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Department of Anatomy Records, 1930-1983

Abstract Or Scope
Contains records documenting the Department of Anatomy, established in 1930 as part of the original School of Medicine. The name of the department changed to the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy in 1988. This collection contains portraits, articles, meeting notes, reprints, and minutes created by Joseph E. Markee, Francis Huntington Swett, and others pertaining to the activities of the Department of Anatomy (now the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy) at Duke University, including curriculum scheduling and the new teaching facility (1965). A book of faculty reprints from 1930 to 1940 is also included, entitled "A complete file of publications from the Department of Anatomy, Duke University School of Medicine." Materials date from 1930 to 1983.

Death Masks Collection, circa 1941-1972

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A death mask is a cast made of a person's head after they have died. This collection contains death masks of Wilber C. Davison, Frederic Moir Hanes, William A. Perlzweig, Francis H. Swett, and Robert R. Jones Jr. Materials range in date from circa 1941 to 1972.
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Bessie B. Baker Papers, 1930-1941

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Contains the professional papers of Bessie Baker (1874-1942), first dean of the Duke University School of Nursing. Types of materials include correspondence, writings, and course materials. Major subjects include Duke Hospital, Duke University School of Nursing, nursing education, and nursing students. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1941.

Davison Club Records, 1969-2019

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The Davison Club, chartered in 1969 and named after Wilburt Cornell Davison, the first dean of the Duke University School of Medicine, is a group of medical alumni and friends who each contribute $1,000 or more annually in unrestricted support to Duke University Medical Center and the School of Medicine. Davison Club members have provided more than 18 million dollars for scholarships, fellowships, educational resources, research, and patient care initiatives. The Davison Club is part of the Medical Center Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. This collection contains materials that document the founding of the Davison Club, including "The Davison Club Report #1," a list of charter members, and a certificate of charter members. Types of materials include announcements, programs, participant lists, directories, and invitations pertaining to joining the Davison Club, digital files, as well as attending Davison Club events such as the Annual Davison Club Weekend and the Davison Club's 30th, 45th and 50th Anniversary Celebrations. Materials range in date from 1969 to 2019.
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Records, 1969-2010

Agnes June Deans Robbins Collection, 1946-1949

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Collection contains nursing unifrom materials and photographs pertaining to student life at Duke University School of Nursing.

Student Affairs Records, 1978-2018

Abstract Or Scope
The Office of Student Affairs is responsible for providing students at Duke University School of Medicine with a number of academic, professional, and personal services, including notary services, resource referrals, advising, representation at school meetings, and the planning and coordination of major milestone events in their medical school careers. This collection contains booklets and programs describing Duke University School of Medicine's Hippocratic Oath ceremonies and the Order of Exercises for its graduation ceremonies. Also contains photographs and records for faculty and entering classes, a Student Affairs Committee's report to the Duke University Board of Trustees, and records from the 2005 SGEA/SGSA/SMAS/SOSR Annual Spring Meeting. Materials date from 1978 to 2018.
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Student Affairs Records, 1978-2018 2 Linear Feet (4 manuscript boxes)

Juntos Affinity Group Records, 2024

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The Juntos Affinity Group provides a safe space for Hispanic/Latinx team members and allies to feel seen, heard, and valued. In addition to creating a space for connection, the group focuses on promoting opportunities for mentorship, sponsorship, and career development as it raises awareness of the social, economic, and health disparities experienced by the Hispanic/Latinx community. In the fall of 2024, a steering committee established the group's charter and chose the name Juntos, meaning "Together," to highlight the group's commitment to fostering a sense of belonging and community. Juntos officially launched with a kick-off meeting in December 2024. Includes a small amount of artifacts in the form of Juntos swag and digital files documenting Juntos activities and their charter. Materials date to 2024.
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Mary E. Hill Records, 1994-2004

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Contains materials created by Mary E. Hill, associate operating officer of Duke University Hospital.
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Duke Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology Records, Circa 1961-1989, 1968-2007

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The Duke Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology is the Southeast's regional referral center for Hyperbaric Medicine. It is a multi-place, critical care-oriented, hyperbaric facility available 24 hours a day. The collection contains lantern slides, 35 mm slides, photographs, negatives, drawings, small artifacts, letters, and clippings. Major subjects include the construction of the lab, the Atlantis dive series, the Apollo missions, and collaboration with the Navy. Materials range in date from 1961 to 2007.

