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Albert Heyman Papers, 1959-2007

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Contains the personal and professional papers of Albert Heyman (1916-2012), professor of Neurology and chief of the Division of Neurology in the department of Medicine. Types of materials include correspondence, meeting minutes, grant materials, newspaper clippings, research materials related to the CERAD studies, and National Institutes of Health (NIH) research career awards. Major subjects include Duke University School of Medicine, the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease, neurology, Alzheimer's research studies and tests, and bioscience education workshops. Materials range in date from 1959 to 2007.

Marc G. Caron Papers, 1980-2005

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Marc G. Caron was a professor in the Department of Cell Biology at Duke University Medical Center, with secondary professorships in the Department of Neurobiology and Department of Medicine. His research involved the study of the mechanisms of action and regulation of hormones and neurotransmitters and how they might underlie brain and behavior disorders including schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, mood disorders, and addiction. The collection contains laboratory notebooks for students and colleagues who collaborated with Dr. Marc G. Caron on his clinical research conducted at Duke University Medical Center. Materials range in date from 1980 to 2005.
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Duke Hospital Collection, 1934-2021

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The Duke Endowment, established by James Buchanan Duke in 1924, provided the funds to form Duke's School of Medicine and Duke Hospital. Since its inception in 1924, the hospital has greatly expanded and is ranked among the top hospitals in the United States. Types of materials include manuals, meeting minutes, handbooks, business ledgers, reports, a poster from Respiratory Care Services, and digital files. Materials range in date from 1934 to 2021
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Accession A2021.057, 2021

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Records, 1930-2018

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The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was established in 1930 as one of the founding departments at Duke University Medical Center. This collection contains articles, clippings, order forms, lectures, survey results, slides, Roy T. Parker Symposium programs, correspondence, artifacts, plaques, printed materials, photographs, negatives, and delivery and procedure logs produced by Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology faculty members from 1930 to 1995. Major contributors include F. Bayard Carter, E. C. Hamblen, and Robert A. Ross. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2018.

Robert J. Lefkowitz Papers, 1962-2023

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Contains professional papers of Robert J. Lefkowitz, James B. Duke Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator in the Department of Biochemistry at Duke University Medical Center. Types of materials include travel and conference materials, speeches, memoranda, committee materials, awards and honors, former employee files, old equipment files, grant materials, alumni files, material transfer agreements, mice invoices, research, and digital files. Major subjects include Duke University Department of Biochemistry, Duke University School of Medicine, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Materials range in date from 1962 to 2023.

Montrose Moses Papers, 1962-1987

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Montrose J. Moses (1919-1911), professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology at Duke University Medical Center. Types of materials include correspondence, notes, brochures, minutes, agendas, proposals, reports, grant materials, personnel rosters, surveys, evaluations, clippings, slides, writings by Moses, photographs, programs, bulletins, architectural plans, and course materials, which includes grade sheets, lecture materials, schedules, laboratory guides, student rosters, and composites. These materials pertain to various departments at Duke University Medical Center. Major subjects include the reorganization of basic sciences within the School of Medicine, the Department of Anatomy, personnel policy, Duke's genetics program, and plans for the modular interdisciplinary laboratory. Materials date from 1965 to 1984.
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Marcia Herman-Giddens Papers, 1978-2007

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Marcia Herman-Giddens was a practicing pediatrician and professor in the Department of Pediatrics for the Duke University Medical Center, as well as a medical consultant for state and private child abuse cases. This collection is comprised of medical writings, manuscripts, statistics, publications, presentation transcripts and PowerPoints, abstracts, advertisements, manuals, legal records, and team and committee reports. Major subjects include Herman-Giddens' medical research and her work with Duke University Medical Center's Child Protection Team. Materials range in date from 1978 to 2007.
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Medical Center Library Records, 1932-2023

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The Medical Center Library serves the Duke University Medical Center's academic, professional, research, teaching, and patient communities. The Library was conceived in the late 1920s and early 1930s by Wilburt C. Davison and early staff of the Duke University School of Medicine. This collection contains records of the Medical Center Library at Duke University. Materials were created by library directors or administrators and professional library staff. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, grants, articles, meeting minutes, job ads, proposals, meeting agendas, subject files, photographs, building blueprints, policies, publications, library statistics, manuals, Annual Snapshots, and digital files. Materials range in date from 1932 to 2023.

Guy Odom Papers, 1965-1981

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Guy L. Odom (1911-2001), professor (1943-1971) and chair (1960-1971) of the Division of Neurosurgery in the Department of Surgery at Duke University. Types of materials include lecture and manuscript materials, a eulogy, speech notecards, testimony, correspondence, certificates, and lists of publications. Major subjects include Duke University School of Medicine; Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery; study and teaching of medicine. Materials range in date from 1965 to 1981.

North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program Records, 1973-1990

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The North Carolina Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program began in 1972 to establish statewide community training for health professionals and to reverse a trend toward shortages and uneven distribution of primary care physicians in the state's rural areas. Contains correspondence, reports, minutes, transcripts, newspaper articles, budgets, informational directories, and directories pertaining to the North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program and the Duke-Fayetteville Area Education Center (now the Southern Region). Major correspondents include Ewald W. Busse, William G. Anlyan, and Thomas E. Frothingham. Materials range in date from 1973 to 1990.