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Frederick V. Altvater Papers, circa 1924-1975

Abstract Or Scope
Contains a scrapbook made by Frederick Vernon Altvater, superintendent of Duke Hospital from 1933 to 1946. The scrapbook contains news clippings, photographs, greeting cards from friends of the Alvater family. Materials also include loose articles, clippings, correspondence, and photographs. Materials date from circa 1924 to 1975.

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Records, 1944-1992

Abstract Or Scope
The Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, established in 1994, focuses on understanding the brain and mind through research, clinical care, and education with the goal to help people with mental health challenges live their best life. Prior to this, the department originated as the Division of Neuropsychiatry in the Department of Medicine in 1933. In 1940 it became the Department of Neuropsychiatry, and in 1951 the name changed to the Department of Psychiatry. Contains administrative records of the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, as well as a small amount of portraits and scrapbooks. Materials range in date from 1944 to 1992.
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Julia Glenn Hester Nursing Memorabilia, 1959

Abstract Or Scope
Julia Glenn Hester (1936-2016) received her BSN from Duke University in 1959, her master's from UNC-Chapel Hill, and her PhD from Duke University in 1979. Hester worked as a public health nurse for the Charlotte, North Carolina Health Department. At the time of her retirement, she was a school psychologist with the Winston Salem-Forsyth County Schools. Contains Hester's Duke University School of Nursing diploma and a blue-gray wool nursing cape. Materials date to 1959.
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School of Nursing Memorabilia, 1959

Julia Glenn Hester Nursing Memorabilia, 1959 0.1 Linear Feet (1 folder) and one nursing cape

Helen Rearden Nursing Memorabilia, 1944-circa 1993

Abstract Or Scope
Helen Rearden graduated from Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON) in 1947. Collection contains DUSON memorabilia. Types of materials include clippings, notes, printed materials, and artifacts. Materials date from 1944 to circa 1993.
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School of Nursing Memorabilia, 1944-circa 1993

Kathryn Ann Decker Nursing Memorabilia, 1941-1947

Abstract Or Scope
Kathryn Ann Decker graduated from the Duke University School of Nursing in 1943. Prior to her graduation, Decker joined the Duke Student Reserve for the American Red Cross in 1942 and also became one of the first members of Santa Filomena, a senior women's nursing honor society at Duke University, in 1943. This collection contains news clippings, newsletters, Duke bulletins, and an alumni register collected by Kathryn Ann Decker during her time as a student at Duke University School of Nursing, as well as after her graduation. A major subject of the materials is Duke student and alumni service in the United States Armed Forces. Materials range in date from 1941 to 1947.
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School of Nursing Memorabilia, 1941-1947

Duke Medical Faculty Wives Records, 1968-2018

Abstract Or Scope
Duke University School of Medicine faculty wives created the Duke Medical Faculty Wives to raise money for medical student scholarships. The idea to create the group and run a thrift shop as the primary way of fundraising for medical scholarships was proposed by Ethel Wyngaarten. In 1968, by-laws were established, creating the Nearly New Shoppe; Wyngaarten was the chair and Martha Wadsworth was elected president. Contains materials documenting the Duke Medical Faculty Wives and their running of the Nearly New Shoppe as a means to raise money for scholarships to the Duke University School of Medicine and the Duke University School of Nursing. Types of materials include administrative records, by-laws, financial records, roosters, photo albums, scrapbooks, photographs, clippings, invitations, architectural plans, and digital files. Materials date from 1968-2018.
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Records, 1968-2018

Anna Cooper Painter Nursing Memorabilia, circa 1948

Abstract Or Scope
Anna Cooper Painter graduated from Duke's School of Nursing in 1948. Items in this collection relate to Santa Filomena and Anna Cooper Painter's time as a nurse. The materials are all circa 1948.
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Items, circa 1948

Carol O. Skipper Nursing Memorabilia, circa 1954

Abstract Or Scope
Carol (Ogle) Skipper received her R.N. from Duke University School of Nursing in 1954. The collection contains a Santa Filomena lantern, a Duke University nursing honor society, and a nursing cape. Materials are from circa 1954.
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Items, circa 1954

Carol O. Skipper Nursing Memorabilia, circa 1954 2 artifacts

Occupational and Environmental Safety Office, Administration Records, 1992-2002

Abstract Or Scope
The Occupational and Environmental Safety Office at Duke University ensures that Duke's patient care, research, and teaching environments are in accord with all regulatory requirements, relevant community standards, and institutional resources.