Mildred M. Sherwood Papers, 1931-1970

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Mildred M. Sherwood (1898-1966) was the pediatrics supervisor at Duke University Hospital and supervisor of nursing services at the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, which was engaged in a long-term study of the survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Contains photographs, clippings, postcards, scrapbooks, correspondence, newsletters, notes, speeches, drafts, certificates, project records, pediatric journals, symposium materials, and travel itineraries related to the personal and professional life of Mildred M. Sherwood. Also included are studies, semi-annual reports, a news bulletin, a pictorial report, and a glossary of medical terms and expressions for the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission. Materials range in date from 1931 to 1970.

Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993

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Jasper Lamar Callaway (1911-1993) was the chief of the Division of Dermatology at Duke University Medical Center from 1946 to 1975.

Duke Health Sector Conference Records, 1977-2006

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Duke Health Sector Conferences (formerly known as The Private Sector Conferences) are a series of healthcare-related conferences hosted by Duke University Medical Center and Health System. Types of materials include proceedings, photographs, correspondence, notes, agendas, participant lists, and audio recordings. Major subjects include hospital planning and construction, health insurance, health economics, Duke Hospital, and the Duke University Medical Center. Materials range in date from 1977 to 2006.
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Instructions and Protocols Collection, 1940, undated

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Contains manuals and records pertaining to the administration of Duke Hospital. Types of materials include autopsy records, instruction sheets, and Social Services Department Manual. Materials date to 1940, with the bulk undated.
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Instructions and Protocols Collection, 1940, undated 3 ledgers

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D. Bernard Amos Papers, 1955-1991

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Dennis Bernard Amos (1923-2003) was professor of immunology and experimental surgery at Duke University from 1962 to 1992. This collection contains photographs, writings, an address, an autobiographical sketch, lab notebooks and patient logs for skin graft work. Materials relating to skin graft research are restricted. Major subjects include the Department of Immunology and Duke University Medical Center. Materials range in date from 1955 to 1991.

Department of Radiology Records, 1932-1988

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In 1929, Dr. Robert James Reeves was appointed Instructor of Radiology and helped form the Department of Radiology at Duke. The first radioisotope laboratory at Duke was established in 1952.The Radiation and Oncology division formed in 1978, becoming a separate department in 1989, and the Nuclear Medicine division formed in 1979. Contains staff lists, meeting minutes, correspondence, graphs, clippings, notes, speeches, brochure, newsletters, programs, slides, and photographs. Materials range in date from 1932 to 1988.

Duncan C. Hetherington Papers, 1918-1975

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Duncan Charteris Hetherington (1895-1974), earned his AB degree at Colorado College (1919) and a master's degree (1920) and PhD (1922) in parasitology from the University of Illinois. He received his MD from Johns Hopkins University (1926). From 1926 to 1930, Hetherington was a member of the Department of Anatomy at Vanderbilt University. In 1930, Hetherington joined the new Duke University School of Medicine as a professor of anatomy. He remained at Duke until his obligatory (by age) retirement in 1965. Types of materials include course sketches and other sketches, brain modelling packet, a photograph of Hetherington, and the "Memorials from the Proceedings of the Eighty-Eighth Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists" booklet. Materials date from 1918 to 1975.

Durham-Orange County Medical Society Auxiliary Scrapbooks, 1961-1987

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the scrapbooks of the Durham-Orange County Medical Society Auxiliary collected by Meredith Paddison, a group formed by wives of the doctors of the Durham-Orange County Medical Society. Types of materials include correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, photographs, newsletters, brochures, meeting agendas, and awards. The materials document the Auxiliary's projects and activities, including community outreach programs, fashion shows, luncheons, benefits, parties, lectures, and fundraising. Materials date from 1961 to 1987.
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Scrapbooks, 1961-1987