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Joseph W. Beard Papers, 1920-1994

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Contains the professional papers of Joseph W. Beard (1906-1983), virologist at the Duke University School of Medicine, and Dorothy Waters Beard (1909-1984), his research partner and wife. Types of materials include correspondence, writings, memorabilia, contracts, certificates, plaques, photographs, a drawing, a photograph album, and a eulogy. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, cancer research, virus diseases, leukemia, avian leukosis viruses, oncogenic viruses, and virus disease. Materials range in date from 1920 to 1994.
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Patricia Bartlett Oral History Interview, 2024

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Patricia Bartlett, a clinical social worker, worked with HIV/AIDS patients in Durham, North Carolina, in the early 1980s at Durham County Regional Hospital (now Duke Regional Hospital). In 1988, she began working with Dr. John A. Bartlett's clinic on the Reynolds grant, which aimed to produce research comparing healthcare costs between home care and hospital care for dying AIDS patients. Her fearlessness and general familiarity with governmental bureaucracy became a lifeline for the AIDS patients at Duke. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on January 29, 2024 by Anthony Zhao as part of the Bass Connections Agents of Change Oral History Project. In the interview, Bartlett discusses her care for a friend with AIDS in the early 1980s; her activism for patients not only at Duke, but also Durham County General Hospital; the negative reputation of John Bartlett's HIV/AIDS clinic at Duke; the extensive resistance she met from community organizations; and memorable experiences with patients at Duke. The themes of this interview include stigmatization and discrimination, community activism, health education, and patient advocacy.
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Interview, January 29, 2024

John A. Bartlett Oral History Interviews, 2009-2024

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Dr. John Alexander Bartlett is Professor of Medicine, Global Health and Nursing at Duke University Medical Center and Professor of Medicine at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre. He is the Co-Director of the Duke University Center for AIDS Research, a Senior Fellow within the Duke University Health Inequalities Program, and co-chairs the Duke University Africa Initiative. Bartlett's research focuses on the treatment and complications of HIV infection, and has been the recipient of numerous US National Institutes of Health research grants. This collection contains 4 oral history interviews: 1 interview on October 29, 2009, 2 interviews on July 24, 2020, and 1 interview on January 29, 2024. The October 29, 2009 interview was conducted by Tullia Rushton and Diana Xie, as part of the Writing Class 20 Interview. In this interview, Bartlett discusses his decision to pursue medicine, his views on the ethics and frustrations of the field, and his work with HIV/AIDS. The July 24, 2020 interviews were conducted by Joseph O'Connell, as part of the Department of Medicine's Oral History Project. In the interviews, Bartlett discusses his work with patients with HIV/AIDS at Duke, his efforts in creating and sustaining international partnerships in HIV/AIDS research and treatment, and his thoughts on a social justice ethos in healthcare. The January 29, 2024 interview was conducted by Anthony Zhao, as part of the Bass Connections Agents of Change Oral History Project. In this interview, Bartlett explores the early years of the first public HIV/AIDS clinic at Duke; experiences with stigmatization in the community; and the clinical trials for AZT, the first available treatment for HIV/AIDS. The themes of this interview include community activism, health education, and patient-centered care.
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Interview, October 29, 2009

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Interview, February 9, 1965

Alejandro Barbagelata Oral History Interview, 2007-2007

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Dr. Alejandro Barbagelata is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine and Cardiology at Duke University and a member of the Duke University Cooperative Cardiovascular Society (DUCCS) Board of Directors. This collection contains 1 oral history interview conducted on March 26, 2007 by Jessica Roseberry. Barbagelata discusses the Duke Cardiovascular Databank and subsequent variations at Favaloro Clinic in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Interview, circa. 1990

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Interview, circa. 1990

Roger Denio Baker Papers, 1912-1993

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Contains the professional and personal papers of Roger Denio Baker (1902-1994), an original faculty member at the Duke University School of Medicine and professor of pathology. Types of materials include journals, diaries, day planners, manuscripts, drafts, reprints, correspondence, photographs, notes, bound volumes, lab notebooks, brochures, clippings, certificates, correspondence, newsletters, sketches, and programs pertaining to Baker's education, teaching, and research. Materials date from 1912 to 1993.
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Interview, November 16, 1988

Lenox D. Baker Papers, 1930-1979

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Lenox D. Baker graduated as part of Duke University School of Medicine's first graduating class in 1932. He came back to Duke in 1937 and became the chief of the Division of Orthopaedics, a position he held until 1967. He helped establish the North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Hospital and served as its medical director until 1972. Baker was also a founding member and later president of the North Carolina Orthopaedic Association. This collection contains personal, professional, and administrative materials in connection with Baker. Materials include correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, articles, and meeting and society records. Major subjects include his work as chief of Duke University's Division of Orthopaedics at Duke University, as well as his role in various clinics and his work at the Cerebral Palsy Hospital. Other subjects include politics and elections, including Baker's support for various candidates, the North Carolina Employ the Physically Handicapped Commission, and professional societies such as the North Carolina Orthopaedic Society, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, and the American Orthopaedic Association. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1979.
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Bessie B. Baker Papers, 1930-1941

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Contains the professional papers of Bessie Baker (1874-1942), first dean of the Duke University School of Nursing. Types of materials include correspondence, writings, and course materials. Major subjects include Duke Hospital, Duke University School of Nursing, nursing education, and nursing students. Materials range in date from 1930 to 1941.

