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Sheila J. Counce-Nicklas Oral History Interview, June 21, 2007

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Sheila J. Counce-Nicklas was one of the first women in Duke University's Department of Anatomy. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on June 21, 2007 by Jessica Roseberry. In this interview, Counce-Nicklas discusses women's issues in the medical field, including her own experiences as a female staff member in Duke University Medical Center's Department of Anatomy.
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Sheila J. Counce-Nicklas Oral History Interview, June 21, 2007 1 interview (2 master CDs, 2 use CDs, and 1 transcript)

Scott W. Cousins Records, 1974-2014

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Scott W. Cousins, M.D., a retina-trained ophthalmologist specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of macular diseases, conducts research in both the clinical and laboratory setting at Duke. His research centers on various areas of dry and wet AMD and diabetic retinopathy. The bulk of this collection contains laboratory notebooks, research materials, and photographic materials. The materials in this collection date from 1974 to 2014.

Fred A. Crawford Oral History Interview, May 22, 2019

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Dr. Fred A. Crawford, MD, attended Duke University for undergraduate and Duke University School of Medicine for medical school. Crawford's residency at Duke was interrupted by the Vietnam War, where he served in the United States Army as a surgeon. Afterwards, he returned to Duke and completed his residency. Crawford served as Chief of Cardiac Surgery at the University of Mississippi (1976-1979) and Professor and Chief of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina (1979-2009). This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on May 22, 2019 by Taylor Patterson as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the interview Crawford discusses his early life and education, his experience at Duke University and Duke University School of Medicine, working for Dr. Will C. Sealy, memories of Dr. David and Agnes Sabiston, his residency, leaving his residency at Duke to serve in the Army during the Vietnam War, and his career after Duke at the University of Mississippi and the Medical University of South Carolina as a thoracic surgeon.
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Interview, May 22, 2019

Herbert F. Crovitz Papers, 1960-1994

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Crovitz was a research psychologist at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Durham, N.C.
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Yancey Culton Oral History Interview, 2006-2006

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Dr. Yancey Culton Jr. (1927-2017) was the chair of the Department of OB/GYN at Watts Hospital, the last medical staff president of Watts Hospital (1975-1976), and the first medical staff president of the Durham Regional Hospital (1976-2000). This collection contains 1 oral history interview. The interview was conducted on December 28, 2006 by Jessica Roseberry. In this interview, Culton discusses his time at Watts Hospital and later the Durham Regional Hospital. In particular, he discusses obstetrics and gynecology at both hospitals and the field in general. He also discusses the medical staff at Durham Regional Hospital, as well as its functions as a community hospital.
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Interview, December 28, 2006

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Interview, July 17, 2007

Martin Marc Cummings Oral History Interview, July 15, 2005

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Martin Marc Cummings graduated from Duke University School of Medicine in 1944. He was the director of the National Library of Medicine from 1964 to 1984.
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W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of W. Kenneth Cuyler (1900-1976), professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Duke Medical Center. Materials include correspondence, grant applications, minutes, reprints, papers, and notes pertaining to obstetrics and gynecology, including cervical and vaginal (Pap) smears. Materials date from 1947 to 1962.

Kim Q. Dau Oral History Interview, 2022

Abstract Or Scope
Kim Quang Dau, RN, MS, CNM, is a Clinical Professor of Midwifery in the School of Nursing at the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF), a Certified Nurse-Midwife at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, the Director of UCSF's Nurse-Midwifery/WHNP Program, and a co-lead for UCSF's Midwifery Mentoring and Belonging Program. From 2007 to 2010, Dau was a Staff Midwife with Duke Midwifery Service, and the Coordinator for the Centering Pregnancy program facilitated in collaboration with Durham County Department of Public Health in locations including Lincoln Community Health Center and El Centro Hispano. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on October 19, 2022 by Josephine McRobbie as part of the Duke Midwifery Service and Durham Maternal Health Oral History Project, which was funded by The Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund. In the interview, Dau discusses her path to midwifery, patient-centered care in a community setting, and the experience of change in healthcare systems. The themes of this interview include midwifery, community healthcare, and medical training.
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Interview, October, 19 2022

Frank Davis Oral History Interview, 2024

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After service in the United States Air Force, Frank Davis pursued a BS in electrical engineering at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, North Carolina. He then worked at IBM and received a MS in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. Davis co-founded the Durham Striders Youth Association (DSYA) in 1977 with Herman Graham and Ralph Bullock. Dr. Brenda Armstrong became involved with the DSYA, meeting Davis through her godfather, Russell Blunt. Armstrong, Professor of Pediatrics, Associate Dean of Admissions for the Duke University School of Medicine, and, among other roles, Vice President of the DSYA, and Davis, Co-Founder of the DSYA, worked together for 37 years. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on February 18, 2024 by Ava Meigs as part of the Bass Connections Agents of Change Oral History Project. In the interview, Davis explores the mission and work of the DSYA; Armstrong's extensive involvement with the DSYA as a coach, team physician, board member, and fundraiser; notable alumni of the DSYA; and the organization's relationship with Duke. This interview primarily focuses on Armstrong as a pivotal figure in the founding and work of the DSYA. The themes of this interview include community activism, academic and athletic excellence, physical health, and expanding access to health care.
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Interview, February 18, 2024

