Contains personal papers, records, and memorabilia of the United States Army 65th General Hospital, a United States Army Medical Corps unit staffed by Duke University Medical Center alumni in England during World War II. The unit distinguished itself as a center for both specialized treatment and the immediate care of combat casualties. Following the war, physician of the 65th, Leo Alexander, acted as a consultant to prosecutors in the Nuremberg Trials. Types of materials include official reports, newsletters, patient records, memorabilia, oral histories, photographs, artifacts, audiovisual materials, investigative notes, and short writings. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, United States Army, the 65th General Hospital, World War I, World War II, war crimes, neurosurgery, Ivan Brown, Leo Alexander, Norman Ross, and O. Norris Smith. Materials range in date from 1917 to 2002.
Albert Heman (1916-2012) was a Professor of Neurology and Chief of the Division of Neurology at Duke University Medical Center (1964 to 1969). This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on December 18, 1985 by Dr. James Gifford. In the interview Heyman discusses his research of Alzheimer's disease, beginning in the late-1970s, and the subsequent development of the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at Duke University Medical Center. He also discusses his collaboration with Lisa Gwyther and Allen Roses. Other people mentioned in the interview include Eugene Stead, Larry Thompson, Carl Eisdorfer, Seymour Crofferman, Charles Nemeroff, Harvey Cohen, and Donald Schmechel.
Contains the personal and professional papers of Albert Heyman (1916-2012), professor of Neurology and chief of the Division of Neurology in the department of Medicine. Types of materials include correspondence, meeting minutes, grant materials, newspaper clippings, research materials related to the CERAD studies, and National Institutes of Health (NIH) research career awards. Major subjects include Duke University School of Medicine, the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease, neurology, Alzheimer's research studies and tests, and bioscience education workshops. Materials range in date from 1959 to 2007.
Albert Behnke, a physician and captain in the United States Navy; pioneered the development of body composition assessment through the study of elite athletes; member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society. Collection contains correspondence, reports, committee materials, text of speeches and lectures, presentation notes, manuscript materials, research files, reprints, and grant files. Major subjects include diving, decompression, diving physiology, and body composition. Materials range in date from 1906 to 1997.
Dr. Alejandro Barbagelata is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine and Cardiology at Duke University and a member of the Duke University Cooperative Cardiovascular Society (DUCCS) Board of Directors. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on March 26, 2007 by Jessica Roseberry. Barbagelata discusses the Duke Cardiovascular Databank and subsequent variations at Favaloro Clinic in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Alfred Blalock (1899-1964), surgeon-in-chief of the John Hopkins Hospital, professor, and director of the surgery department at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (1941-1964), was one of two physicians who developed the "blue baby" operation and treatments for surgical shock. Collection contains correspondence, memorabilia, photographs, scrapbooks, tributes, committee materials, biographical materials, and reprints. Major subjects include Johns Hopkins Hospital, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, medical education, tetralogy of fallot surgery (blue baby syndrome), and surgery. Materials date from 1899 to 1985.
Alfred Gras (1920-2007) was a graduate of Duke University Medical School in 1944. He went into internal medical practice in Newark and Nutley, New Jersey; and Vermont. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on September 23, 2005 by Jessica Roseberry. Gras discusses his medical education and his experience of being the first student at Duke to receive penicillin.
Dr. Allan Douglas Kirk, MD, PhD, is Chair of the Department of Surgery in the Duke University School of Medicine and Surgeon-in-Chief for Duke University Health System. He is also the David C. Sabiston Jr. Professor of Surgery and a professor of immunology and pediatrics. Kirk is a transplant surgeon and physician, specializing in kidney and pancreas transplantation. He is internationally recognized for work in transplant immunology, pioneering the use of costimulation pathway blockade to prevent organ rejection in transplant patients. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on June 12, 2019 by Dr. Justin Barr as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In this interview, Kirk discusses his early life; education; background in music; how he came to be a transplant surgeon; memories of Dr. David Sabiston from his time as a student and resident; becoming a surgeon; his interest in immunology as it related to the field of transplantation; Dr. Robert Anderson taking over as Chair of the Department of Surgery; Kirk's and Sabiston's shared military experience; Kirk's relationship with Sabiston after leaving Duke; and how Sabiston helped shape Kirk's time as Chair of the Department of Surgery at Duke, as well as their different styles of leadership.
