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John D. York Papers, 1986-2012

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Dr. John D. York was a professor of biochemistry and pharmacology and cancer biology at Duke University Medical Center. He is also an invesigator for the non-profit medical research organization Howard Hughes Medical Institute. At Duke, York studied biology and enzyme regulation of inositol cellular signal transduction pathways, and the mechanisms of lithium action as it pertains to treatment of bipolar disorder. In 2012, he became the chair of Vanderbilt University's Dept. of Biochemistry.
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Glenn J. Jaffe Records, 1984-2014

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Glenn Jay Jaffe, MD, Robert Machemer MD Distinguished Professor of Ophthalmology and Chief of the Division of Retinal Ophthalmology, is a retina specialist with an active basic and clinical research program. He is a vitreo-retinal surgeon and professor of ophthalmology at Duke University Eye Center. He is also the founder and Director of the OCT Reading Center at Duke. The bulk of this collection is comprised of laboratory notebooks, but it also includes slides, CDs, negatives, invoices, and research materials. The materials date from 1984 to 2014.

Marc G. Caron Papers, 1980-2005

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Marc G. Caron was a professor in the Department of Cell Biology at Duke University Medical Center, with secondary professorships in the Department of Neurobiology and Department of Medicine. His research involved the study of the mechanisms of action and regulation of hormones and neurotransmitters and how they might underlie brain and behavior disorders including schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, mood disorders, and addiction. The collection contains laboratory notebooks for students and colleagues who collaborated with Dr. Marc G. Caron on his clinical research conducted at Duke University Medical Center. Materials range in date from 1980 to 2005.
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Wolfgang K. Joklik Papers, 1945-2013

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This collection contains the collected materials which document the professional career of Wolfgang K. Joklik, Chair of the Duke Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology (1968-1993) and co-founder of the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center (1972). Materials include reprints; manuscript materials and publication correspondence; proceedings and correspondence relating to professional organizations of which Joklik was a member; programs and correspondence concerning professional talks, meetings, workshops, and symposia; employee files and recommendations; Duke University news publications; and subject files concerning the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center. Major subjects include the National Academy of Science (NAS), the American Society of Virology, the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Cancer Special Program Advisory Committee, the American Society for Microbiology, and both the McGinnis Memorial and Joklik Lecture Series. Materials date from 1945 to 2013.
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Wolfgang K. Joklik Papers, 1945-2013 24 Linear Feet (16 cartons)

Richard S. Lyman Papers, 1927-1957

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Contains the professional papers of Richard Sherman Lyman (1891-1959), professor of neuropsychiatry at Duke University from 1941 to 1951. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, memoranda, reports, budgets, course and teaching materials, and schedules. Major subjects include Duke Hospital, Duke University Medical Center, mental health agencies in North Carolina, mental health treatment, psychiatry, neurology, neuropsychology, nurse training programs, and treatment of soldiers and veterans of World War II. Materials range in date from 1927 to 1957.
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School of Nursing Records, 1930-2024

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Contains the administrative records of the School of Nursing, School of Nursing Alumni Association, and other nursing student associations. Types of materials include correspondence, minutes, certificates, newsletters, budgets, evaluations, reports, class records, proceedings, publications, awards, photographs, ephemera, memorabilia, printed materials, DVDs, CDs, clippings, and digital files. Major subjects include Duke University School of Nursing students and faculty, School of Nursing Alumni Association, Nursing Student Government Association, Nursing education, continuing education, nursing students, nursing societies, sororities, Sigma Theta Tau, Bessie Baker, Rachel Booth, Myrtle Irene Brown, Dorothy Brundage, Ann Jacobansky, Margaret Pinkerton, Florence K. Wilson, and Ruby L. Wilson. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2024.

Walter Kempner Papers and Records, circa 1930-2016

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Contains professional records pertaining to Walter Kempner's (1903-1997) Rice Diet and related work for Duke University. Kempner began working at Duke's School of Medicine in the Department of Medicine in 1934 and was interested in the effect of diet on various diseases including hypertension and diabetes, which developed into the Rice Diet. The collection also contains business records from the Walter Kemper Foundation. Types of materials include medical records, newsletters, correspondence, clippings, budgets, logbooks, membership materials, and minutes. Major subjects include reducing diets, cell physiology, obesity, and Duke University Medical Center. Materials range in date from circa 1930 to 2016.
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Zaven S. Khachaturian Oral History Interview, 1985-1985

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Zaven Khachaturian served as an associate director for the Neuroscience & Neuropsychology of Aging Program at the National Institution on Aging (NIA), as well as the director of the Office at Alzheimer's Disease Research. This collection contains 1 oral history interview. The interview was conducted on November 4, 1985 by Dr. James Gifford. In this interview, Khachaturian discusses a National Institute of Health (NIH) grant for Alzheimer's disease research that was awarded to the Duke University Medical Center. He also discusses the general history of Alzheimer's disease research at the NIA and the NIH, as well as efforts to raise awareness of the disease on the national level.
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Zaven S. Khachaturian Oral History Interview, 1985-1985 1 interview (1 audio cassette tape and 1 transcript)

Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979

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Contains the personal and professional papers of Wilburt Cornell Davison (1897-1972), pediatrician, chair of pediatrics, and first dean of Duke University School of Medicine (1927-1960). Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, memorabilia, scrapbooks, photographs, clippings, programs, budgets, reports, deeds, poems, manuscript materials, creative writings, genealogical materials, article reprints, diplomas, and certificates and invitations. Oversized diplomas and certificates have been separated from this collection. Major correspondents include George G. Allen, Atala Davison, Jay M. Arena, F. Vernon Altvater, Bessie Baker, William B. Bell, William Preston Few, Wiley D. Forbus, Frederic Moir Hanes, Elizabeth Hanes, Julian Deryl Hart, Sir William Osler, Talmage Peele, Wilder Penfield, Watson S. Rankin, Josiah Trent, and Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans. Major groups and associations in the collection include Alpha Omega Alpha, American Hospital Association, American Medical Association, Association of American Medical Colleges, Lincoln Hospital, Rockefeller Foundation, and Society for Pediatric Research. Major subjects in this collection include pediatrics, medical education, Duke University School of Medicine, Duke University faculty and students, Duke Hospital, and Private Diagnostic Clinic. Materials date from 1881 to 1972.

Joseph E. Markee Records, 1930-1972

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Contains the professional records of Dr. Joseph E. Markee, former chair of the Dept. of Anatomy at Duke University.
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