Wilburt Cornell Davison Papers, 1881-1979

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Wilburt Cornell Davison (1897-1972), pediatrician, chair of pediatrics, and first dean of Duke University School of Medicine (1927-1960). Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, memorabilia, scrapbooks, photographs, clippings, programs, budgets, reports, deeds, poems, manuscript materials, creative writings, genealogical materials, article reprints, diplomas, and certificates and invitations. Oversized diplomas and certificates have been separated from this collection. Major correspondents include George G. Allen, Atala Davison, Jay M. Arena, F. Vernon Altvater, Bessie Baker, William B. Bell, William Preston Few, Wiley D. Forbus, Frederic Moir Hanes, Elizabeth Hanes, Julian Deryl Hart, Sir William Osler, Talmage Peele, Wilder Penfield, Watson S. Rankin, Josiah Trent, and Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans. Major groups and associations in the collection include Alpha Omega Alpha, American Hospital Association, American Medical Association, Association of American Medical Colleges, Lincoln Hospital, Rockefeller Foundation, and Society for Pediatric Research. Major subjects in this collection include pediatrics, medical education, Duke University School of Medicine, Duke University faculty and students, Duke Hospital, and Private Diagnostic Clinic. Materials date from 1881 to 1972.
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Kathryn Ann Decker Nursing Memorabilia, 1941-1947

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Kathryn Ann Decker graduated from the Duke University School of Nursing in 1943. Prior to her graduation, Decker joined the Duke Student Reserve for the American Red Cross in 1942 and also became one of the first members of Santa Filomena, a senior women's nursing honor society at Duke University, in 1943. This collection contains news clippings, newsletters, Duke bulletins, and an alumni register collected by Kathryn Ann Decker during her time as a student at Duke University School of Nursing, as well as after her graduation. A major subject of the materials is Duke student and alumni service in the United States Armed Forces. Materials range in date from 1941 to 1947.

Susan C. and John E. Dees Papers, 1933-1991

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Susan C. Dees, MD (1909-2001), founder and Division Chair of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (1948-1974), was one of the first female faculty physicians at Duke and the first female to achieve the rank of full Professor in the Duke Medical Center. Dr. John E. Dees, MD (1910-1993), a urologist, was a Professor of Urology at Duke, the second member of the Urology Faculty at Duke, and was known as a master surgeon and surgical innovator. This collection contains both their professional and personal papers. Types of materials include correspondence, slides, photographs, reprints, awards and honors, degrees, memberships and affiliations, clippings, a small amount of artifacts, a Robert (Bob) Blake painting, and an 8mm film reel. Materials date from 1933 to 1991.
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Elizabeth R. DeLong Oral History Interview, 2010-2010

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Elizabeth DeLong was a professor in the Division of Biometry and Medical Informatics for the Department of Community and Family Medicine at Duke, a biostatistician in the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, and the chair of the Duke Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on October 21, 2010 by Jessica Roseberry. In this interview, DeLong speaks about similarities and differences between working at a clinical research organization (Quintiles) and an academic research organization (Duke Medical Center); some collaborative projects between the Department of Biostatistics and other Duke departments; the importance of biostatistics to medical practice and medical research; the extent to which people in an academic institution are aware of the importance of statistics in their own work; the importance of having training in doing statistical work; master's versus PhD statisticians; the Duke Clinical Research Institute's emphasis on collaboration between medical investigators and statisticians; working with partners to make sure they set up their studies correctly; outcomes research versus clinical trials; equipoise; the importance of equipoise; personalized medicine; the accuracy of predictions in personalized medicine; bioinformatics; the importance of the department being accepted by other outside departments and groups; growth of the department; being a female in the sciences; her own background; mentors; Dean Nancy Andrews; whether she brings something different to the table as a female department chair; and the future of the department.
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William J. A. DeMaria Papers, 1951-1985

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Contains the personal and professional papers of William J. A. DeMaria (1923-1990), a professor in the Department of Pediatrics and the Department of Community Health Sciences, as well as an associate director for medical education at Duke University Medical Center. He became the first director of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina in 1976. Types of materials include publications, news clippings, reports, correspondence, articles, papers, and handwritten notes pertaining to various topics regarding pediatrics and public health at Duke University Medical Center and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. Materials range in date from 1951 to 1984.

Louise Williams Dennis Oral History Interview, July 18, 2008

Abstract Or Scope
Louise Williams Dennis graduated from Duke University School of Nursing in 1948.
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Department of Arts & Health at Duke Records, 1939-2014

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the collected materials of the Department of Arts & Health at Duke, a department established in 1978 to promote the role of the arts and humanities in healthcare at Duke Hospital. Types of materials include administrative files, grant reports, subject files, research project files, articles, publications, clippings, scrapbooks, photographs, slides, video tapes, audio cassette tapes, exhibit material, exhibit budgets, artwork, artifacts, personal gift requests and records, performance programs, notes, correspondence, and administrative materials. Major subjects include arts and healthcare as a discipline, cultural arts programming undertaken at Duke Hospital, funding and grant sources, and the "Duke Employee Shows." Materials range in date from 1939 to 2014.

David A. Desautels Papers, 1939-1998

Abstract Or Scope
Desautels, was a founding member of the National Association for Cave Diving, a scholar on diving-related accidents and fatalities, and a member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society. The collection contains reprints of articles relating to hyperbaric medicine from different authors and publications. Major subjects of publications include decompression, decompression sickness, diving-related accidents and fatalities, and atmospheric pressure. Materials range in date from 1939 to 1998.
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