Dr. Allan H. Friedman, MD, a Master Surgeon at Duke University, has served as Deputy Director of the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center, Guy L. Odom Professor of Neurological Surgery, and Chief of the Division of Neurosurgery. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on May 14, 2019 by Susannah Roberson as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the interview, Friedman discusses his early life, educational background, how he decided to become a surgeon, how he came to Duke, his residency at Duke, his career in medicine at Duke, and his memories of Sabiston.
The Alpha Omega Alpha, Alpha (AOA) Chapter Records documents the activities, administration, and membership of the Alpha chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha at Duke University, installed locally in 1932. AOA is an honorary medical society. Duke members have included faculty, house staff and students. The collection contains AOA administrative records, lists of member names, correspondence, and event information. Types of materials include brochures, correspondence, and lists. Major subjects include Duke University School of Medicine and medical students. Materials range in date from 1960 to 1989.
Alphonse J. Langlois, PhD (1929-2013) was a research professor of medicine at Duke University Medical Center. This collection contains his professional papers. Types of materials include correspondence, photographs, research notes, reprints, clippings, printed materials, artifacts, reports, and CVs. Major subjects include HIV and cancer research. Materials date from 1963 to 2004.
Amy G. MacDonald, CNM, MSN, founded the Duke Midwifery Service in 1999. As the first nurse midwife at Duke to provide full-scope care for obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) patients, she grew the Service in the following years to include ten midwifery providers. In this role and throughout her career at Duke, MacDonald provided care for patients, while also mentoring and providing didactic content for Duke medical, nurse practitioner, (NP) and physician assistant (PA) students, as well as residents from Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, and OB/GYN in Duke's large teaching hospital setting. MacDonald was the Director of Duke Midwifery Service until 2013, and remained at Duke as a Certified Nurse Midwife until 2021 while also serving in roles including Medical Instructor for Duke School of Medicine and Director of Duke Centering Practice Programs. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on September 27, 2022 by Josephine McRobbie as part of the Duke Midwifery Service and Durham Maternal Health Oral History Project, which was funded by The Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund. In the interview, MacDonald discusses the Duke Midwifery Service, hospital-based midwifery practices and nurse-led education, and then Centering Pregnancy program facilitated by Duke midwives. The themes of this interview include midwifery, pregnancy, childbirth, postnatal education, and medical training.
Dr. Andrew S. Wechsler, MD, emeritus professor in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Drexel University College of Medicine, was the Stanley K. Brockman Professor and Chairman of the Department of from 1998 to 2011. Wechsler completed his Residency in General and Thoracic Surgery at Duke University Medical Center (1973) and afterwards joined the faculty (1974-1988). This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on June 18, 2019 by Emily Stewart as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the interview, Wechsler discusses his early life, education, decision to enter the medical profession, decision to switch from cardiology to cardiac surgery, experiences with Sabiston as a resident and faculty member at Duke, what is was like to move from the North to the South in the seventies, Sabiston's rigid but principled manner, experiences offered to him because of Sabiston's support, reestablishing the cardiac surgery program at the Durham VA, leaving Duke to become a professor and chair in the Department of Surgery at the Medical College of Virginia, and other memories of Sabiston and his wife, Aggie.
Anna Cooper Painter graduated from Duke's School of Nursing in 1948. Items in this collection relate to Santa Filomena and Anna Cooper Painter's time as a nurse. The materials are all circa 1948.
Anna Fetter (1921-2012) worked at Duke from 1963 until 1986 after graduating with her nursing degree in 1944. The collection consists of a Cushing Ward basket, circa 1945.
Anne Bradfield Tyor graduated from the Duke University School of Dietetics in 1946. She married Dr. Malcolm P. Tyor, who was chief of the Division of Gastroenterology from 1965 to 1985.
Contains the professional papers of Ann Jacobansky, faculty member, dean, and interim dean of the Duke University School of Nursing. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, evaluations, committee materials, writings, printed materials, and grant materials. Major subjects include Duke University School of Nursing, nursing education, and nursing students. Materials range in date from 1932 to 1980.
Dr. Ann J. Brown, MD, MHS, is Vice Dean for Faculty and Professor of Medicine in the Duke University School of Medicine. Brown has focused much of her career at Duke on faculty development, having previously served as Associate Vice Dean for Faculty Development (2006), and as Associate Dean for Women in Medicine and Science (2004). This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on April 27, 2021 by Joseph O'Connell as part of the Department of Medicine's Oral History Project. In the interview, Brown discusses her leadership work within the Duke University School of Medicine, current conversations in academic medicine about work/life balance and appropriate work environments, and the impact of systemic bias on research into women's health. The themes of this interview include endocrinology, faculty affairs and development, and gender in medicine.
