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Mary Jane Byrd Penland Nursing Memorabilia, 1940-1942

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Mary Jane Byrd Penland (1924-1991) was one of the first students to enter the advanced degree program at Duke University's School of Nursing. She received her BS in Nursing Education in 1945. Penland worked as registered nurse at several hospitals, including the University of Chicago Clinics and the Mission Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina. She also served as an instructor of nursing and assistant administrator of nursing at the Riverside Regional Medical Center in Newport News, Virginia from 1962 until her retirement in 1977. This collection contains materials from Penland's time as a student at Duke University School of Nursing. Types of materials include publications related to nursing and Duke University and an invitation and program for capping exercises. Materials date from 1940 to 1942.
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Mary Jane Byrd Penland Nursing Memorabilia, 1940-1942 0.2 Linear Feet (3 folders)

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Interview, circa. 1990

Herbert F. Crovitz Papers, 1960-1994

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Crovitz was a research psychologist at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Durham, N.C.
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Louis E. Swanson Records, 1957-1984

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Louis E. Swanson (1919-2004) was the director of the Medical Center Planning Office from 1960 to 1978, and the director of facilities planning for Duke University Medical Center from 1978 until his retirement in 1984. Prior to his directorships, Swanson was made assistant superintendent of Duke University Hospital in 1949. He was promoted to co-superintendent in 1952 and assistant administrative director in 1955. Swanson also served as an associate professor in hospital administration in the Duke Department of Health Administration for thirty-five years. This collection contains correspondence, addresses, lectures, records, and planning files related to Louis E. Swanson's tenure as assistant administrative director of Duke Hospital, director of the Duke University Medical Center Planning Office, and director of facilities planning for the Duke Medical Center. Major subjects include building planning and construction projects with which Swanson was involved during his time at Duke, particularly the East-West Expressway. Materials range in date from 1961 to 1984.
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Other Files, 1961-1984

Louis E. Swanson Records, 1957-1984 1.5 Linear Feet (1 carton)

Duke Surgical Instrument Shop Records and Surgical Devices, circa 1949-1954

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The Duke Surgical Instrument Shop was founded in 1949 and housed in the basement of the former William Bell Research Building. George W. Newton was the first shop manager, followed by Tom Orr and William Barber. In 1997, the Surgical Instrument Shop's administration was transferred from the Department of Surgery to the Department of Engineering and Maintenance Operations. Types of materials include a logbook detailing work done by the Surgical Instrument shop and three surgical devices. Materials range in date from 1949 to 1954.
3 results in this collection

Objects, 1949-1954

Duke Surgical Instrument Shop Records and Surgical Devices, circa 1949-1954 0.25 Linear Feet (1 bound volume) and 3 surgical devices

Elizabeth Hodges Nursing Memorabilia, 1963-1966

Abstract Or Scope
Elizabeth Hodges is a 1966 graduate from the Duke University School of Nursing. This collection contains clippings, programs, and photographs from Hodges time as a nursing student. The materials dates from 1963 to 1966.
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Nursing Memorabilia, 1963-1966

Elizabeth Hodges Nursing Memorabilia, 1963-1966 0.1 Linear Feet (1 folder)

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3 results in this collection

Clinical Services Executive Committee Records, 1990-1991

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Contains minutes from the clinical services executive committee, which discuss issues related to the Duke University Medical Center including departmental head appointments, accreditations, and operation and patient room utilization. Materials range in date from 1990 to 1991.
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Minutes, 1990-1991

Clinical Services Executive Committee Records, 1990-1991 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Medical Center Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1965-1994

Abstract Or Scope
Contains minutes for the annual faculty meetings for Duke University School of Medicine, which have traditionally been held in the spring of each academic year. Major topics include academic affairs at the Medical Center, yearly programs, and contemporary issues relevant to the Medical Center. Materials range in date from 1965 to 1994.

Margery Farmer Collection, 1962

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Margery Farmer (1937-2014) moved to Durham to attend Duke University in 1955, where she studied as an Angier B. Duke Scholar. From Duke, she received her Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Arts in Teaching, and she was eventually recognized with the Duke University Medical Center's Medical Dame certificate for the help she gave her husband, Dr. Joseph C. Farmer, Jr., throughout his medical education. She went on to work professionally in both the public and mental health fields. This collection contains the Medical Certificate Farmer was awarded by Duke University School of Medicine Dean Barnes Woodhall. Materials are from 1962.
3 results in this collection

Margery Farmer Collection, 1962 1 folder

Collection, 1962

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3 results in this collection

Interview, September 27, 2002

3 results in this collection

[Dr.] Daniels Oral History Interview, 1969-1969

Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains an oral history interview with Dr. Daniels on July 7, 1969.
3 results in this collection

Interview, July 7, 1969

[Dr.] Daniels Oral History Interview, 1969-1969 1 interview (1 audio cassette tape)

Helen Goodell Oral History Interview, 1969-1969

Abstract Or Scope
Helen Goodell (1901-1987) was a research associate in the department of neurology at Cornell University Medical College and the New York Hospital, known for her contributions in creating the "Hardy-Wolff-Goodell" pain scale. This collection contains an oral history interview conducted on July 3, 1969 by Robert Powell. Goodell discusses her career and the work of her colleagues, including Harold G. Wolff, Stewart Wolf, James D. Hardy and Beatrice Berle.
3 results in this collection

Interview, July 3, 1969

Helen Goodell Oral History Interview, 1969-1969 1 interview (1 audio cassette tape)

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3 results in this collection
3 results in this collection