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Helen Greenlee Haberneck Nursing Memorabilia, 1940-1943, circa 1943, 1993, undated

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Helen Ada (Bunny) Greenlee Haberneck (1922-2017) graduated from Duke University School of Nursing in 1943. Contains Haberneck's School of Nursing uniform, nursing caps, aprons, 2 sets of wrist cuffs, 2 sashes, a bib, a letter, biographical information, clippings, a "Whitecaps" newsletter, and a notebook. Materials date to 1940-1943, circa 1943, 1993, undated.
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School of Nursing Memorabilia, 1940-1943, circa 1943, 1993, undated

Kathryn Ann Decker Nursing Memorabilia, 1941-1947

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Kathryn Ann Decker graduated from the Duke University School of Nursing in 1943. Prior to her graduation, Decker joined the Duke Student Reserve for the American Red Cross in 1942 and also became one of the first members of Santa Filomena, a senior women's nursing honor society at Duke University, in 1943. This collection contains news clippings, newsletters, Duke bulletins, and an alumni register collected by Kathryn Ann Decker during her time as a student at Duke University School of Nursing, as well as after her graduation. A major subject of the materials is Duke student and alumni service in the United States Armed Forces. Materials range in date from 1941 to 1947.
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School of Nursing Memorabilia, 1941-1947

Helen Rearden Nursing Memorabilia, 1944-circa 1993

Abstract Or Scope
Helen Rearden graduated from Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON) in 1947. Collection contains DUSON memorabilia. Types of materials include clippings, notes, printed materials, and artifacts. Materials date from 1944 to circa 1993.
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School of Nursing Memorabilia, 1944-circa 1993

Julia Glenn Hester Nursing Memorabilia, 1959

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Julia Glenn Hester (1936-2016) received her BSN from Duke University in 1959, her master's from UNC-Chapel Hill, and her PhD from Duke University in 1979. Hester worked as a public health nurse for the Charlotte, North Carolina Health Department. At the time of her retirement, she was a school psychologist with the Winston Salem-Forsyth County Schools. Contains Hester's Duke University School of Nursing diploma and a blue-gray wool nursing cape. Materials date to 1959.
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School of Nursing Memorabilia, 1959

Durham-Orange County Medical Society Auxiliary Scrapbooks, 1961-1987

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Contains the scrapbooks of the Durham-Orange County Medical Society Auxiliary collected by Meredith Paddison, a group formed by wives of the doctors of the Durham-Orange County Medical Society. Types of materials include correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, photographs, newsletters, brochures, meeting agendas, and awards. The materials document the Auxiliary's projects and activities, including community outreach programs, fashion shows, luncheons, benefits, parties, lectures, and fundraising. Materials date from 1961 to 1987.
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Scrapbooks, 1961-1987

Roscoe R. Robinson Papers, 1960-1978

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Contains the professional papers of Roscoe R. Robinson (1929-2004), professor, associate vice president, and chief executive officer of Duke University Medical Center and the director of the Division of Nephrology. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, minutes, reprints, newsletters, clippings, programs, drafts, news releases, agendas, notes, and financial materials. Major subjects include Sea Level Hospital and hospital administration. Materials date from 1960 to 1978.
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Sea Level Hospital, 1969-1974

William W. Johnston Collection, 1964-1991

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Contains the papers and slides of Dr. William W. Johnston (1933-) who served as a physician and professor in the Duke University School of Medicine Department of Pathology and later chief of Cytopathology. Types of materials include slides, correspondence, depositions, and research papers. Major subjects include cytopathological diseases and conditions. The collection contains approximately 10,400 slides from approximately 1,100 unique cases. Reference index cards corresponding with the slides are also included in the collection. Materials in this collection range in date from 1964 to 1991.
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Slides, 1970-1986

Irving E. Alexander Papers, 1940-2006

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Irving E. Alexander (1922-2007) was a clinical psychologist and professor in Duke University's Department of Psychology and Neuroscience for 45 years. He served as department chair, taught and counseled undergraduates, trained clinicians, treated patients, served on Duke's Academic Council, was a consulting psychologist at the Durham VA Hospital and in the Halifax County (North Carolina.) school system, and was a consultant to programs for gifted children including the Presidential Scholars program. Types of materials include reading lists, notes, lectures, outlines, clippings, articles, slides, photographs, negatives, programs, correspondence, dream journals, agendas, schedules, membership lists, speeches, meeting minutes, and grant proposals. Materials range in date from 1940 to 2006.
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Slides and Photographs, 1940-2000

W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of W. Kenneth Cuyler (1900-1976), professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Duke Medical Center. Materials include correspondence, grant applications, minutes, reprints, papers, and notes pertaining to obstetrics and gynecology, including cervical and vaginal (Pap) smears. Materials date from 1947 to 1962.
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Small Correspondence and Subject File, 1947-1962