Antionette (Ann) Milligan-Barnes, RN, is a public health nurse and community advocate born in Durham, North Carolina. After completing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from North Carolina Central University, she served in the United State Air Force Nurse Corps for 10 years. While working in Durham, Milligan-Barnes, a Black woman, worked at the segregated Watts Hospital, treating white patients, and was present during the establishment of the integrated Durham Regional Hospital in 1976. After returning to Durham, she worked at the Durham County Department of Public Health for over 20 years as a Public Health Nurse and Charge Nurse where she played a pivotal role in the Centering Pregnancy Program at the Department of Public Health where she later moved into the role of Centering Coordinator. Milligan Barnes retired in 2016. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on October 5, 2022 by Josephine McRobbie as part of the Duke Midwifery Service and Durham Maternal Health Oral History Project, which was funded by The Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund. In the interview, Milligan-Barnes discusses her early professional years at Watts Hospital, her role as a Labor and Delivery nurse at Durham/Duke Regional Hospital, her time serving in the United States Air Force Nurse Corps, as well as her experiences in the Durham County Department of Public Health, where she worked as a public health nurse and the Coordinator for the Centering Program associated with the Duke Midwifery Services. The themes of this interview include community healthcare, health disparities, and pregnancy and postpartum care.
Contains the professional papers of Duke alumni, Arthur Allen Morris (1917-1997), founder and former president of the Neurosurgical Society of America. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, conference programs, proposals, newsletters, research materials, course notes, photographs, certificates, surgical tools, and abstracts. Materials range in date from 1940 to 1996.
Contains audio, video, and a small amount of digital photographs documenting the history of Duke University Medical Center. Coverage includes documentaries, alumni gatherings, interviews, speeches, lectures, conferences, awards, tributes, groundbreakings, building dedications, grand rounds, and student-faculty shows. Materials in this collection have been acquired from multiple sources. Some of the materials have been separated from existing collections. People featured in the collection include: Jay M. Arena; William G. Anlyan; Lenox D. Baker; Ivan W. Brown; F. Bayard Carter; Elon Clark; Martin M. Cummings; Wilburt C. Davison; Victor J. Dzau; Wiley D. Forbus; Joseph C. Greenfield, Jr.; Charles B. Hammond; Philip Handler; Merel Harmel; Barton F. Haynes; Leslie Hohman; Charles Johnson; Samuel L. Katz; Joseph E. Markee; Robert J. Reeves; David T. Smith; Eugene A. Stead, Jr.; Andrew G. Wallace; and Barnes Woodhall. Items of note include Wilburt C. Davison's Dave at Roaring Gap, MEDSAC and Quail Roost conference recordings, a 14-part orientation of Duke Hospital North, documentaries about the 65th General Hospital, documentaries about Duke's hyperbaric chamber, the multi-part interview series "Before the Colors Fade," and "Keepers of the House" documentary. Also includes videos of the School of Medicine's Match Day program and Memory Lane video series for graduating medical students. Types of formats include VHS tapes, Betacam tapes, U-Matic tapes, audiocassette tapes, DVDs, CDs, other forms for optical media, film, magnetic tapes, reel-to-reel audio, wire recordings, and digital files. Materials range in date from 1946 to 2024.
Contains the professional papers of August O. Grant, professor of medicine in the cardiology department at Duke School of Medicine. Materials include laboratory notebooks, order forms, invoices, and financial documents. Materials date from 1991 to 2005.
Barbara Parnell worked at Duke from 1963 to 2012. She worked for Dr. H. Newland Oldham, Professor of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Medicine, as well as holding the position of Coordinator for the Sabiston Society where she planned all of the group's meetings from the Society's inception. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on April 5, 2021 by Dr. Konstantinos Economopoulos as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the interview, Parnell discusses her memories of Sabiston, her work for him, and his reputation among the residents.
Contains the personal and professional papers of Barnes Woodhall (1905-1985), professor and chair of the Division of Neurological Surgery and dean of the School of Medicine at Duke University. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, minutes, reports, memoranda, memorabilia, short writings, reprints, and photographs. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, Duke University School of Medicine, health services administration, Veteran's Administration, North Carolina Atomic Energy Commission, Health Planning Council for Central North Carolina, Journal of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center Library, National Library of Medicine and MEDLARS, National Institutes of Health, hospital design and construction, and Research Triangle Institute. Major correspondents include Everett Hopkins, R. Taylor Cole, and Douglas M. Knight. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1987.
