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Ed Thalmann Papers, 1970-2003

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Ed Thalmann (1945-2004), former assistant clinical professor in anesthesiology for Duke University's Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and assistant medical director of the Divers Alert Network in Durham, North Carolina. Types of materials include correspondence, reference files, articles, slides, manuals, and notes. Major subjects include decompression, decompression sickness, and diving. Materials range in date from 1970 to 2003, with the bulk of material undated.
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Papers, 1970-2003

Marcia Herman-Giddens Papers, 1978-2007

Abstract Or Scope
Marcia Herman-Giddens was a practicing pediatrician and professor in the Department of Pediatrics for the Duke University Medical Center, as well as a medical consultant for state and private child abuse cases. This collection is comprised of medical writings, manuscripts, statistics, publications, presentation transcripts and PowerPoints, abstracts, advertisements, manuals, legal records, and team and committee reports. Major subjects include Herman-Giddens' medical research and her work with Duke University Medical Center's Child Protection Team. Materials range in date from 1978 to 2007.
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Papers, 1978-2007

Augustus O. Grant Papers, 1991-2005

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of August O. Grant, professor of medicine in the cardiology department at Duke School of Medicine. Materials include laboratory notebooks, order forms, invoices, and financial documents. Materials date from 1991 to 2005.
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Papers, 1991-2005

George Stanley Terence Cavanagh papers, 1996

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the book "The Panorama of Vesalius: A 'Lost' Design from Titian's Studio" by George Stanley Terence Cavanagh (1923-2005), Director of the Duke University Medical Center Library and Curator of the Trent Collection in the History of Medicine. Material dates to 1996.
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Papers, 1996

George Stanley Terence Cavanagh papers, 1996 0.4 Linear Feet (1 small flat folder)

Hans Lowenbach Papers, 1937-1951

Abstract Or Scope
Hans Lowenbach (1905-1983) joined the Duke Medical faculty in 1940, serving as a professor of neurology (1940-1963) and chair of the Department of Psychiatry (1951-1953). From 1949 to 1951, Lowenbach served in the U.S. Army at the 98th General hospital in Munich. He was later the commanding officer of the 3274th U.S. Army hospital reserve and retired in 1965 with the rank of Colonel. Types of materials include research, article drafts, reports, correspondence, photographs, clippings, diagrams, charts, grant materials, notebooks, and notes. The primary subjects are electroshock therapy, neuropsychiatry, and electroencephalography. Materials range in date from 1937 to 1951.
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Papers and Study Data, 1940-1949

Francis Huntington Swett and Mary Elizabeth Glenn Swett Papers, circa 1932-1956

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the research files for Francis Huntington Swett (1893-1943) and correspondence regarding his wife Mary Elizabeth Swett's (1895-1955) death. Francis Swett was a professor of anatomy and the first chair of the Department of Anatomy at Duke University School of Medicine. Following his death, Elizabeth Swett began working in the Duke School of Medicine's admissions office. Types of materials include research drawings and figures, notes, charts, correspondence, reports, and photographs. Materials range in date from 1932 to 1956.
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Papers, circa 1932-1956

Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional records of Dr. Wiley Davis Forbus (1894-1976), MD, professor and chair of the Department of Pathology at Duke University from 1930 to 1964; Area Consultant in Pathology for the Veterans Administration from 1948 through the 1960s; "chief mover" (Baker, 1959) of the North Carolina Medical Examiner's System; and Medical Education Consultant in Europe and the "Far East" from 1953 to the 1960s. Major subjects include the Department of Pathology, the Duke University School of Medicine, nursing and medical education, autopsies, the early history of Duke University, the Veterans Administration, Duke Pathological Services, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, medical education in the "Far East" in the 1950s and early 1960s, race relations in North Carolina, small hospitals in North Carolina, Medico-Legal concepts and practices, history of medicine in North Carolina, and early Hodgkin's disease research. These records include but are not limited to abstracts, accounts, annual reports, budgets, committee files, correspondence, course outlines, curriculum, curriculum vitae, lectures, manuscripts, memoranda, minutes, monographs, photographs, plans, proceedings, programs, protocols, publications, recommendations, reports, and schedules. An effort was made to cross reference when possible and list the contents and major topics within each folder on the folder tab for easy use. Materials date from 1849 to 1979 with the bulk of the materials dating from 1923 to 1979.
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Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966

