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Duke Immune Profiling Core Laboratory Notebooks, 2004-2023

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The Duke Immune Profiling Core (DIPC) is a Duke School of Medicine and Duke Cancer Center Institute Service Center whose academic home resides in the Department of Surgery. Their overarching mission, "To identify immunologic signatures that predict clinical outcomes," is comprised two components: Service and Discovery. Collection contains laboratory notebooks. Materials date from 2004 to 2023.

Frank Libman Engel Papers, 1934-1990

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Contains the personal and professional papers of Frank Libman Engel (1913-1963), chair of the Division of Endocrinology at Duke University School of Medicine from 1960 to 1963. Types of materials include personal and professional correspondence, grant materials, articles, photographs, reports, lectures, notes, yearbooks, and clippings. Materials range in date from 1934 to 1990.

Ralph Snyderman (Chief) Papers, 1951-1990

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Dr. Ralph Snyderman, MD, is Chancellor Emeritus of Duke University, James B. Duke Professor of Medicine, and Director of the Duke Center for Research on Personalized Health Care. Contains the professional papers Snyderman created during his tenure as chief of the Division of Rheumatic and Genetic Diseases (1976-1985) within the Department of Medicine at Duke University Medical Center. Also includes research and teaching materials. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, committee materials, meeting and conference records, speeches, photographs, clippings, brochures, pamphlets, grant materials, patent materials, and writings. Major correspondents include Joseph Greenfield, Barton Haynes, George Cianciolo, and Robert Lefkowitz. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, Duke University Health System, School of Medicine, arthritis, and drug therapy for arthritis and inflammation. Materials date from 1951 to 1990.

Thelma Ingles Papers, 1936-2012

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Contains the personal and professional papers of Thelma M. Ingles (1909-1983), former professor and chair of the Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing at Duke University and international nursing education consultant. Types of materials include correspondence, diaries, reports, schedules, writings, reprints, biographical materials, and photographs. Major subjects include nursing education, nurse-patient relations, nursing service in hospitals, Duke Hospital, Duke University School of Nursing faculty, and Duke University Department of Nursing. Materials range from 1936 to 2014.
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Writings and Biographical Materials, 1955-1986

Sally Kornbluth Records, 1991-2017

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Sally Kornbluth grew up in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. She joined the Duke faculty in 1994. While at Duke, she has been both the James B. Duke Professor in the department of pharmacology and cancer biology and the Jo Rae Wright University Professor. Kornbluth was appointed Duke University Provost on July 1, 2014; she is the first female provost at Duke. Kornbluth's research interests include the study of cell proliferation and programmed cell death, areas of central importance for understanding both carcinogenesis and degenerative disorders. She has published extensively in these areas, studying these problems in a variety of model organisms. Includes lab notebooks, loose research, and other files created by and used by Kornbluth and her researchers during the course of research directed by Kornbluth. Materials date from 1991 to 2017.

Scott W. Cousins Records, 1974-2014

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Scott W. Cousins, M.D., a retina-trained ophthalmologist specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of macular diseases, conducts research in both the clinical and laboratory setting at Duke. His research centers on various areas of dry and wet AMD and diabetic retinopathy. The bulk of this collection contains laboratory notebooks, research materials, and photographic materials. The materials in this collection date from 1974 to 2014.
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Zachary Rosenthal Oral History Interview, 2009-2009

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Dr. Mark Zachary Rosenthal is an Associate Professor with a joint appointment in the Duke University Medical Center Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Duke University Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. He is also the Director of the Duke Cognitive Behavioral Research and Treatment Program (CBRTP) and the Sensory Processing and Emotion Regulation Program, the Program Director for the Duke Clinical Psychology Fellowship Program, and the Vice Chair for Clinical Services in the Duke Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences. This collection contains 1 oral history interview with Dr. Zachary Rosenthal conducted on November 2, 2009 by Jungyun Kim and Hannah Smith. In this interview, Rosenthal discusses the definition of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), how he became interested in BPD, his research in emotional functioning of patients with BPD, his related work on the development of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for BPD, and the training of interns in the Duke Medical Psychology Internship Program.
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Zachary Rosenthal Oral History Interview, 2009-2009 1 interview (1 master CD and 1 use CD)

Joseph C. Greenfield Papers, 1940-2013

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Joseph C. Greenfield began his career at Duke in 1956, holding various positions at Duke University Medical Center and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. His positions have included chief of Duke University Medical Center's Cardiology Division (1981-1989) and chairman of Duke University Medical Center's Department of Medicine (1983-1995). He became a James B. Duke Distinguished Professor in 1981. This collection contains correspondence, interviews, personal accounts, curriculum vitae, bibliographies, newsletters, mailing lists, mailing labels, manuscript pages, photographic materials, and publications written by or pertaining to Dr. Joseph C. Greenfield. Major subjects include the history of the Duke Division of Cardiology and the Chief Medical Residents for the Duke Department of Medicine. Materials range in date from 1940 to 2013.

Division of Cardiology Records, 1952-2016

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Duke's Division of Cardiology, part of the Department of Medicine, is among one of the largest programs in the United States. Notable members of the division include Dr. Edward Orgain, Dr. Henry D. McIntosh, Dr. Andrew G. Wallace, and Dr. Joseph C. Greenfield. This collection contains subject files, newsletters, financial information, correspondence, meeting minutes, conference materials, agendas, study and research reports, writings, publications, programs, notes, presentations, personal accounts, proposals, questionnaires, interviews, lists, audiovisual materials, and photographic materials concerning the Division of Cardiology, particularly its departmental organizations, training fellows program, and the Duke Heart Center. Major subjects include the Duke Heart Center Board of Advisors, the Duke Cardiovascular Fellow's Society, the Duke University Cooperative Cardiovascular Society, and Dr. Joseph C. Greenfield's book on the history of the Cardiology Training Fellows program. Materials range in date from 1952 to 2016.
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Victor J. Dzau Laboratory Notebooks, 1978-2007, undated

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Contains the laboratory notebooks and research materials of Victor J. Dzau (1945- ), James B. Duke Professor of Medicine at Duke and former chancellor for health affairs at Duke University and president and CEO of Duke University Health System. Collection also contains the research materials of Dzau's former PhD and masters students from Stanford University, Harvard Medical School, and Duke University. Materials include laboratory notebooks, research notes, microscope slides, photo slides, negatives, 3.5 inch floppy disks, CDs, DVDs, and zip disks. The Dzau laboratory research focuses on the molecular and genetic mechanisms of cardiovascular disease and the development of new gene-based therapies for heart disease. These materials range from 1978 to 2007.
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Victor J. Dzau Laboratory Notebooks, 1978-2007, undated 39 Linear Feet (26 cartons)