Dr. Bernard M. Jaffe, MD, is a general surgeon and Professor of Surgery, Emeritus at Tulane University Medical Center. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on June 24, 2019 by Emily Stewart as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the interview, Jaffe discusses, as part of the recorded interview, how he helped locate the grave of Dr. William Stewart Halsted, a role model for Dr. Sabiston, when Sabiston was a visiting professor at the medical school at the State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. There are additional notes about 2 Sabiston stories made during a phone conversation with Jaffe that were not recorded about how Jaffe met Sabiston and Sabiston's niece only calling him "Dr. Sabiston" and not "Uncle Dave".
Bertram E. Walls, MD, received his medical degree from Duke University Medicine School in 1976, where he also completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Ob/Gyn). It was during this time, Walls worked alongside Donald T. Moore, MD, a renowned Ob/Gyn physician, who had significant influence on Walls' career and personal values. Following his medical training, Walls embarked on a career in private practice, specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. Later, Walls pursued further education, graduating from Duke Fuqua Business School in 1994. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on February 10, 2024 by Gemma Holland as part of the Bass Connections Agents of Change Oral History Project. In the interview, Walls discusses Moore's role in establishing clinics at Lincoln Hospital, his mentorship of medical students and residents, and his impact on patient care and surgical skills. The themes of this interview includes advocacy for diversity and inclusion in healthcare, serving underserved communities, and the legacy of Moore.
Contains the professional papers of Bessie Baker (1874-1942), first dean of the Duke University School of Nursing. Types of materials include correspondence, writings, and course materials. Major subjects include Duke Hospital, Duke University School of Nursing, nursing education, and nursing students. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1941.
Contains the records of B. Fred Brown (d. 1993), assistant to chancellor of health affairs (1986-1993) and chief operating officer of the Duke University Medical Center (1990-1993). Types of materials include correspondence, budgets, minutes, planning documents, incident reports, audits, and space planning materials. Also includes letters of application for the position of Director of Social Work. Major correspondents include hospital staff, hospital administrators, and committee members including John Robinette, Pete Bennett, and Ralph Snyderman. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center history and administration, hospital management, hospital service improvement, patient-centered care, and building design and construction. Materials range in date from 1989 to 1993. Contains restricted materials.
Biographical materials files were created primarily by Duke News Service from the 1930s until around the early 1980s. Duke News Service also maintained a clippings file documenting activities of Duke University Medical Center departments, programs, and student life. Collection contains clippings, notes, brochures, curriculum vitae and other materials of a biographical nature pertaining to individuals associated with Duke University Medical Center. Major subjects include Duke University faculty, the School of Medicine, the School of Nursing, Duke University Medical Center, and Duke Hospital. Materials range in date from the 1930s to the present.
Contains professional files of Blaine S. Nashold (1923-2014), professor emeritus of the Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery at Duke University Medical Center. Types of materials include manuscript materials, reprints, photographic prints, slides, and negatives, patient records, consultation correspondence, a 3-dimensional model; lecture notes, travel notes, and professional organization files. Major subjects include Duke University faculty, the Department of Surgery, neurosurgery, stereotaxic techniques and instrumentation. Materials range in date from 1953 to 2003.
Dr. Bruce Schirmer, MD, graduated from Duke University School of Medicine in 1978, as well as completing his residency in General and Thoracic Surgery and a fellowship in Gastrointestinal Surgery Research at Duke. He joined the faculty at the University of Virginia in 1985. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted by Dr. Justin Barr on November 30, 2018 and is part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the interview, Schimer discusses his experiences at Duke, his time as a practicing doctor at Fort Balknap Indian Reservation, his experiences with Sabiston, and key mentors at Duke.
Contains the personal papers of Bruce Wayne Dixon (1939-2013), former Duke Internal Medicine chief resident, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine professor, head of the Allegheny County Health Department, and community health expert. Types of materials include photographs, memorials and tributes, articles, a silver bowl awarded to Dixon at Duke for teaching excellence, and other types of materials documenting his career in medicine. Materials date from 1906 to 2013.
Dr. Carla W. Brady, MD, a Hepatologist, Small Intestine Transplant Specialist, and Transplant Hepatologist, is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on March 30, 2021 by Joseph O'Connell as part of the Department of Medicine's Oral History Project. In the interview, Brady discusses her work with liver transplantation, her development of a hepatology clinic which is focused on the needs of pregnant women, her reflections on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on her work, and her leadership work as a member of Duke's Academic Council's Executive Committee (ECAC). The themes of this interview includes transplant hepatologist, gastroenterology, women in medicine and as patients, and clinical care.
