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North Carolina League of Nursing Education Records, 1946 - 1948

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The North Carolina League of Nursing Education, working with the support of the North Carolina State Nurses' Association, had two main goals: to create a statewide nursing curriculum and to expand the professional nursing association structure. These two organizations guided the professional advancement of North Carolina's nurses. This collection includes North Carolina League of Nursing Education Board of Directors minutes, committee lists, committee and membership letters, member lists, and correspondence. Also includes the North Carolina League of Nursing Education constitution and bylaws and the program for the forty-fifth annual convention program. Materials date from 1946 to 1948.
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Watts Hospital Records, 1909-1940

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Watts Hospital, located in Durham, North Carolina, was the city's first hospital. It was funded by George W. Watts and opened in 1895 as a private 22-bed, modern hospital, dedicated to the care of Durham's white citizens. African American citizens were cared for at Lincoln Hospital, which opened in 1901. By 1909, Watts Hospital's 22-bed facility was too small for a fast growing Durham, and a newer facility was built on 25 acres at the intersection of Club Boulevard and Board Street. This is where the hospital remained until it closed in 1976 when it merged with Lincoln Hospital when Durham County General Hospital (now Duke Regional Hospital) opened. The grounds and buildings of the hospital's 1909 campus were converted into the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, which opened in 1980. Types of materials hospital ledgers documenting births and expenses. Materials date from 1909 to 1940.
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Ledgers, 1909-1940

Watts Hospital Records, 1909-1940 0.5 Linear Feet (1 flat box)

Charles Watson Wharton Papers, 1930-1933

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Charlies Watson Wharton (1909-1990) had a medical practice in Smithfield, North Carolina. The collection includes notebooks; diagrams; sketches about preclinical subjects, physiology, and pharmacology; medical histories; and physical examinations. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1933.