
Search Results

Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004 8 Linear Feet (5 cartons, 1 manuscript box, 1 map folder) and 6 framed images and 3 pieces of artwork.

Department of Cell Biology Records, 1989 1.5 Linear Feet (1 carton)

Department of Chaplain Services and Education Records, undated 0.8 Linear Feet (1 map folder)

Department of Community and Family Medicine Records, 1959-2021 62.65 Linear Feet (39 cartons, 1 half manuscript box, 5 flat boxes, 1 map folder, 20 film reels) and 1 piece of artwork and 1.12 GB

Department of Health Administration Records, 1943-1991 47 Linear Feet (31 cartons and 1 manuscript box)

Department of Medicine Records, 1930 - 2017 160 Linear Feet (105 cartons, 3 manuscript boxes, and 2 flat boxes)

Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Records, 1931-1985 10.5 Linear Feet (7 cartons) and 4.54 MB

Department of Neurobiology Records, 1981-2001 1.3 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box, 1 map folder)

Department of Neurology Records, 2006-2018 0.25 Linear Feet (1 Map Tube)

Department of Neurosurgery Records, 1922-1988 15.68 Linear Feet (2 half manuscript boxes, 16 card boxes, 1 audiocassette box, 155 film canisters, 1 audio box, 2 lantern slide boxes, 2 flat boxes) and 1 artifact case

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Records, 1930-2018 5.75 Linear Feet (3 cartons, 1 manuscript boxes, 2 flat boxes) and 43 ledgers

Department of Ophthalmology Records, 1940-2014 144.25 Linear Feet (95 cartons, 1 half manuscript box, 3 flat boxes)

Department of Pediatrics Records, 1930-2014 126.75 Linear Feet (82 cartons, 1 half manuscript box, 14 blueprints)

Department of Physical Therapy Records, 1942-2006 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Records, 1944-1992 8 linear feet (5 cartons, 1 flat box) and 3 items on the mobile art cart

Department of Radiology Records, 1932-1988 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Department of Surgery Chief Residents Oral History Interviews, 2018-2022 22 interviews (3 CDs, 22 transcripts) and 686.62 MB

Department of Surgery Records, 1947-2021 11.5 Linear Feet (7 cartons, 1 manuscript box, 1 flat box) and 1 artifact and 912.64 MB

Department of Urology Records, 1969-2019 6 Linear Feet (4 cartons) and 298 MB

Diana B. McNeill Oral History Interview, 2021 1 interview (1 transcript) and 666 MB