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North Carolina Licensed Practical Nurses Association Records, 1946-2012

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the organizational records of the North Carolina Licensed Practical Nurses Association (NCLPNA), whose mission was to provide professional development, continuing education opportunities, and political advocacy for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and practical nursing students in the state of North Carolina. Major topics include licensed practical nursing, nursing education standards in North Carolina, African American women in medicine, North Carolina hospital systems, and healthcare advocacy. Types of materials include subject files, meeting minutes, reports, correspondence, continuing education and conference materials, publications, financial records, membership records, bound and unbound ledgers, photographs, publications, transparencies, ephemera, and drawings. Materials range in date from 1946 to 2012, with the bulk dating from 1965 to 2009.
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Records, 1946-2007, undated

North Carolina Licensed Practical Nurses Association Records, 1946-2012 35.5 Linear Feet (19 cartons, 6 manuscript boxes, 2 half manuscript boxes, 1 flat box, and 6 card boxes)

Agnes June Deans Robbins Collection, 1946-1949

Abstract Or Scope
Collection contains nursing unifrom materials and photographs pertaining to student life at Duke University School of Nursing.
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Agnes June Deans Robbins Collection, 1946-1949

Audiovisual Collection, 1946-2024

Abstract Or Scope
Contains audio, video, and a small amount of digital photographs documenting the history of Duke University Medical Center. Coverage includes documentaries, alumni gatherings, interviews, speeches, lectures, conferences, awards, tributes, groundbreakings, building dedications, grand rounds, and student-faculty shows. Materials in this collection have been acquired from multiple sources. Some of the materials have been separated from existing collections. People featured in the collection include: Jay M. Arena; William G. Anlyan; Lenox D. Baker; Ivan W. Brown; F. Bayard Carter; Elon Clark; Martin M. Cummings; Wilburt C. Davison; Victor J. Dzau; Wiley D. Forbus; Joseph C. Greenfield, Jr.; Charles B. Hammond; Philip Handler; Merel Harmel; Barton F. Haynes; Leslie Hohman; Charles Johnson; Samuel L. Katz; Joseph E. Markee; Robert J. Reeves; David T. Smith; Eugene A. Stead, Jr.; Andrew G. Wallace; and Barnes Woodhall. Items of note include Wilburt C. Davison's Dave at Roaring Gap, MEDSAC and Quail Roost conference recordings, a 14-part orientation of Duke Hospital North, documentaries about the 65th General Hospital, documentaries about Duke's hyperbaric chamber, the multi-part interview series "Before the Colors Fade," and "Keepers of the House" documentary. Also includes videos of the School of Medicine's Match Day program and Memory Lane video series for graduating medical students. Types of formats include VHS tapes, Betacam tapes, U-Matic tapes, audiocassette tapes, DVDs, CDs, other forms for optical media, film, magnetic tapes, reel-to-reel audio, wire recordings, and digital files. Materials range in date from 1946 to 2024.
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Educational Media Services Motion Film, 1946-1954

Audiovisual Collection, 1946-2024 63.75 Linear Feet (26 cartons, 46 card boxes, 1 flat box, 2 LP boxes, 1 microfilm box) and 8.65 GB

Myrtle Irene Brown Papers, 1946-1975

Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials related to Myrtle Irene Brown (1915-2007), faculty member and dean of the Duke University School of Nursing from 1967 to 1970. Materials include lectures, correspondence, evaluations, committee records and minutes, rosters, financial aid materials, conference and council records, reports, standards, supply lists, blueprints, and plans. Major subjects include the graduate and undergraduate curriculum, faculty and administration, admissions, student activities, and facilities at the School of Nursing. Materials range in date from 1946 to 1975.
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Papers, 1946-1975

Myrtle Irene Brown Papers, 1946-1975 3 Linear Feet (2 cartons)

