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Educational Media Services Records, 1950-2005

Abstract Or Scope
Materials were created by staff and artists of Medical Art, later Medical Illustration, a section of Educational Media Services, a division of the Duke University School of Medicine. Artists include Elon H. Clark, Robert L. Blake, Robert G. Gordon and Stanley M. Coffman. Types of materials include photographs, negatives, slides, sketches, and drawings. The collection also contains prints, negatives, and sketches of items created by Gordon and Coffman for David C. Sabiston's "Atlas of Cardiothoracic Surgery." Major subjects include Duke University School of Medicine and medical illustration. Materials range in date from 1950 to 2003.
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Slides, negatives, and photographs, 1950-2000

Educational Media Services Records, 1950-2005 51.8 Linear Feet (30 cartons, 4 manuscript boxes, 7 flat boxes, 2 lantern slide boxes, 1 map folder)

Ross E. McKinney Jr. Records, 1950-2015

Abstract Or Scope
Ross E. McKinney Jr, MD, is a Professor of Pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases specialist at Duke. He joined Duke faculty in 1985, and his area of research is pediatric HIV clinical research. While at Duke, McKinney has held the positions of director of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Vice Dean for Research for the Duke University School of Medicine, and Director of the Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities & History of Medicine. Includes records pertaining to four areas in which McKinney worked: pediatrics and pediatric infectious disease, Vice Dean for Research, Director of the Trent Center, and the Conflict of Interest Committee. Materials date from 1950 to 2015.
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Pediatrics and Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 1950-2005

Ross E. McKinney Jr. Records, 1950-2015 5 Linear Feet (3 cartons, 1 manuscript box) and 102 MB

Dale Purves Papers, 1950-2020, undated

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional records of Dale Purves, professor of neurobiology, chair of the Department of Neurobiology (1999-2002), and director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke University Medical Center. Types of materials include laboratory notebooks, photographs, slides, correspondence, manuscripts, short writings, clippings, committee materials, professional organization materials, memorabilia, grant materials, media files, posters, and emails. Major subjects include neurosciences, neurobiology, and visual perception. Materials range in date from 1950 to 2020.
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Dale Purves Papers, 1950-2020, undated 315 Linear Feet (207 cartons, 1 manuscript box, 4 card boxes, 2 flat boxes, 3 map tubes, 5 CDs in AV15/16 Box 1) and 50 GB

Reprints, 1970-2008

W. Banks Anderson Teaching Films, 1950s-1960s

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the teaching films of W. Banks Anderson Sr. (1897-1977), professor of ophthalmology and first ophthalmologist at Duke University Medical Center. Materials include 16mm teaching films and their accompanying notes. Materials date from the 1950s to the 1960s.
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Films, 1950s-1960s

W. Banks Anderson Teaching Films, 1950s-1960s 1.68 Linear Feet (1 carton, 6 film canisters)

William J. A. DeMaria Papers, 1951-1985

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of William J. A. DeMaria (1923-1990), a professor in the Department of Pediatrics and the Department of Community Health Sciences, as well as an associate director for medical education at Duke University Medical Center. He became the first director of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina in 1976. Types of materials include publications, news clippings, reports, correspondence, articles, papers, and handwritten notes pertaining to various topics regarding pediatrics and public health at Duke University Medical Center and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. Materials range in date from 1951 to 1984.
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Records, 1951-1985

Duke Poison Control Center Records, 1951-1987

Abstract Or Scope
Contains materials pertaining to the clinical and educational activities of the Poison Control Center at Duke University, established in 1954 and headed by Jay Arena and later Shirley K. Osterhout. The Poison Control Center provided information to individuals and businesses about the product safety and chronic and acute management of poisoning through referrals, correspondence, and educational speakers. Types of materials include correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, memoranda, articles, patient summaries, tests, discussion notes, informational materials relating to poisons and drug interactions, phone logs, pamphlets, brochures, budgets, and copies of newspaper clippings. Major subjects include the Duke University Medical Center, Poison Control Centers, poisoning in children, accidental poisoning, prevention and treatment of poisoning, Jay Arena, and Shirley K. Osterhout. Materials range in date from 1951 to 1987.
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Jay Arena Materials, 1951-1976

Duke Poison Control Center Records, 1951-1987 8 Linear Feet (6 cartons and 1 manuscript box) and 1 oversized folder

