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Department of Arts & Health at Duke Records, 1939-2014

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Contains the collected materials of the Department of Arts & Health at Duke, a department established in 1978 to promote the role of the arts and humanities in healthcare at Duke Hospital. Types of materials include administrative files, grant reports, subject files, research project files, articles, publications, clippings, scrapbooks, photographs, slides, video tapes, audio cassette tapes, exhibit material, exhibit budgets, artwork, artifacts, personal gift requests and records, performance programs, notes, correspondence, and administrative materials. Major subjects include arts and healthcare as a discipline, cultural arts programming undertaken at Duke Hospital, funding and grant sources, and the "Duke Employee Shows." Materials range in date from 1939 to 2014.

Publications Collection, 1932-2024

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Collection contains periodicals created for the Duke University Medical Center community. Major subjects include Duke Hospital, health care, Duke University School of Medicine, Duke University School of Nursing, Duke Medical Alumni Association and student life. Materials range in date from 1932 to 2024.
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Office of Creative Services and Marketing Communications Records, 1970-2023

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The Office of Creative Services and Marketing Communications works with clients across Duke University Health System to create communication media such as publications, Web sites, ad campaigns, banners, and holiday cards. The office publishes annual reports, long range plans, and other works that document the history of the Health System, including "INSIDE Duke Medicine." The office also assists in creating presentations for various personnel matters. Materials in this collection includes photographs, negatives, and contact sheets taken for publication purposes, including for the publication "INSIDE Duke Medicine." Other materials include promotional flyers, brochures, posters, annual reports, long range plans, handbooks, buttons, pins, and other materials intended for an internal audience. The collection also contains the binders and files of Marsha Green, the former manager of internal communications and assistant director of communications and editor of "INSIDE Duke Medicine," materials including correspondence, clippings, handwritten notes, presentations, news releases, drafts, reports, handbooks, brochures, publications, and resumes. Also includes digital files. Digital files document Duke Health's response to COVID-19 and include images distributed to external news organizations and content from Duke Health's COVID-19 website ( including Duke Health Nursing and Duke Health Leadership virtual town halls. The digital files also document Moments to Movement (M2M), Duke Health's collective stand against systemic racism, injustice, and hate, panel series and associated virtual town halls. Materials date from 1970 to 2023.

Charles and Peggy Hammond Papers, 1915-2016, undated

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Contains the personal and professional papers of Dr. Charles B. Hammond (1936-2021), chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1980-2002), and a small amount of personal correspondence belonging to Peggy Hammond. Types of materials include 3.5 inch floppy disks, a 16mm film reel, awards, CDs, certificates, clippings, conference materials, correspondence, digital surrogates, DVDs, lantern slides, negatives, newsletters, notes, slides, and VHS tapes. Major subjects of the collection include Hammond's involvement in and recognitions from professional organizations like the American Fertility Society and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Materials range in date from 1915 to 2016, and some materials are undated.

Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003

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Documents the professional career of Ewald W. Busse (1917-2004), the former chair of Duke's Department of Psychiatry and founding director the Duke University Center for Aging and Human Development. The materials include Busse's "History of the Department of Psychiatry at Duke"; Busse's reprints; a history of the Duke Medical Center Building Fund; awards and honors; reports and evaluations regarding the J. B. Gibbons Scholarship; minutes, newsletters, correspondence, and publications from the International Association of Gerontology; information about Highland Hospital (Asheville, North Carolina); materials regarding the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development; and the Medical School Advisory Committee's (MedSAC) minutes materials. Materials range in date from 1945 to 2003.

C. J. Lambertsen Papers, 1930-2004

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Christian James (C. J.) Lambertsen (1917-2011) worked as a professor of pharmacology, director of the Institute for Environmental Medicine, and the founding director of the Environmental Biomedical Stress Data Center in 1985 at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine. He designed the Lambertsen Amphibious Respiratory Unit (LARU), which was the first widely used, closed-circuit Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA) in the United States. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, photographs, audio material, slides, lab books, lab data, experimental measures and procedures, diagrams, graphs, articles, manuscript drafts, grant proposals, newspaper clippings, and notes. Primary subjects include decompression, oxygenation, diving, decompression sickness, diving physiology, and underwater breathing apparatus. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2004.

Walter Kempner Papers and Records, circa 1930-2016

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Contains professional records pertaining to Walter Kempner's (1903-1997) Rice Diet and related work for Duke University. Kempner began working at Duke's School of Medicine in the Department of Medicine in 1934 and was interested in the effect of diet on various diseases including hypertension and diabetes, which developed into the Rice Diet. The collection also contains business records from the Walter Kemper Foundation. Types of materials include medical records, newsletters, correspondence, clippings, budgets, logbooks, membership materials, and minutes. Major subjects include reducing diets, cell physiology, obesity, and Duke University Medical Center. Materials range in date from circa 1930 to 2016.

Biographical Files Collection, 1930s-present

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Biographical materials files were created primarily by Duke News Service from the 1930s until around the early 1980s. Duke News Service also maintained a clippings file documenting activities of Duke University Medical Center departments, programs, and student life. Collection contains clippings, notes, brochures, curriculum vitae and other materials of a biographical nature pertaining to individuals associated with Duke University Medical Center. Major subjects include Duke University faculty, the School of Medicine, the School of Nursing, Duke University Medical Center, and Duke Hospital. Materials range in date from the 1930s to the present.
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Department of Medicine Records, 1930 - 2017

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The Department of Medicine was established in 1930, coinciding with the opening of Duke Hospital. Types of materials include reprints; appointment lists of professors, associates, instructors, residents, affiliates, and alumni; biographical sketches; Eugene A. Stead Jr. alumni lists; a biography of Frederic Moir Hanes; lists of chief residents of Duke Hospital, VA Medical Center, and Ambulatory Care; a list of the numbers of house staff; student, house staff, and faculty files; and staff and faculty group photographs. Major subjects include the Department of Medicine. Materials date from 1930 to 2017.

George L. Maddox Papers, 1950-2010

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Contains the professional papers of George L. Maddox (1925-2012), a professor of sociology and former director of the Duke University Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development. Types of materials include reprinted articles, correspondence, lectures, notes, books, course materials, meeting minutes, grant materials, research, clippings, reports, presentations, reviews, agendas, promotional materials, scheduled reports, work plans, site visit records, program proposals, staffing records, evaluative and screening materials, editorial files, charters and by-laws, policies and guidelines, policy recommendations, publications, photographs, and digital records. Special topics include the Community Partnerships for Older Adults, the Long Term Care Resources Program, and research conducted by Senior Fellows at the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development under Maddox's directorship. Materials range in date from 1950 to 2010.