Dr. Carl E. Ravin, MD (1942- ) is a Duke Professor of Radiology and former Chair of the Department of Radiology (1985-2008). This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on May 20, 2019 by Emily Stewart as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the interview, Ravin briefly discusses his early life, education, military service during the Vietnam War, and his early career as a chest radiologist; memories of Dr. David Sabiston including the time Sabiston would not greet him because he was not wearing a white coat, as well as how Sabiston negotiated behind the scenes and controlled the environment by setting an example of how he thought the environment should operate; becoming chair of the department of surgery and changes he made; writing a chapter on imaging for Sabiston's surgery textbook; how Sabiston created an atmosphere at Duke with a superb quality of care from top rate doctors that also heavily focused on academics; Sabiston's commitment to the institution of Duke; and Ravin's relationship with Sabiston after his retirement.
Carol (Ogle) Skipper received her R.N. from Duke University School of Nursing in 1954. The collection contains a Santa Filomena lantern, a Duke University nursing honor society, and a nursing cape. Materials are from circa 1954.
Contains the personal and professional papers of Catherine Lynch Gilliss, dean of the Duke University School of Nursing from 2004 to 2014. Types of materials include personal correspondence, professional correspondence, artwork, diplomas, programs, notes, photographic materials, clippings, scrapbooks, an oral history transcript, drafts, reports, budgets, minutes, notes, agendas, resumes, printed materials, programs, clippings, itineraries, survey data, grant applications, architectural renderings and plans, AV materials, and photographic materials. Major correspondents include Ruby Wilson. Major subjects include Duke University School of Nursing administrative records, academic affairs, and strategic planning. Materials date from 1932 to 2017.
Dr. Catherine M. Wilfert (1936- ) was chief of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics at the Duke University School of Medicine from 1976 until 1994. An award-winning AIDS researcher, she has done much of her work in developing countries. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on August 26, 2006 by Jessica Roseberry as part of the Women in Duke Medicine Oral History Exhibit. In this interview, Wilfert discusses her work with AIDS patients in developing countries and the development of the anti-HIV drug AZT.
The Duke University Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development was created in 1955 by the U.S. Surgeon General and was designated as one of five regional resource centers on aging. The center's first initiatives included the Duke Longitudinal Studies, a 20-year project begun in 1956 that monitored the physical, mental, social, and economic status of approximately 800 older adults. Types of materials include correspondence, audiovisual materials, reprints, departmental histories, budget materials, computer printouts, brochures, newsletters, clippings, directories, grant materials, questionnaires, printed materials, architectural plans, and internal administrative papers such as meeting minutes, reports, publications, and photographs. Major subjects include the study of aging and human development, mental health, geriatric medicine, psychological and psychiatric behavior of older adults, Carol Woods Retirement Home, the Hillhaven LaSalle Nursing Center, the Forest at Duke, the Greenery Rehabilitation Center, the United Methodist Retirement Home, the Croasdaile Village, and Ewald W. Busse. A portion of the materials came from the files of Dorothy K. Heyman; these files have been interspersed throughout the collection. The collection contains materials from Gerda G. Fillenbaum concerning the Study at Carol Woods in Chapel Hill, NC (1979-1981), the Longitudinal Retirement History Study (1969-1979), the Older Americans Resources and Services Program (OARS), and the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD). The collection also contains materials from Lisa P. Gwyther, concerning her work with Alzheimer's and related diseases and the Duke Aging Center Family Support Program. The collection also contains materials from Mitchell Heflin concerning the Consortium for Faculty Development to Advance Geriatric Education (FD-AGE), the Duke Geriatrics Division's curriculum on the care of older adults entitled "Clinical Core on Aging", and the Duke Geriatric Education Center (GEC). Materials range in date from 1952 to 2019.
Contains the personal and professional papers of Dr. Charles B. Hammond (1936-2021), chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1980-2002), and a small amount of personal correspondence belonging to Peggy Hammond. Types of materials include 3.5 inch floppy disks, a 16mm film reel, awards, CDs, certificates, clippings, conference materials, correspondence, digital surrogates, DVDs, lantern slides, negatives, newsletters, notes, slides, and VHS tapes. Major subjects of the collection include Hammond's involvement in and recognitions from professional organizations like the American Fertility Society and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Materials range in date from 1915 to 2016, and some materials are undated.
