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Robert G. Winfree Records, 1951-1996

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Contains records created by the office of Robert G. Winfree (1943-2011), an administrator of Duke University Medical Center. Winfree's work involved close contact with top-level medical center administrators, including Ralph Snyderman, William Anlyan, Bernard McGinty, and Jane Elchlepp. Records pertain to the administration of Duke University Medical Center divisions, especially regarding accreditation, investigative compliance, and building maintenance and expansion. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes, budgets, space allocation plans, and committee materials. Subjects include space allocation, clinics, accreditation, administration, management, compliance, site visits, public relations, expansion, Duke University Medical Center buildings, Sea Level Hospital, Duke Health Information Systems, the Medical Center Information System, and the personal life of Robert G. Winfree. Materials range in date from 1951 to 1994.
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Walter G. Wolfe Records, 1965-1998

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Dr. Walter G. Wolfe, MD, Emeritus Professor of Surgery and Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Duke University and Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Chief of Surgical Services at the Durham VA Medical Center was a cardiothoracic surgeon, clinician researcher, teacher, and mentor during his more than 50 year career at Duke. In 2015, by virtue of his exceptional contributions to Duke Surgery, Wolfe was designated a Master Surgeon. This collection includes Wolfe's professional materials. The bulk of the materials are slides documenting his pathologies and surgeries. The collection also contains photographic prints, negatives, and a small amount of correspondence, printed materials, and presentations. Materials date from 1965 to 1998.
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Walter G. Wolfe Oral History Interviews, 1994, 2019

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Dr. Walter G. Wolfe, MD (1937-2020), emeritus faculty member and a Duke cardiothoracic surgeon, led the cardiac surgery program at the Veterans Administration (VA) turning the struggling VA program into one of the most successful in the country. During his more than 50 year tenure at Duke, he was a cardiothoracic surgeon, clinician researcher, teacher, and mentor. This collection contains 2 oral history interviews conducted on July 14, 1994 by Dr. James F. Gifford and June 5, 2019 by Susannah Roberson as part of the Dr. David Sabiston Oral History Project. In the 1994 interview, Wolfe discusses his career, work of the Pulmonary Physiology Laboratory of which Wolfe was the director, the structure of the Department of Surgery, and the evolution of the Department of Surgery. In the 2019 interview, Wolfe discusses his early life, education, why he decided to join the medical profession, how he came to complete his residency at Duke, his different roles during his career at Duke, what it was like to work for and with Sabiston, and his memories of Sabiston.
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Barnes Woodhall Papers, 1930-1987

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Contains the personal and professional papers of Barnes Woodhall (1905-1985), professor and chair of the Division of Neurological Surgery and dean of the School of Medicine at Duke University. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, minutes, reports, memoranda, memorabilia, short writings, reprints, and photographs. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, Duke University School of Medicine, health services administration, Veteran's Administration, North Carolina Atomic Energy Commission, Health Planning Council for Central North Carolina, Journal of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center Library, National Library of Medicine and MEDLARS, National Institutes of Health, hospital design and construction, and Research Triangle Institute. Major correspondents include Everett Hopkins, R. Taylor Cole, and Douglas M. Knight. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1987.
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James B. Wyngaarden Oral History Interviews, 1982-2007, undated

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Dr. James Barnes Wyngaarden, MD, is a former professor and administrator of Duke University School of Medicine and Duke University Hospital. This collection includes 3 oral history interviews conducted at separate times. Interviews were conducted on April 9, 1982 by Dr James Gifford, March 21, 2005 by Jessica Roseberry, and October 17, 2007 by Jessica Roseberry as part of the Women in Duke Medicine Oral History Exhibit. In the 1982 interview, Wyngaarden discusses his background, education, professional career, research, his time at Duke and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and research training programs. In the 2005 interview, Wyngaarden discusses his work at both the NIH and Duke, as well as his commitment to the concept of the physician scientist and his continued work in scientific fields since leaving the NIH. In the 2007 interview, which is part of the Women in Duke Medicine Oral History Exhibit, Wyngaarden discusses Dr. Grace Kerby and his understanding of her experiences in the Department of Medicine.
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James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003

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Contains the professional papers of James B. Wyngaarden, former professor and administrator of Duke University School of Medicine and Duke University Hospital. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, reports, minutes, and committee materials. Major subjects include Duke University Hospital, Duke University Medical Center, and hospital administration. Materials range in date from 1958 to 1993.
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Interview, June 24, 2011

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John D. York Papers, 1986-2012

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Dr. John D. York was a professor of biochemistry and pharmacology and cancer biology at Duke University Medical Center. He is also an invesigator for the non-profit medical research organization Howard Hughes Medical Institute. At Duke, York studied biology and enzyme regulation of inositol cellular signal transduction pathways, and the mechanisms of lithium action as it pertains to treatment of bipolar disorder. In 2012, he became the chair of Vanderbilt University's Dept. of Biochemistry.
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David E. Yount Collection, 1862-2000

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David E. Yount (1935-2000) was a researcher on bubble formation theory and decompression sickness, University of Hawaii professor of physics, chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Hawaii, administrator at the University of Hawaii, and a member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS). Collection contains correspondence, reports, committee materials, text of speeches and lectures, presentation notes, manuscript materials, research files, and grant files. Major subjects include diving, acoustics, decompression, decompression sickness, high-energy physics, and diving physiology. Materials range in date from 1862 to 2000, with the bulk of materials dating from 1975 to 2000.
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