Ralph Arnold Papers and Medical Equipment, 1942-2013

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Ralph Arnold (1910-1960) was a professor of otology and an associate professor of otolaryngology and ophthalmology at the Duke University Medical Center in the 1940s and 1950s. He also served as part of the 65th General Hospital during World War II. The collection consists photographs, correspondence, records pertaining to the patent Arnold received for silicone treated cotton, medical records from Arnold's time in the army, and medical equipment, at least some of which was used for the 65th General Hospital. Materials date from 1942 to 2013.
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Ralph Arnold Papers and Medical Equipment, 1942-2013 1.3 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box and one map folder), 5 artifacts (1 briefcase and 4 wooden boxes), and 253 MB

Jay M. Arena Papers, 1931-1995

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Jay Morris Arena (1909-1996), professor of pediatrics and community health and director of the Duke Poison Control Center. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, minutes, reprints, newsletters, clippings, programs, certificates, photographs, biographical materials, and manuscript materials. Major correspondents include Wilburt Cornell Davison, Atala Davison, Talmage Peele, Thomas Thweatt Jones and members of the Duke Children's Classic advisory group. Major subjects include Duke University Hospital, pediatrics, accidental poisoning in children, poisoning prevention and safety measures, poisoning case studies, treatment of poisoning, poison control centers, American Academy of Pediatrics, Duke Poison Control Center, and pediatrics in China. Materials range in date from 1931 to 1995.
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William G. Anlyan Papers, 1930-2015

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Contains papers and records pertaining to the professional career and administration of Duke University Medical Center under William George Anlyan (1925-2016). Anlyan came to Duke University School of Medicine for his residency in general and thoracic surgery (1949-1955). Afterwards, he joined the surgical staff led by Dr. Deryl Hart, becoming a full professor of surgery in 1961, and, from 1964 to 1969, was the third dean of the School of Medicine. Anlyan also served as vice president for health affairs (1969-1983) and chancellor for health affairs (1983-1989). From 1988 to 1993, Anlyan was the executive vice president and chancellor for health affairs before becoming chancellor of Duke University (1990-1995). Types of materials include subject files, chronological files, reports, budgets, plans, correspondence, memoranda, clippings, and photographs. Major correspondents include Wilburt Cornell Davison, Douglas M. Knight, E. Croft Long, Charles Frenzel, Joseph E. Markee, Barnes Woodhall, Terry Sanford, Philip Handler, Ruby Wilson, and Henry Rauch. Major subjects include hospital administration, health policy, construction financing, development, financial management, medical education, nursing education, community-institutional relations, parking facilities, and transportation. Major projects and leadership work include the Civitan Project, Private Sector Conference, The Duke Endowment, Duke University Medical Center, Duke Private Diagnostic Clinics, Duke University School of Medicine, Medical Center Board of Visitors, Highland Hospital (Asheville, North Carolina), National Library of Medicine, Association of American Medical Colleges, Veterans Administration, Watts Hospital (Durham, North Carolina), North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (Durham, North Carolina), Sea Level Hospital (Sealevel, North Carolina) and merchant marine care, Durham Health Partners and City of Medicine, Institute of Medicine, North Carolina Medical Care Commission, and Whitehead Medical Research Institute. The materials in this collection date from 1930 to 2015.
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William G. Anlyan Papers, 1930-2015 213.75 Linear Feet (135 cartons, 6 manuscript boxes, 1 half manuscript box, 1 card box, 3 flat boxes) and 1 artifact and 23.3 megabytes

William G. Anlyan Oral History Interviews, 1978-2007

Abstract Or Scope
William George Anlyan (1925-2016) came to Duke University School of Medicine for his residency in general and thoracic surgery (1949-1955). Afterwards, he joined the surgical staff led by Dr. Deryl Hart, becoming a full professor of surgery in 1961, and, from 1964 to 1969, was the third dean of the School of Medicine. Anlyan also served as vice president for health affairs (1969-1983) and chancellor for health affairs (1983-1989). From 1988 to 1993, Anlyan was the executive vice president and cencellor for health affairs before becoming chancellor of Duke University (1990-1995). This collection contains 9 oral history interviews conducted in 1978, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2004, and 2007. Interviews in the 1990s were conducted by Dr. James Gifford. Interviews conducted in the 2000s were conducted by Jessica Roseberry.
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Interview, 1978

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Nancy Catherine Andrews Oral History Interviews, 2010-2019

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Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD is the former vice chancellor for academic affairs and dean of the Duke University School of Medicine (2007-2017). After stepping down as dean she became the Nanaline H. Duke Professor of Pediatrics and a professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology. Andrews received her MD-PhD degree, through a joint program at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This collection contains 2 oral history interviews: November 30, 2010 and January 8 and 10, 2019. Andrews discusses her childhood, early interest in science, educational background, her administrative roles at Harvard and Duke, and her research. Themes within her interviews include women in science and medicine, advances in the science of iron diseases, and the lived experience of doing laboratory science.
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Nancy C. Andrews Lab Notebooks, 1998-2016

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Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD, became dean of the Duke University School of Medicine and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in October 2007. She has received numerous awards and prizes for research and mentoring. Her laboratory research centers on iron homestasis and mouse models of human diseases. The bulk of this collection contains laboratory notebooks, as well as 5 external hard drives with digital files from the external backup drives of Jackie Lim, Wenjing Xu, and Pavle Matak, researchers in Andrews' lab. The materials in this collection date from 1998 to 2016.