Ross E. McKinney Jr. Records, 1950-2015

Abstract Or Scope
Ross E. McKinney Jr, MD, is a Professor of Pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases specialist at Duke. He joined Duke faculty in 1985, and his area of research is pediatric HIV clinical research. While at Duke, McKinney has held the positions of director of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Vice Dean for Research for the Duke University School of Medicine, and Director of the Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities & History of Medicine. Includes records pertaining to four areas in which McKinney worked: pediatrics and pediatric infectious disease, Vice Dean for Research, Director of the Trent Center, and the Conflict of Interest Committee. Materials date from 1950 to 2015.
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Pediatrics and Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 1950-2005

Photograph Collection, 1928-2024

Abstract Or Scope
Contains photographs of the Duke University Medical Center (DUMC), staff, students, professors, departments, events and educational activities, class reunions, class photographs, and student life. Photographs of affiliated local hospitals such as Watts Hospital and Lincoln Hospital are also included. Also contains photographs appearing in the publications the Intercom (1979-1986) and Perspectives (1980-1991). Materials were created by various Duke University photographers, including staff from the Division of Educational Medial Services and Duke Photography; individuals; and the United States government. Types of materials include photographic prints of varying sizes, 35mm slides, film negatives of varying sizes, and digital files. Materials range in date from 1928 to 2024.
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People: Individuals, undated

Alfred Blalock Papers, 1899-1985

Abstract Or Scope
Alfred Blalock (1899-1964), surgeon-in-chief of the John Hopkins Hospital, professor, and director of the surgery department at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (1941-1964), was one of two physicians who developed the "blue baby" operation and treatments for surgical shock. Collection contains correspondence, memorabilia, photographs, scrapbooks, tributes, committee materials, biographical materials, and reprints. Major subjects include Johns Hopkins Hospital, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, medical education, tetralogy of fallot surgery (blue baby syndrome), and surgery. Materials date from 1899 to 1985.
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Personal and Professional Correspondence, 1931-1985

Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Dr. Eleanor Beamer Easley, MD (1907-1998), a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology who practiced in Durham, North Carolina. Easley was the first female graduate of Duke University School of Medicine's first four-year class. In 1941, Easley helped co-found the Durham Women's Clinic. Types of materials include notes from talks and presentations, writings, meeting minutes, agendas, articles, reports, photographs, correspondence, memberships, degrees, awards, and clippings. Major subjects include Durham, North Carolina; nursing; obstetrics and gynecology; women physicians; women's health; and Watts Hospital. Materials range in date from 1910 to 2004.
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Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004

J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of J. Leonard Goldner, MD (1918-2005), professor and orthopaedic surgeon at Duke University Medical Center and Duke University School of Medicine. Types of materials include correspondence, reprints, newsletters, clippings, programs, certificates, awards, photographs, audiovisual materials, biographical materials, notes, memorabilia, manuscripts, digital files, artwork, and medical tools. Major subjects include the American Orthopaedic Association, the Piedmont Orthopedic Society, Duke University Medical Center, and the Interurban Orthopedic Club. Materials date from 1930 to 2013.
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Personal/Biographical, 1936-2006

Onyekwere E. Akwari Papers, 1914-2021

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Onyekwere E. Akwari (1942-2019), the first African-American surgeon on the faculty of Duke University. Types of materials include correspondence, pamphlets, programs, financial information, calendars, datebooks, identification cards, passports and visas, applications, memorabilia, printed materials, a yearbook, certificates, building plans, cassette tapes, CDs, DVDs, U-Matic video cassettes, 16mm film reels, certificates, notes, meeting minutes and agendas, funeral programs and obituaries, photographs, newspaper clippings, publications, reprints, textiles, artifacts, scrapbooks, binders, transcripts, and electronic records pertaining to Akwari's personal and professional interests and activities. Major subjects include the Society of Black American Surgeons (SBAS) and St. Titus Episcopal Church (Durham, N.C.). Materials date from 1914 to 2021.
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Personal/Biographical, 1959-2018

