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North Carolina League of Nursing Education Records, 1946 - 1948

Abstract Or Scope
The North Carolina League of Nursing Education, working with the support of the North Carolina State Nurses' Association, had two main goals: to create a statewide nursing curriculum and to expand the professional nursing association structure. These two organizations guided the professional advancement of North Carolina's nurses. This collection includes North Carolina League of Nursing Education Board of Directors minutes, committee lists, committee and membership letters, member lists, and correspondence. Also includes the North Carolina League of Nursing Education constitution and bylaws and the program for the forty-fifth annual convention program. Materials date from 1946 to 1948.
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Records, 1946-1948

North Carolina League of Nursing Education Records, 1946 - 1948 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Duke Med Chapter of the Latino Medical Student Association Records, 2013-2020

Abstract Or Scope
The Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) is an organization founded to represent, support, educate, and unify US Latinx medical students. The Duke Med Chapter of the LMSA holds volunteer events for the community, high school students, and Duke undergraduates. The Duke Med Chapter of the LMSA student group has been continuously active since 2009 with faculty advisor, Dr. Leonor Corsino. The records include materials documenting activities, meetings, volunteering, and other materials created by the Duke Med Chapter of the LSMA. Materials date from 2013 to 2020.
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Records, 2014

Duke Med Chapter of the Latino Medical Student Association Records, 2013-2020 0.8 Linear Feet (1 map folder) and 53.83 MB

Duke Global Health Institute Records, 2006

Abstract Or Scope
Contains bound copies of posters presented at the Duke Global Health Symposium. Materials date to 2006.
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Records, 2006

Duke Global Health Institute Records, 2006 0.5 Linear Feet (1 flat box)

Department of Cell Biology Records, 1989

Abstract Or Scope
The Department of Cell Biology focuses on research of the molecular structure and function of cells and their component parts with a vision of determining how cells interact to form embryos, tissues, and nervous systems, as well as investigating their role in physiology, behavior, and tissue repair and regeneration. Contains teaching notes relating to cell and tissue biology and microanatomy. Types of materials include class schedules, lecture notes, slide list, lab assignments, and study questions. Materials date to 1989.
3 results in this collection

Records, 1989

Department of Cell Biology Records, 1989 1.5 Linear Feet (1 carton)

Doyle Graham Papers, 1987-1992

Abstract Or Scope
Doyle Gene Graham (b. 1942), a Duke alum, served as an assistant professor of pathology at Duke University School of Medicine (SOM) from 1971 to 1978 and became a professor of pathology in 1986. Graham worked as the Dean of Medical Education at Duke from 1987 to 1995. Contains materials relating to curriculum at Duke University's SOM and department of pathology. Types of materials include correspondence, meeting minutes, transparencies, slides, agendas, and reports. Materials date from 1987 to 1992.
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Records, 1987-1992

Doyle Graham Papers, 1987-1992 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Department of Neurobiology Records, 1981-2001

Abstract Or Scope
The Department of Neurobiology was established in 1988. This collection contains handbooks, correspondence, curriculum brochures, meeting minutes, program proposals, curriculum vitae, portraits, and a committee report. Materials range in date from 1981 to 2001.
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Records, 1981-2001

Portraits, undated

Medical Center Transfusion Committee, 1979-2002

Abstract Or Scope
Duke University Medical Center's Transfusion Committee is responsible for ensuring the following of best practices and patient safety during blood utilization and transfusions. The Department of Anesthesiology in particular has played a key role in its operations. Contains correspondence and minutes for meetings related to the operation of the Medical Center's Transfusion Committee. Materials range in date from 1979 to 2002.
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Records, 1979-2002

Duke Endowment Awards Records, 1968-1998

Abstract Or Scope
Contains materials pertaining to the awarding of funds to the Duke University Medical Center by the Duke Endowment, a philanthropic agency established by the family of James Buchanan Duke. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, articles, press releases, pamphlets, and budgets. Materials range in date from 1968 to 1998.
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Records, 1968-1998

Duke Endowment Awards Records, 1968-1998 4.5 Linear Feet (3 cartons)

Medical Center Board of Visitors Records, 1964-1977

Abstract Or Scope
The Duke University Medical Center Board of Visitors is comprised of a combination of experts in the medical field and university trustees. The function of this board is to provide advice and support to the deans and senior faculty at Duke Medical Center. Materials range in date from 1964 to 1977.
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Records, 1964-1977