Sally Yeatts Taylor nursing cap, circa. 1962

Abstract Or Scope

1 oversize box; 1 folder

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3 results in this collection

Interview, undated

Root Causes Records, 2017-2022

Abstract Or Scope
Root Causes, a student group first organized in 2016, was created by health professionals to support the sustainable and humane production of food in combination with access to healthy food. Contains the group's administrative files. Materials date from 2017 to 2022.
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Root Causes Records, 2017-2022 607 MB

Digital Files, 2017-2022

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Interview, circa. 1990

Roger J. Porter Medical Graduation Robe, 1968-1968

Abstract Or Scope
Roger J. Porter (1942- ) graduated from Duke University School of Medicine (DUSOM) in 1968. Porter has worked as a consultant to academia and to the pharmaceutical industry, primarily in the development of anti-seizure drugs. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Neurology at the University of Pennsylvania and Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology at Uniformed Services University of the Health Services. Contains Porter's medical graduation robe worn when he graduated from DUSOM. Robe dates to 1968.
3 results in this collection

Roger J. Porter Medical Graduation Robe, 1968-1968 1 Medical Graduation Robe

Medical Graduation Robe, 1968

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Richard D. Weiner Records, 1933-2022

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Richard David Weiner, MD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, received his training and spent the bulk of his career as a psychiatrist and faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke. Weiner's research interests are in electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and is considered a world authority on this treatment modality, particularly in terms of research to optimize safely and efficacy of the equipment used to deliver ECT, as well as regulation of these devices by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Includes materials documenting Weiner's work with ECT at Duke, as well as national activities in this area. Types of materials include publications, publicity, clippings, conference proceedings, reports, reprints, administrative records, photographic materials, presentations, ECT records, FDA materials, and legal materials. Materials date from 1933 to 2022.
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Richard D. Weiner Records, 1933-2022 3 Linear Feet (2 cartons)

Basic Science Chairs meeting records, 1993-1998

Abstract Or Scope

Contains records from the Duke University School of Medicine's Basic Science Chairs meetings. Materials range in date from 1993 to 1998.

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Ivan W. Brown Papers, 1949-1996

Abstract Or Scope
Ivan W. Brown (1915-2009) graduated from Duke University School of Medicine in 1940 and is a former James B. Duke Professor of Surgery at Duke University Medical Center. This collection consists of correspondence between Ivan W. Brown and Elmer L. DeGowin regarding Duke University Medical Center's Central Supply and Blood Bank, a retirement speech given by Clarence Ellsworth Gardner, and reprints of three of Ivan W. Brown's articles. One of these articles details the adventures of Wilburt C. Davison, Wilder G. Penfield, and Emile F. Holman. Materials range in date from 1949 to 1996.
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Records, 1949-1996

Ivan W. Brown Papers, 1949-1996 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Kenneth S. McCarty Papers, 1973-1984

Abstract Or Scope
Kenneth S. McCarty Jr. (1948-2010) was a graduate of Duke University (1966) and Duke University School of Medicine (1969). After becoming board certified in internal medicine and pathology, McCarty joined the faculty of Duke University School of Medicine. This collection contains reprints of articles concerning McCarty's medical research into the hormonal aspects and treatment of breast disease while at Duke. Materials range in date from 1973 to 1984.
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Reprints, 1973-1984

Kenneth S. McCarty Papers, 1973-1984 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Duke Hospital Collection, 1934-2021

Abstract Or Scope
The Duke Endowment, established by James Buchanan Duke in 1924, provided the funds to form Duke's School of Medicine and Duke Hospital. Since its inception in 1924, the hospital has greatly expanded and is ranked among the top hospitals in the United States. Types of materials include manuals, meeting minutes, handbooks, business ledgers, reports, a poster from Respiratory Care Services, and digital files. Materials range in date from 1934 to 2021
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Records, 1953-1979

Posters, 2007