William G. Anlyan Papers, 1930-2015213.75 Linear Feet (135 cartons, 6 manuscript boxes, 1 half manuscript box, 1 card box, 3 flat boxes) and 1 artifact and 23.3 megabytes
Abstract Or Scope
Contains papers and records pertaining to the professional career and administration of Duke University Medical Center under William George Anlyan (1925-2016). Anlyan came to Duke University School of Medicine for his residency in general and thoracic surgery (1949-1955). Afterwards, he joined the surgical staff led by Dr. Deryl Hart, becoming a full professor of surgery in 1961, and, from 1964 to 1969, was the third dean of the School of Medicine. Anlyan also served as vice president for health affairs (1969-1983) and chancellor for health affairs (1983-1989). From 1988 to 1993, Anlyan was the executive vice president and chancellor for health affairs before becoming chancellor of Duke University (1990-1995). Types of materials include subject files, chronological files, reports, budgets, plans, correspondence, memoranda, clippings, and photographs. Major correspondents include Wilburt Cornell Davison, Douglas M. Knight, E. Croft Long, Charles Frenzel, Joseph E. Markee, Barnes Woodhall, Terry Sanford, Philip Handler, Ruby Wilson, and Henry Rauch. Major subjects include hospital administration, health policy, construction financing, development, financial management, medical education, nursing education, community-institutional relations, parking facilities, and transportation. Major projects and leadership work include the Civitan Project, Private Sector Conference, The Duke Endowment, Duke University Medical Center, Duke Private Diagnostic Clinics, Duke University School of Medicine, Medical Center Board of Visitors, Highland Hospital (Asheville, North Carolina), National Library of Medicine, Association of American Medical Colleges, Veterans Administration, Watts Hospital (Durham, North Carolina), North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (Durham, North Carolina), Sea Level Hospital (Sealevel, North Carolina) and merchant marine care, Durham Health Partners and City of Medicine, Institute of Medicine, North Carolina Medical Care Commission, and Whitehead Medical Research Institute. The materials in this collection date from 1930 to 2015.
Materials relate to the history and administration of Duke's Department of Health Administration, established in 1930 as the first graduate program in the nation for the training of hospital administrators. Contains newsletters, correspondence, meeting minutes, attendance and membership lists, reports, articles, studies, notes, course evaluations, agendas, bound oral history transcripts, curriculum vitae, financial records, invoices, event programs, program applications, course catalogs, and photographs. Materials range in date from 1943 to 1991.