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Christian R. H. Raetz Laboratory Notebooks, 1968-2008

Abstract Or Scope
Christian R. H. Raetz (1946-2011) was a former George Barth Geller Professor for Molecular Biology and chair of the Department of Biochemistry at Duke University Medical Center. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2006Contains laboratory notebooks and research materials of Dr. Christian R. H. Raetz from Harvard Medical School and books of former PhD and master's students from Duke University and University of Wisconsin. Major subjects include Duke University Department of Biochemistry and laboratory work. Materials range in date from 1968 to 2008.
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Laboratory Notebooks, 1968-2008

Victor J. Dzau Laboratory Notebooks, 1978-2007, undated

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the laboratory notebooks and research materials of Victor J. Dzau (1945- ), James B. Duke Professor of Medicine at Duke and former chancellor for health affairs at Duke University and president and CEO of Duke University Health System. Collection also contains the research materials of Dzau's former PhD and masters students from Stanford University, Harvard Medical School, and Duke University. Materials include laboratory notebooks, research notes, microscope slides, photo slides, negatives, 3.5 inch floppy disks, CDs, DVDs, and zip disks. The Dzau laboratory research focuses on the molecular and genetic mechanisms of cardiovascular disease and the development of new gene-based therapies for heart disease. These materials range from 1978 to 2007.
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Laboratory Notebooks, 1978-2007

Marc G. Caron Papers, 1980-2005

Abstract Or Scope
Marc G. Caron was a professor in the Department of Cell Biology at Duke University Medical Center, with secondary professorships in the Department of Neurobiology and Department of Medicine. His research involved the study of the mechanisms of action and regulation of hormones and neurotransmitters and how they might underlie brain and behavior disorders including schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, mood disorders, and addiction. The collection contains laboratory notebooks for students and colleagues who collaborated with Dr. Marc G. Caron on his clinical research conducted at Duke University Medical Center. Materials range in date from 1980 to 2005.
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Laboratory Notebooks, 1980-2005

John D. York Papers, 1986-2012

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Dr. John D. York was a professor of biochemistry and pharmacology and cancer biology at Duke University Medical Center. He is also an invesigator for the non-profit medical research organization Howard Hughes Medical Institute. At Duke, York studied biology and enzyme regulation of inositol cellular signal transduction pathways, and the mechanisms of lithium action as it pertains to treatment of bipolar disorder. In 2012, he became the chair of Vanderbilt University's Dept. of Biochemistry.
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Guy Odom Papers, 1965-1981

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Guy L. Odom (1911-2001), professor (1943-1971) and chair (1960-1971) of the Division of Neurosurgery in the Department of Surgery at Duke University. Types of materials include lecture and manuscript materials, a eulogy, speech notecards, testimony, correspondence, certificates, and lists of publications. Major subjects include Duke University School of Medicine; Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery; study and teaching of medicine. Materials range in date from 1965 to 1981.
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Lectures, 1965-1974

W. H. Briner Papers, 1954-1989

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of William H. Briner (1926-1999), professor of radiopharmacy and nuclear pharmacy at Duke University Medical School from 1970 to 1988. Types of materials include lectures, reprints, correspondence, 35mm slides, photographs, drafts, reports, speech transcripts, itineraries, handwritten notes, a CV, manuals, books, and newspaper clippings. Materials also include his research and lectures from the National Institutes of Health and correspondence and notes regarding specific projects while working at Duke, including his collaboration on the development of fluorine-18 with North Carolina State University, the construction of the Bell Building, and the creation of the first radiopharmacy lab. Materials date from 1954 to 1989. .
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Lectures, 1970-1988

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Watts Hospital Records, 1909-1940

