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Civilian Public Service Camp #61 Collection, 1943-1984

Abstract Or Scope
This collection includes the report "Conscientious Objection and Clinical Care: A History of Civilian Public Service Camp No. 61 at Duke University, 1942-1946," by Louis E. Swanson and James F. Gifford, Jr. The collection also includes research materials used by Swanson and Gifford used to write the report, including issues of the Duke Civilian Public Service (C.P.S. Unit 61) publication "Service"; issues of the National Board for Religious Objectors publication "The Reporter"; an issue of the Mental Hygiene Program of Civilian Public Service publication "The Attendant"; a list of the members of C.P.S. Unit 61; and notes that appear to be made by Louis E. Swanson. Undated photographs of CPS men working are also included. Materials range in date from 1943 to 1984.
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Records, 1943-1984

Civilian Public Service Camp #61 Collection, 1943-1984 1.3 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box, 1 map folder)

Helen Rearden Nursing Memorabilia, 1944-circa 1993

Abstract Or Scope
Helen Rearden graduated from Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON) in 1947. Collection contains DUSON memorabilia. Types of materials include clippings, notes, printed materials, and artifacts. Materials date from 1944 to circa 1993.
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School of Nursing Memorabilia, 1944-circa 1993

Helen Rearden Nursing Memorabilia, 1944-circa 1993 0.25 Linear Feet (1 half manuscript box)

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Records, 1944-1992

Abstract Or Scope
The Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, established in 1994, focuses on understanding the brain and mind through research, clinical care, and education with the goal to help people with mental health challenges live their best life. Prior to this, the department originated as the Division of Neuropsychiatry in the Department of Medicine in 1933. In 1940 it became the Department of Neuropsychiatry, and in 1951 the name changed to the Department of Psychiatry. Contains administrative records of the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, as well as a small amount of portraits and scrapbooks. Materials range in date from 1944 to 1992.
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Child Development and Behavioral Health Clinic, 1944-1992

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Records, 1944-1992 8 linear feet (5 cartons, 1 flat box) and 3 items on the mobile art cart

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Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003

Abstract Or Scope
Documents the professional career of Ewald W. Busse (1917-2004), the former chair of Duke's Department of Psychiatry and founding director the Duke University Center for Aging and Human Development. The materials include Busse's "History of the Department of Psychiatry at Duke"; Busse's reprints; a history of the Duke Medical Center Building Fund; awards and honors; reports and evaluations regarding the J. B. Gibbons Scholarship; minutes, newsletters, correspondence, and publications from the International Association of Gerontology; information about Highland Hospital (Asheville, North Carolina); materials regarding the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development; and the Medical School Advisory Committee's (MedSAC) minutes materials. Materials range in date from 1945 to 2003.
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Reprints, 1945-1995

Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003 52.5 Linear Feet (34 cartons, 1 manuscript box, 2 flat boxes)

Leslie Benjamin Hohman Papers, 1945-1970

Abstract Or Scope
Leslie Benjamin Hohman (1891-1972) was a professor of psychiatry at the Duke University School of Medicine from 1946 until 1960, later serving as professor emeritus. He also held the position of director of the Child Guidance Clinic in Durham, North Carolina from 1946 to 1953; maintained time in private practice in psychiatry; and acted as consultant to the Department of Psychiatry, Veterans Administration, United States Army, and United States Navy. This collection contains personal and professional correspondence Hohman related to his time as a professor of psychiatry at Duke University. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, the Duke Department of Psychiatry, psychiatric practice, and people with disabilities. Materials range in date from 1945 to 1970.
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Correspondence, 1945-1970

Leslie Benjamin Hohman Papers, 1945-1970 6 Linear Feet (4 cartons)

North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Hospital Records, 1945-1979

Abstract Or Scope
The North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Hospital provided treatment and educational opportunities for children with cerebral palsy under the age of 21. The hospital offered in-patient, out-patient and clinic services on a sliding-fee scale. This collection contains a football game program for the "Twenty-Fourth Annual Cerebral Palsy Football Classic: Carolina vs. Duke," held on October 30 1976, and North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Hospital Board of Directors minutes which cover annual reports, staffing appointments, and quarterly meetings. Materials range in date from 1945 to 1979.
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Records, 1945-1979

North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Hospital Records, 1945-1979 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Wolfgang K. Joklik Papers, 1945-2013

Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the collected materials which document the professional career of Wolfgang K. Joklik, Chair of the Duke Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology (1968-1993) and co-founder of the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center (1972). Materials include reprints; manuscript materials and publication correspondence; proceedings and correspondence relating to professional organizations of which Joklik was a member; programs and correspondence concerning professional talks, meetings, workshops, and symposia; employee files and recommendations; Duke University news publications; and subject files concerning the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center. Major subjects include the National Academy of Science (NAS), the American Society of Virology, the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Cancer Special Program Advisory Committee, the American Society for Microbiology, and both the McGinnis Memorial and Joklik Lecture Series. Materials date from 1945 to 2013.
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Accession A2013.119, 1945-2013

Julian Meade Ruffin Papers, 1946-1978

Abstract Or Scope
Contains professional papers of Julian Meade Ruffin, gastroenterologist at Duke University Hospital and chief of the Division of Gastroenterology (1930-1965).
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Julian Meade Ruffin Papers, 1946-1978

North Carolina League of Nursing Education Records, 1946 - 1948

Abstract Or Scope
The North Carolina League of Nursing Education, working with the support of the North Carolina State Nurses' Association, had two main goals: to create a statewide nursing curriculum and to expand the professional nursing association structure. These two organizations guided the professional advancement of North Carolina's nurses. This collection includes North Carolina League of Nursing Education Board of Directors minutes, committee lists, committee and membership letters, member lists, and correspondence. Also includes the North Carolina League of Nursing Education constitution and bylaws and the program for the forty-fifth annual convention program. Materials date from 1946 to 1948.
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