Charles Denton Johnson, PhD, is an Associate Professor of History at North Carolina Central University (NCCU). He holds degrees from Morehouse College, NCCU, and Howard University, specializing in African Diaspora, African American, and Public History. Charles Denton Johnson is the son of Charles Johnson, MD, the first Black faculty member at Duke University School of Medicine and first Black physician on the faculty at Duke. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on January 31, 2024 by Danielle Okotcha as part of the Bass Connections Agents of Change Oral History Project. In the interview, Charles Denton Johnson discusses his father, Charles Johnson, his role as the first Black faculty member at Duke; his experiences with his father through his youth; and racial relations in healthcare. The themes of this interview include racial justice and healthcare.
Contains materials related to Charles Edward Buckley III's professional career with Duke University as a Professor of Medicine, Associate Professor of Microbiology-Immunology, and the Director of DUMC's Allergy-Immunology Laboratory. The collection contains Buckley's CVs, correspondence, conference and presentation materials, test and lab data, computer programming files, research and project files, personnel files, photographs, negatives, slides, and digital files from two 3.5-inch floppy disks. Major subjects include immunoglobulins, pollen as an allergen, capillary leak syndrome, and hypersensitivity. Materials date from 1954 to 2020, and some materials are undated.
Charlies Watson Wharton (1909-1990) had a medical practice in Smithfield, North Carolina. The collection includes notebooks; diagrams; sketches about preclinical subjects, physiology, and pharmacology; medical histories; and physical examinations. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1933.
Contains the personal and professional papers of Charles W. Shilling (1901-1994), a physician, a leader in the field of undersea and hyperbaric medicine, research, education, and former Captain of the Medical Corps with the United States Navy. This collection contains correspondence, notes, photographs, a scrapbook, a transcript, speeches, awards, addresses, clippings, pamphlets, plaques, certificates, and a mug. Major subjects include the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, diving, hyperbaric oxygenation, United States Atomic Energy Commission, and U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Materials range in date from 1932 to 1994.
Christian R. H. Raetz (1946-2011) was a former George Barth Geller Professor for Molecular Biology and chair of the Department of Biochemistry at Duke University Medical Center. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2006Contains laboratory notebooks and research materials of Dr. Christian R. H. Raetz from Harvard Medical School and books of former PhD and master's students from Duke University and University of Wisconsin. Major subjects include Duke University Department of Biochemistry and laboratory work. Materials range in date from 1968 to 2008.
Contains the historical records of the City of Medicine, a public relations and community outreach health organization based in Durham, North Carolina. Types of materials include scrapbooks, clippings, publications, reports, speeches, textiles, videotapes, photographs and memorabilia. Major subjects include Durham, North Carolina, public relations, and Duke University. Materials range in date from 1980 to 2003.
This collection includes the report "Conscientious Objection and Clinical Care: A History of Civilian Public Service Camp No. 61 at Duke University, 1942-1946," by Louis E. Swanson and James F. Gifford, Jr. The collection also includes research materials used by Swanson and Gifford used to write the report, including issues of the Duke Civilian Public Service (C.P.S. Unit 61) publication "Service"; issues of the National Board for Religious Objectors publication "The Reporter"; an issue of the Mental Hygiene Program of Civilian Public Service publication "The Attendant"; a list of the members of C.P.S. Unit 61; and notes that appear to be made by Louis E. Swanson. Undated photographs of CPS men working are also included. Materials range in date from 1943 to 1984.
Christian James (C. J.) Lambertsen (1917-2011) worked as a professor of pharmacology, director of the Institute for Environmental Medicine, and the founding director of the Environmental Biomedical Stress Data Center in 1985 at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine. He designed the Lambertsen Amphibious Respiratory Unit (LARU), which was the first widely used, closed-circuit Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA) in the United States. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, photographs, audio material, slides, lab books, lab data, experimental measures and procedures, diagrams, graphs, articles, manuscript drafts, grant proposals, newspaper clippings, and notes. Primary subjects include decompression, oxygenation, diving, decompression sickness, diving physiology, and underwater breathing apparatus. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2004.
Contains minutes from the clinical services executive committee, which discuss issues related to the Duke University Medical Center including departmental head appointments, accreditations, and operation and patient room utilization. Materials range in date from 1990 to 1991.
Pharmaceutical Research Services, part of Duke's Comprehensive Cancer Center, consists of an Investigational Chemotherapy Service and a Cancer Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory and provides a broad range of services to support the conduct of clinical hematology/oncology research. Types of materials include laboratory notebooks, data, correspondence, clinical trials materials, and research materials from both academic and clinical research. Materials were created by academic and clinical research staff members from the following departments: Department of Medicine, Department of Pathology, and Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology. Materials range in date from 1985 to 2004.