Abstract Or Scope
Watts Hospital, located in Durham, North Carolina, was the city's first hospital. It was funded by George W. Watts and opened in 1895 as a private 22-bed, modern hospital, dedicated to the care of Durham's white citizens. African American citizens were cared for at Lincoln Hospital, which opened in 1901. By 1909, Watts Hospital's 22-bed facility was too small for a fast growing Durham, and a newer facility was built on 25 acres at the intersection of Club Boulevard and Board Street. This is where the hospital remained until it closed in 1976 when it merged with Lincoln Hospital when Durham County General Hospital (now Duke Regional Hospital) opened. The grounds and buildings of the hospital's 1909 campus were converted into the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, which opened in 1980. Types of materials hospital ledgers documenting births and expenses. Materials date from 1909 to 1940.
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Ledgers, 1909-1940

Facilities Planning and Development Collection, 1952-2013

Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents facilities planning and construction activities of the Duke University Medical Center. These materials also show the evolution of responsibility for health facilities planning and administration during a period of extensive building activity that occurred before the organization of the Facilities Planning, Design and Construction Office within the Medical Center and Health System Architect's Office. Included are records of major planning initiatives and specific building projects from the offices of Louis E. Swanson, an early director of the Medical Center Planning Office, and Dr. Jane G. Elchlepp, the first assistant dean for planning. In addition to correspondence, memoranda, committee minutes, statistical reports, and planning reference materials, the collection contains design studies and long-range planning proposals completed between 1952 and 1998. Presentation drawings and graphics span the years 1964 to 2000. The collection also contains photographs, slides, and other documentation pertaining to the planning and construction of Duke Hospital North from 1973 to 1980. Materials date from 1952 to 2013.
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Louis E. Swanson Papers, 1952-1977

Roger J. Porter Medical Graduation Robe, 1968-1968

Abstract Or Scope
Roger J. Porter (1942- ) graduated from Duke University School of Medicine (DUSOM) in 1968. Porter has worked as a consultant to academia and to the pharmaceutical industry, primarily in the development of anti-seizure drugs. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Neurology at the University of Pennsylvania and Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology at Uniformed Services University of the Health Services. Contains Porter's medical graduation robe worn when he graduated from DUSOM. Robe dates to 1968.
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Medical Graduation Robe, 1968

Roger J. Porter Medical Graduation Robe, 1968-1968 1 Medical Graduation Robe

Elon H. Clark Papers, 1920-1991, bulk 1940-1973

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Elon H. Clark (1909-2001), who served as coordinator and professor of the Department of Medical Illustration from 1934 to 1974. Also contains materials pertaining to the establishment and operation of many departments within the Duke University Medical Center including the Medical Illustration and Audiovisual Education (both now part of Educational Media Services in the Duke University School of Medicine), the Facial Prostheses Unit, and Medical Center Archives. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, memoranda, budgets, planning materials, sketches, illustrations, reprints, clippings, photographs, short writings, grant materials, rosters, and memorabilia. Major subjects include the Duke University Medical Center, Duke University Medical Center Archives, memorabilia, hospital planning, medical illustration, prostheses, and implants. Major correspondents include W. C. Davison, Sam Agnello, William G. Anlyan, and Barnes Woodhall. Materials range in date from 1920 to 1991, with the bulk dating from 1940 to 1973.
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Medical Illustration Department, 1954-1978

Mildred M. Sherwood Papers, 1931-1970

Abstract Or Scope
Mildred M. Sherwood (1898-1966) was the pediatrics supervisor at Duke University Hospital and supervisor of nursing services at the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, which was engaged in a long-term study of the survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Contains photographs, clippings, postcards, scrapbooks, correspondence, newsletters, notes, speeches, drafts, certificates, project records, pediatric journals, symposium materials, and travel itineraries related to the personal and professional life of Mildred M. Sherwood. Also included are studies, semi-annual reports, a news bulletin, a pictorial report, and a glossary of medical terms and expressions for the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission. Materials range in date from 1931 to 1970.
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Mildred M. Sherwood Papers, 1931-1970

