor Oral History Interview, January 31, 2006

Abstract Or Scope
Anne Bradfield Tyor graduated from the Duke University School of Dietetics in 1946. She married Dr. Malcolm P. Tyor, who was chief of the Division of Gastroenterology from 1965 to 1985.
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Josiah C. Trent Papers, 1930-1961

Abstract Or Scope
Contains professional papers of Josiah C. Trent (1914-1948), associate professor of surgery and chief of the Division of Thoracic Surgery at Duke. Materials include correspondence, patient files, and subject files pertaining to Dr. Trent's professional life. Most of the correspondence chronicles Trent's involvement with various professional organizations and his acquaintance with prominent figures in various fields: medical history--John Fulton, Henry Sigerist, and W. W. Francis; the history of Duke University--Wilburt C. Davison, Lenox D. Baker; the history of the development of library administration--Thomas Keys and Bertha Hallam. The bulk of the materials were removed from Trent's medical office upon his death and has relatively few items that pertain to his personal life. Items of a more personal nature are located with the James H. and Mary D. B. T. Semans Family Papers in Duke University's Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library. Materials date from 1930 to 1961.
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Interview, circa. 1990

Walter Lee Thomas Papers, 1936-1960

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional and personal papers of Walter Lee Thomas (1906-1970), physician and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Duke University from 1937 until the mid-1960s. During World War II, he served on active duty with the 65th General Hospital (1942-1945) and served a three month assignment for the Surgeon General in the Far East in 1949. Types of materials include correspondence and administrative papers of the Southern Medical Association, the American Association of Obstetricians, Gynecologists and Abdominal Surgeons, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the North Carolina Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, and the Southern Gynecological and Obstetrical Society. Additionally, it includes papers of the Duke University curriculum committee, and correspondence with pharmaceutical companies. Materials date from 1936 to 1960.
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Patricia (Pat) L. Thibodeau Oral History Interviews, 2017

Abstract Or Scope
Patricia (Pat) L. Thibodeau, former Associate Dean for Library Services and Archives at the Duke University Medical Center Library & Archives (DUMCL&A), received degrees from the University of New Hampshire and the University of Rhode Island. Prior to joining the DUMCL&A in 1993, she worked as a cataloger at Rhode Island College, Director of the Health Sciences Information Center and Research Administration at the Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island, and Library Director at the Mountain Area Health Education Center (AHEC). This collection includes two oral history interviews conducted with Thibodeau on March 28 and March 29, 2017 at the time Thibodeau was preparing to retire from his position as Associate Dean for Library Services and Archives at DUMCL&A. The interviews include discussions of Thibodeau's life and career history, from her upbringing in rural New Hampshire through her achievements as Associate Dean. In addition to narrating key events, Thibodeau describes the people who influenced her philosophy of librarianship, her career-long interest in learning and applying new technologies, and the challenges of administration during times of institutional restructuring.
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Interviews, March 28 and March 29, 2017

Ed Thalmann Papers, 1970-2003

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Ed Thalmann (1945-2004), former assistant clinical professor in anesthesiology for Duke University's Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and assistant medical director of the Divers Alert Network in Durham, North Carolina. Types of materials include correspondence, reference files, articles, slides, manuals, and notes. Major subjects include decompression, decompression sickness, and diving. Materials range in date from 1970 to 2003, with the bulk of material undated.
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Sally Yeatts Taylor nursing cap, circa. 1962

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1 oversize box; 1 folder

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Inteview, August 25, 2004

Francis Huntington Swett and Mary Elizabeth Glenn Swett Papers, circa 1932-1956

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the research files for Francis Huntington Swett (1893-1943) and correspondence regarding his wife Mary Elizabeth Swett's (1895-1955) death. Francis Swett was a professor of anatomy and the first chair of the Department of Anatomy at Duke University School of Medicine. Following his death, Elizabeth Swett began working in the Duke School of Medicine's admissions office. Types of materials include research drawings and figures, notes, charts, correspondence, reports, and photographs. Materials range in date from 1932 to 1956.