Ralph Snyderman (Chief) Papers, 1951-1990

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Ralph Snyderman, MD, is Chancellor Emeritus of Duke University, James B. Duke Professor of Medicine, and Director of the Duke Center for Research on Personalized Health Care. Contains the professional papers Snyderman created during his tenure as chief of the Division of Rheumatic and Genetic Diseases (1976-1985) within the Department of Medicine at Duke University Medical Center. Also includes research and teaching materials. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, committee materials, meeting and conference records, speeches, photographs, clippings, brochures, pamphlets, grant materials, patent materials, and writings. Major correspondents include Joseph Greenfield, Barton Haynes, George Cianciolo, and Robert Lefkowitz. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, Duke University Health System, School of Medicine, arthritis, and drug therapy for arthritis and inflammation. Materials date from 1951 to 1990.

Robert G. Winfree Records, 1951-1996

Abstract Or Scope
Contains records created by the office of Robert G. Winfree (1943-2011), an administrator of Duke University Medical Center. Winfree's work involved close contact with top-level medical center administrators, including Ralph Snyderman, William Anlyan, Bernard McGinty, and Jane Elchlepp. Records pertain to the administration of Duke University Medical Center divisions, especially regarding accreditation, investigative compliance, and building maintenance and expansion. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes, budgets, space allocation plans, and committee materials. Subjects include space allocation, clinics, accreditation, administration, management, compliance, site visits, public relations, expansion, Duke University Medical Center buildings, Sea Level Hospital, Duke Health Information Systems, the Medical Center Information System, and the personal life of Robert G. Winfree. Materials range in date from 1951 to 1994.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 384

Subject Files, 1951-1996

Robert G. Winfree Records, 1951-1996 26 Linear Feet (17 cartons and 1 manuscript box)

Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development Records, 1952-2019

Abstract Or Scope
The Duke University Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development was created in 1955 by the U.S. Surgeon General and was designated as one of five regional resource centers on aging. The center's first initiatives included the Duke Longitudinal Studies, a 20-year project begun in 1956 that monitored the physical, mental, social, and economic status of approximately 800 older adults. Types of materials include correspondence, audiovisual materials, reprints, departmental histories, budget materials, computer printouts, brochures, newsletters, clippings, directories, grant materials, questionnaires, printed materials, architectural plans, and internal administrative papers such as meeting minutes, reports, publications, and photographs. Major subjects include the study of aging and human development, mental health, geriatric medicine, psychological and psychiatric behavior of older adults, Carol Woods Retirement Home, the Hillhaven LaSalle Nursing Center, the Forest at Duke, the Greenery Rehabilitation Center, the United Methodist Retirement Home, the Croasdaile Village, and Ewald W. Busse. A portion of the materials came from the files of Dorothy K. Heyman; these files have been interspersed throughout the collection. The collection contains materials from Gerda G. Fillenbaum concerning the Study at Carol Woods in Chapel Hill, NC (1979-1981), the Longitudinal Retirement History Study (1969-1979), the Older Americans Resources and Services Program (OARS), and the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD). The collection also contains materials from Lisa P. Gwyther, concerning her work with Alzheimer's and related diseases and the Duke Aging Center Family Support Program. The collection also contains materials from Mitchell Heflin concerning the Consortium for Faculty Development to Advance Geriatric Education (FD-AGE), the Duke Geriatrics Division's curriculum on the care of older adults entitled "Clinical Core on Aging", and the Duke Geriatric Education Center (GEC). Materials range in date from 1952 to 2019.
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Papers, Articles, and Newspaper Clippings, 1952-1976

Facilities Planning and Development Collection, 1952-2013

Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents facilities planning and construction activities of the Duke University Medical Center. These materials also show the evolution of responsibility for health facilities planning and administration during a period of extensive building activity that occurred before the organization of the Facilities Planning, Design and Construction Office within the Medical Center and Health System Architect's Office. Included are records of major planning initiatives and specific building projects from the offices of Louis E. Swanson, an early director of the Medical Center Planning Office, and Dr. Jane G. Elchlepp, the first assistant dean for planning. In addition to correspondence, memoranda, committee minutes, statistical reports, and planning reference materials, the collection contains design studies and long-range planning proposals completed between 1952 and 1998. Presentation drawings and graphics span the years 1964 to 2000. The collection also contains photographs, slides, and other documentation pertaining to the planning and construction of Duke Hospital North from 1973 to 1980. Materials date from 1952 to 2013.