Dr. Courtney M. Townsend Jr., MD, is the Robertson-Poth Distinguished Chair in General Surgery in the Department of Surgery at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB). He is a highly esteemed surgical educator who is also a Professor of Surgery, Professor of Physicians Assistants Studies, and graduate faculty in the Cell Biology Program. Townsend also served as the Editor-In-Chief of the "Sabiston Textbook for Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice" for the 16th through 20th editions. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on January 20, 2022 by Taylor Patterson as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the interview, Townsend discusses his background; his decision to become a surgeon; his education and training; his time in the Navy, becoming the Editor-In-Chief for the "Textbook of Surgery" after Sabiston, as well as his experiences in that role; Sabiston's influence on the field of surgery; how Townsend shaped surgical resident education at his institution; the importance of developing a workforce that looks like the population being served; and his memories of Sabiston and his wife Agnes (Aggie) Barden Sabiston.
Dr. Craig L. Slingluff Jr., MD, is the Joseph Helms Farrow Professor of Surgery at University of Virginia (UVA) Health, where he serves as the Vice-Chair for Research in the Department of Surgery, Director of the UVA Cancer Center Human Immune Therapy Center, and Co-Chair of the Melanoma Committee of Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). He has 20 years of experience as a surgical oncologist and as an independent investigator in cancer immunology and immunotherapy, all at UVA. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on April 18, 2021 by Dr. Justin Barr as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the interview, Slingluff discusses his early life, education, why he decided to join the medical profession, how he came to Duke for his residency, his memories of Sabiston, recollections of the people he worked with at Duke during his residency and research fellowship, his decision to go into surgical oncology, and how he ended up back at the UVA.
Contains records pertaining to the teleconferencing and closed circuit television system at Duke University Medical Center, particularly the patient channel, which broadcast educational programming. The records appear to have originated from the office of Janice Palmer, former director of the Cultural Services Program and include proposals from Tom Hurtgen and Gene Miller. Materials range in date from 1977 to 1997.
Contains records pertaining to the curriculum committee, which handled student advancement, professional development, and the administration of Duke's School of Medicine. Includes correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, course outlines, conference programs, proposed program outlines, and course catalogs for junior and senior year electives. Materials range in date from 1934 to 1989.
Collection Context
Dale Purves Papers, 1950-2020, undated315 Linear Feet (207 cartons, 1 manuscript box, 4 card boxes, 2 flat boxes, 3 map tubes, 5 CDs in AV15/16 Box 1) and 50 GB
Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional records of Dale Purves, professor of neurobiology, chair of the Department of Neurobiology (1999-2002), and director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke University Medical Center. Types of materials include laboratory notebooks, photographs, slides, correspondence, manuscripts, short writings, clippings, committee materials, professional organization materials, memorabilia, grant materials, media files, posters, and emails. Major subjects include neurosciences, neurobiology, and visual perception. Materials range in date from 1950 to 2020.
Dani Bolognesi received his PhD from Duke in virology in 1967, and he joined the faculty at Duke as an Assistant Professor in Virology in the Department of Surgery in 1971 and became an Associate Professor of Surgery in 1972. Bolognesi held other positions at Duke: Vice Chair of the Department of Surgery (1994-1999), Professor of Virology in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology (2001-2002), Professor of Virology in the Department of Microbiology (1994-2002), Professor of Surgery (1977-2002), and Professor Emeritus of Surgery (2002-present). While at Duke, his laboratory did the early work on identifying anti-HIV activity in what would become AZT, the first drug developed against the disease. This collection contains 2 oral history interviews conducted on September 29, 1994 by Dr. James Gifford and May 29, 2019 by Taylor Patterson and is part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the June 29, 1994 interview, Bolognesi discusses his educational background; working with Dr. Joseph Beard at Duke; and his research, particularly the work of the laboratory he directed. In the May 29, 2019 interview, Bolognesi discusses his early life and education; his studies and work at Duke, where he was a student under Dr. Joseph Beard; professional and personal memories of Dr. David Sabiston, including Sabiston's interest in grants; Sabiston's stoke; Sabiston's Christmas parties; translational research; the Department of Surgery; and Bolognesi's HIV research.