Educational Media Services Motion Film Collection, 1946-1991, undated

Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains video footage documenting the history of Duke University Medical Center. The EMS Film Reels series contain films that came from the office of Educational Media Services. Coverage includes operations, procedures, instructional aids, conference presentations, and documentaries. People featured in the collection include David C. Sabiston, Leonard Goldner, Wilburt C. Davison, Jospeh E. Markee, Onye Akwari, James F. Glenn, and Allen Roses. Items of note include Wilburt C. Davison's "Dave at Roaring Gap" film clips, and IBM Conference film. Materials range in date from 1946 to 1991 with the bulk being undated.
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Educational Media Services Motion Film Collection, 1946-1991, undated 69.87 Linear Feet (40 cartons, 329 film canisters)

EMS Film Reels, 1951-1991, undated

Roger D. Williams Collection, 1947-1966

Abstract Or Scope
Contains materials pertaining to Roger D. Williams (1924-2009), graduate of Duke University School of Medicine and Professor of General Surgery at Ohio State University College of Medicine. Types of materials include bound volumes of reprints of Williams' publications and his Duke graduate robe and hood. Materials date from 1947 to 1966.
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Textiles, 1947

Roger D. Williams Collection, 1947-1966 0.5 Linear Feet (1 Flat Box) and 1 academic robe and hood

Ivan W. Brown Papers, 1949-1996

Abstract Or Scope
Ivan W. Brown (1915-2009) graduated from Duke University School of Medicine in 1940 and is a former James B. Duke Professor of Surgery at Duke University Medical Center. This collection consists of correspondence between Ivan W. Brown and Elmer L. DeGowin regarding Duke University Medical Center's Central Supply and Blood Bank, a retirement speech given by Clarence Ellsworth Gardner, and reprints of three of Ivan W. Brown's articles. One of these articles details the adventures of Wilburt C. Davison, Wilder G. Penfield, and Emile F. Holman. Materials range in date from 1949 to 1996.
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Records, 1949-1996

Ivan W. Brown Papers, 1949-1996 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Duke Surgical Instrument Shop Records and Surgical Devices, circa 1949-1954

Abstract Or Scope
The Duke Surgical Instrument Shop was founded in 1949 and housed in the basement of the former William Bell Research Building. George W. Newton was the first shop manager, followed by Tom Orr and William Barber. In 1997, the Surgical Instrument Shop's administration was transferred from the Department of Surgery to the Department of Engineering and Maintenance Operations. Types of materials include a logbook detailing work done by the Surgical Instrument shop and three surgical devices. Materials range in date from 1949 to 1954.
3 results in this collection

Objects, 1949-1954

Duke Surgical Instrument Shop Records and Surgical Devices, circa 1949-1954 0.25 Linear Feet (1 bound volume) and 3 surgical devices

William McNeal Nicholson Papers, 1949-1974

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of William McNeal Nicholson (1905-1974), former professor, assistant dean of continuing medical education, and chief of the metabolism clinic at Duke University Hospital. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, publications, committee materials, and a manual. Major topics include Duke University hospitals and medical education. Major correspondents include Wilburt C. Davision. Materials range in date from 1949 to 1974.
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North Carolina Medical Journal, 1949-1974 16 folders

William McNeal Nicholson Papers, 1949-1974 1.5 Linear Feet (1 carton)

George L. Maddox Papers, 1950-2010

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of George L. Maddox (1925-2012), a professor of sociology and former director of the Duke University Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development. Types of materials include reprinted articles, correspondence, lectures, notes, books, course materials, meeting minutes, grant materials, research, clippings, reports, presentations, reviews, agendas, promotional materials, scheduled reports, work plans, site visit records, program proposals, staffing records, evaluative and screening materials, editorial files, charters and by-laws, policies and guidelines, policy recommendations, publications, photographs, and digital records. Special topics include the Community Partnerships for Older Adults, the Long Term Care Resources Program, and research conducted by Senior Fellows at the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development under Maddox's directorship. Materials range in date from 1950 to 2010.
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Records, 1950-2005

George L. Maddox Papers, 1950-2010 37.5 Linear Feet (25 cartons) and 728 MB