Duke University Fallout Preparedness Committee Records, 1961-1963

Abstract Or Scope
On July 11, 1961, Dean Barnes Woodhall commissioned the Fallout Preparedness Committee to study the issue of fallout protection for the Duke Medical Center in case of a future nuclear attack. The committee was created as a response to the escalating tensions with the Soviet Union in Berlin and the construction of the Berlin Wall. In September 1961, Deryl Hart, President of Duke University, expanded the committee and tasked it with planning a fallout shelter program for the Duke University Community.. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, minutes, budgets, meeting agendas, newsletters, articles, evaluations, floorplans, and notes. Materials range in date from 1961 to 1963.
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Records, 1961-1963

Duke University Fallout Preparedness Committee Records, 1961-1963 0.25 Linear Feet (5 folders)

Medical Education for National Defense Committee Records, 1959-1964

Abstract Or Scope
The Medical Education for National Defense (MEND) Committee was a cooperative between the United States Department of Defense and select medical schools established by the Joint American Medical Association in 1952 and joined by Duke in 1956. The goal of this committee was to integrate the special problems of military and disaster medicine into the existing curricula of each participating medical university. This collection includes reports from meetings of the MEND committee, particularly those attended by Dr. William G. Anlyan. Materials range in date from 1959 to 1964.
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Records, 1959-1964

Medical Education for National Defense Committee Records, 1959-1964 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Hospital Records, 1945-1979

Abstract Or Scope
The North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Hospital provided treatment and educational opportunities for children with cerebral palsy under the age of 21. The hospital offered in-patient, out-patient and clinic services on a sliding-fee scale. This collection contains a football game program for the "Twenty-Fourth Annual Cerebral Palsy Football Classic: Carolina vs. Duke," held on October 30 1976, and North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Hospital Board of Directors minutes which cover annual reports, staffing appointments, and quarterly meetings. Materials range in date from 1945 to 1979.
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Records, 1945-1979

North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Hospital Records, 1945-1979 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

International Correspondence Society of Allergists Collection, 1942-1966

Abstract Or Scope
The International Correspondence Society of Allergists began in 1937 as a way to exchange technical information and experiences between allergists around the world. Contains correspondence and case reports discussing patient cases, new treatments, and professional development. Materials range in date from 1942 to 1966.
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Records, 1942-1966

International Correspondence Society of Allergists Collection, 1942-1966 1.5 Linear Feet (1 carton)

Charles Watson Wharton Papers, 1930-1933

Abstract Or Scope
Charlies Watson Wharton (1909-1990) had a medical practice in Smithfield, North Carolina. The collection includes notebooks; diagrams; sketches about preclinical subjects, physiology, and pharmacology; medical histories; and physical examinations. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1933.
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Records, 1930-1933

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Recording, May 6, 1960

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Department of Chaplain Services and Education Records, undated

Abstract Or Scope
Pastoral services are available at all Duke Health hospitals any time of day or night. The chaplaincy program at Duke Hospital was started by P. Wesley Aitken shortly after Aikten's graduation from Duke Divinity School in July 1956. Contains a portrait of P. Wesley Aitken. Portrait is undated.
3 results in this collection

Photographic Materials, undated

Department of Chaplain Services and Education Records, undated 0.8 Linear Feet (1 map folder)

David A. Desautels Papers, 1939-1998

Abstract Or Scope
Desautels, was a founding member of the National Association for Cave Diving, a scholar on diving-related accidents and fatalities, and a member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society. The collection contains reprints of articles relating to hyperbaric medicine from different authors and publications. Major subjects of publications include decompression, decompression sickness, diving-related accidents and fatalities, and atmospheric pressure. Materials range in date from 1939 to 1998.
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Publications, 1939-1998

Department of Anesthesiology Records, 1930-2011

Abstract Or Scope
Materials relate to the administration of the Department of Anesthesiology, departmental anniversaries, and research endeavors. Types of materials include 1 ledger, fundraising goals, commemorative anniversary book, grant materials, notes, correspondence, articles, photographs, posters, commemorative anniversary DVD, and digital files. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2011, with the bulk of material dating between 1991 and 2011.

Louanne K. Watley Nursing Memorabilia, 1959-1960

Abstract Or Scope
Louanne K. Watley is a photographer based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Watley started her career in nursing, receiving her nursing degree from Duke University School of Nursing. After her career in nursing, she discovered poetry and photography, and she developed her skills in those areas. Contains photographs from Watley's time at Duke. Materials date from 1959 to 1960.
3 results in this collection

Nursing Memorabilia, 1959-1960

Louanne K. Watley Nursing Memorabilia, 1959-1960 0.1 Linear Feet (1 folder)