Dr. Daniel (Dan) G. Blazer, MD, J.P. Gibbons Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and a former Dean of Medical Education at the Duke University School of Medicine, is a psychiatrist who came to Duke in 1976. This collection contains 2 oral history interviews conducted on March 31, 1995 by Dr. James Gifford and January 28, 2005 by Jessica Roseberry. In the March 31, 1995 interview, which is included in the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project, Blazer discusses his career, thoughts on medical education, and his specific views on the teaching of surgery at Duke. In the January 28, 2005 interview, Blazer discusses his experiences in the Duke University School of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry.
Dr. Daniel (Dan) G. Blazer, MD, J.P. Gibbons Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and a former Dean of Medical Education at the Duke University School of Medicine, is a psychiatrist who came to Duke in 1976. This collection contains correspondence, notes, reference records, committee notes, budgets, article reprints, and electronic files belonging Blazer. Materials range in date from 1984 to 2004.
Collection contains materials created or collected by Daniel J. Pachman (1911-1999), Duke University School of Medicine graduate (1934) and former Duke Hospital resident and coordinator of Duke Pediatric Society meetings. Collection contains correspondence, clippings, a testimonial, writings, a report, notes, and a Duke Pediatric Society fabric banner. Major subject include pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Mildred M. Sherwood, and Wilburt Cornell Davison. Materials range in date from 1937 to 1988.
Desautels, was a founding member of the National Association for Cave Diving, a scholar on diving-related accidents and fatalities, and a member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society. The collection contains reprints of articles relating to hyperbaric medicine from different authors and publications. Major subjects of publications include decompression, decompression sickness, diving-related accidents and fatalities, and atmospheric pressure. Materials range in date from 1939 to 1998.
Contains the papers of David B. Larson (1947-2002), psychiatrist and principal founder of National Institute for Healthcare Research. Types of materials include clippings, date books, manuscripts, research notes, course notes, articles, conference notes, presentations, correspondence, CVs, subject files, photographs, research files, and reports. Materials range in date from 1975 to 2002, with the bulk of the material being undated.
David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015119.6 Linear Feet (72 cartons, 7 flat boxes, 14 slides boxes, 2 card boxes, 2 map folders, 2 manuscript boxes, 1 cassette tape box) 1 oversized folder, 3 artifacts, and 2 robes.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of David C. Sabiston Jr. (1924-2009), surgeon and chair of the Department of Surgery at Duke University from 1964 to 1994. Types of materials include personal and professional correspondence, memorabilia, scrapbooks, correspondence, clippings, printed materials, DVDs, CDs, floppy disks, VHS cassettes, certificates, research materials, committee minutes, reports, manuscript and illustration materials, reports, departmental lectures, presentations and talks, budgets, evaluations, administrative documents, planning documents, notes, photographs, slides, audiotapes, gowns, hoods, robes, and digital surrogates of plaques and awards. Major correspondents include Del Stickel, Donald Silver, J. Leonard Goldner, James F. Glenn, Will Camp Sealy, Samuel A. Wells Jr., and Kenneth Pickrell. Materials range in date from 1887 to 2015, with the bulk starting in 1920.
David E. Yount (1935-2000) was a researcher on bubble formation theory and decompression sickness, University of Hawaii professor of physics, chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Hawaii, administrator at the University of Hawaii, and a member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS). Collection contains correspondence, reports, committee materials, text of speeches and lectures, presentation notes, manuscript materials, research files, and grant files. Major subjects include diving, acoustics, decompression, decompression sickness, high-energy physics, and diving physiology. Materials range in date from 1862 to 2000, with the bulk of materials dating from 1975 to 2000.
Dr. David Lee Simel, MD, is Professor of Medicine and Vice-Chair for Veterans Affairs in the Department of Medicine at Duke University, where he also acts as Chief for Medical Service at the Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on March 5, 2021 by Joseph O'Connell as part of the Department of Medicine's Oral History Project. In the interview, Simel discusses his early experiences in and around medicine, his research in clinical exam and diagnostic tools, and his work at the Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center and as Vice-Chair for Veterans Affairs in the Department of Medicine. The themes of this interview include veterans' health, medical training, hematology-oncology, and general practice medicine.
Contains the professional papers of David Tillerson Smith (1898-1981), James B. Duke Professor of Microbiology and chair of the Department of Microbiology (1930-1958) and associate professor of Medicine in the Department of Preventive Medicine (1950-1966) at Duke University. Types of materials include correspondence with individuals and organizations, research notes, clippings, article reprints, and manuscript materials. Major subjects include the Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Department of Preventive Medicine, Turdeau Sanatarium, the research and teaching of microbiology, tuberculosis, pellagra, mycology, and bacteriology. Materials range in date from 1920 to 1970.