Louis E. Swanson Records, 1957-1984

Abstract Or Scope
Louis E. Swanson (1919-2004) was the director of the Medical Center Planning Office from 1960 to 1978, and the director of facilities planning for Duke University Medical Center from 1978 until his retirement in 1984. Prior to his directorships, Swanson was made assistant superintendent of Duke University Hospital in 1949. He was promoted to co-superintendent in 1952 and assistant administrative director in 1955. Swanson also served as an associate professor in hospital administration in the Duke Department of Health Administration for thirty-five years. This collection contains correspondence, addresses, lectures, records, and planning files related to Louis E. Swanson's tenure as assistant administrative director of Duke Hospital, director of the Duke University Medical Center Planning Office, and director of facilities planning for the Duke Medical Center. Major subjects include building planning and construction projects with which Swanson was involved during his time at Duke, particularly the East-West Expressway. Materials range in date from 1961 to 1984.
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Top 3 results in this collection — view all 4

Interview, December 7, 2006

Justine Strand de Oliveira Papers, 1973-2020

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Justine Strand de Oliveira, former Vice Chair for Education in the Department of Community and Family Medicine. Types of materials include an academic stole, certificates, correspondence, newsletters, programs, notes, clippings, a calendar, agendas, business cards, faxes, legal statutes, membership lists, photographs, reports, meeting minutes, a questionnaire/survey, a grant proposal, an application to Duke's Physician Assistant (PA) program, the Duke Student and Faculty Handbook, a VHS tape, Strand's Physician Assistant License, Dr. E. Harvey Estes interview transcript, and digital files representing her 2011 professorship dossier and documenting the "Pop Up Think Tank" organized by Strand while working in the United Kingdom. Major subjects include professional development, state regulations for PAs, and advocacy for PAs contributions to the medical field. Materials range in date from 1973 to 2020.
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Justine Strand de Oliveira Papers, 1973-2020 1.75 Linear Feet (1 carton, 1 card box) and 89.64 MB

Gary L. Stiles Records, 1997-2003, undated

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Gary L. Stiles, former cardiologist and administrator at Duke University Medical Center and Duke University Health System. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, notes, legal documents, presentations, survey responses, budgets, grant materials, annual reports, and financial documents. Materials range in date from 1997 to 2003, with the bulk of material undated.
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Interview, October 26, 2009

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Eugene A. Stead Papers, 1920-2000

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Eugene Anson Stead (1908-2005), former professor and chair of the Department of Medicine at Duke University School of Medicine. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, grant materials, writings, speeches, manuscript materials, certificates, awards, photographs, clippings, and audiotapes. Also includes manuscript materials created by John Laszlo based on interviews with Stead and photographs created and used by Barton F. Haynes as editor of Stead's memoirs. Major subjects include the Duke University School of Medicine, the Department of Medicine, the study and teaching of medicine, medical ethics, medical education, and education of physician assistants. Materials range in date from 1920 to 2000.

School of Nursing Records, 1930-2024

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the administrative records of the School of Nursing, School of Nursing Alumni Association, and other nursing student associations. Types of materials include correspondence, minutes, certificates, newsletters, budgets, evaluations, reports, class records, proceedings, publications, awards, photographs, ephemera, memorabilia, printed materials, DVDs, CDs, clippings, and digital files. Major subjects include Duke University School of Nursing students and faculty, School of Nursing Alumni Association, Nursing Student Government Association, Nursing education, continuing education, nursing students, nursing societies, sororities, Sigma Theta Tau, Bessie Baker, Rachel Booth, Myrtle Irene Brown, Dorothy Brundage, Ann Jacobansky, Margaret Pinkerton, Florence K. Wilson, and Ruby L. Wilson. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2024.
2 results in this collection