Clinical Services Executive Committee Records, 1990-1991

Abstract Or Scope
Contains minutes from the clinical services executive committee, which discuss issues related to the Duke University Medical Center including departmental head appointments, accreditations, and operation and patient room utilization. Materials range in date from 1990 to 1991.
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Minutes, 1990-1991

Ralph Snyderman (Chancellor) Records, 1899-2015

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Ralph Snyderman, MD, is Chancellor Emeritus of Duke University, James B. Duke Professor of Medicine, and Director of the Duke Center for Research on Personalized Health Care. Contains administrative records created by Snyderman during his tenure as Chancellor for Health Affairs and President and CEO of Duke University Health System (1989-2004). Types of materials include minutes, agendas, reports, committee materials, chronological files, and videotapes. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, Duke University Health System, School of Medicine, School of Nursing and administration. Materials date from 1899 to 2015.
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Arthur A. Morris Papers, 1940-1996

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Duke alumni, Arthur Allen Morris (1917-1997), founder and former president of the Neurosurgical Society of America. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, conference programs, proposals, newsletters, research materials, course notes, photographs, certificates, surgical tools, and abstracts. Materials range in date from 1940 to 1996.
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Neurological Society of America, 1947-1996

William McNeal Nicholson Papers, 1949-1974

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Contains the professional papers of William McNeal Nicholson (1905-1974), former professor, assistant dean of continuing medical education, and chief of the metabolism clinic at Duke University Hospital. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, publications, committee materials, and a manual. Major topics include Duke University hospitals and medical education. Major correspondents include Wilburt C. Davision. Materials range in date from 1949 to 1974.
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North Carolina Medical Journal, 1949-1974 16 folders

Correspondence and Subject Files, 1964-1974

Louanne K. Watley Nursing Memorabilia, 1959-1960

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Louanne K. Watley is a photographer based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Watley started her career in nursing, receiving her nursing degree from Duke University School of Nursing. After her career in nursing, she discovered poetry and photography, and she developed her skills in those areas. Contains photographs from Watley's time at Duke. Materials date from 1959 to 1960.
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Nursing Memorabilia, 1959-1960

Louanne K. Watley Nursing Memorabilia, 1959-1960 0.1 Linear Feet (1 folder)

Elizabeth Hodges Nursing Memorabilia, 1963-1966

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Elizabeth Hodges is a 1966 graduate from the Duke University School of Nursing. This collection contains clippings, programs, and photographs from Hodges time as a nursing student. The materials dates from 1963 to 1966.
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Nursing Memorabilia, 1963-1966

Elizabeth Hodges Nursing Memorabilia, 1963-1966 0.1 Linear Feet (1 folder)

Duke Surgical Instrument Shop Records and Surgical Devices, circa 1949-1954

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The Duke Surgical Instrument Shop was founded in 1949 and housed in the basement of the former William Bell Research Building. George W. Newton was the first shop manager, followed by Tom Orr and William Barber. In 1997, the Surgical Instrument Shop's administration was transferred from the Department of Surgery to the Department of Engineering and Maintenance Operations. Types of materials include a logbook detailing work done by the Surgical Instrument shop and three surgical devices. Materials range in date from 1949 to 1954.
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Objects, 1949-1954

Duke Surgical Instrument Shop Records and Surgical Devices, circa 1949-1954 0.25 Linear Feet (1 bound volume) and 3 surgical devices

Robert L. Hill Papers, 1971-1983

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Robert L. Hill (1928-2012), professor and chairman of the Department of Biochemistry at Duke University Medical School. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, reprints, minutes, proposals, brochures, clippings, handwritten notes, budgets, contracts, drafts, and CVs. Major subjects include the American Societies of Experimental Biology (FASEB), the American Society for Biological Chemists (ASBC), Duke Program to Strengthen Medical Science Education (PSME), and the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. Materials date from 1971 to 1983.
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Other Institutional/Societal Affiliations, 1971-1983