Catherine Lynch Gilliss Records, 1932-2017

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Catherine Lynch Gilliss, dean of the Duke University School of Nursing from 2004 to 2014. Types of materials include personal correspondence, professional correspondence, artwork, diplomas, programs, notes, photographic materials, clippings, scrapbooks, an oral history transcript, drafts, reports, budgets, minutes, notes, agendas, resumes, printed materials, programs, clippings, itineraries, survey data, grant applications, architectural renderings and plans, AV materials, and photographic materials. Major correspondents include Ruby Wilson. Major subjects include Duke University School of Nursing administrative records, academic affairs, and strategic planning. Materials date from 1932 to 2017.
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Personal/Biographical, 1967-2014

Bruce W. Dixon Papers, 1906-2013

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal papers of Bruce Wayne Dixon (1939-2013), former Duke Internal Medicine chief resident, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine professor, head of the Allegheny County Health Department, and community health expert. Types of materials include photographs, memorials and tributes, articles, a silver bowl awarded to Dixon at Duke for teaching excellence, and other types of materials documenting his career in medicine. Materials date from 1906 to 2013.
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Personal Papers, 1906-2013

Elbert L. Persons Papers, 1923-1970

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional and a small amount of personal papers of Elbert Lapsley Persons (1904-1970), Professor of Medicine and Professor of Community Health Sciences at Duke University. Types of materials include professional and personal correspondence, grant materials, records pertaining to Persons' time with the 65th General Hospital, Duke Medicine, and the ACP, as well as administrative records, guides, brochures, programs, schedules, information on Duke Medicine's Annual Medical Symposium, meeting materials, schedules, notes, photographic materials, a small amount of personal papers, speeches, writings, and contracts. Materials range in date from 1923 to 1970.
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Personal Papers, 1951-1969

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Department of Chaplain Services and Education Records, undated

Abstract Or Scope
Pastoral services are available at all Duke Health hospitals any time of day or night. The chaplaincy program at Duke Hospital was started by P. Wesley Aitken shortly after Aikten's graduation from Duke Divinity School in July 1956. Contains a portrait of P. Wesley Aitken. Portrait is undated.
3 results in this collection

Photographic Materials, undated

Department of Chaplain Services and Education Records, undated 0.8 Linear Feet (1 map folder)

Office of Creative Services and Marketing Communications Records, 1970-2023

Abstract Or Scope
The Office of Creative Services and Marketing Communications works with clients across Duke University Health System to create communication media such as publications, Web sites, ad campaigns, banners, and holiday cards. The office publishes annual reports, long range plans, and other works that document the history of the Health System, including "INSIDE Duke Medicine." The office also assists in creating presentations for various personnel matters. Materials in this collection includes photographs, negatives, and contact sheets taken for publication purposes, including for the publication "INSIDE Duke Medicine." Other materials include promotional flyers, brochures, posters, annual reports, long range plans, handbooks, buttons, pins, and other materials intended for an internal audience. The collection also contains the binders and files of Marsha Green, the former manager of internal communications and assistant director of communications and editor of "INSIDE Duke Medicine," materials including correspondence, clippings, handwritten notes, presentations, news releases, drafts, reports, handbooks, brochures, publications, and resumes. Also includes digital files. Digital files document Duke Health's response to COVID-19 and include images distributed to external news organizations and content from Duke Health's COVID-19 website ( including Duke Health Nursing and Duke Health Leadership virtual town halls. The digital files also document Moments to Movement (M2M), Duke Health's collective stand against systemic racism, injustice, and hate, panel series and associated virtual town halls. Materials date from 1970 to 2023.
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Photographs, 1970-2005

Departments, Centers, and Schools, 1993-1998, undated

Framed Items Collection, 1955-1995

Abstract Or Scope
Contains photographs and portraits of Duke University Medical Center staff and administrators. Also included are plaques and architectural drawings of buildings on Duke's campus. Materials range in date from 1955 to 1995.
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Photographs & Portraits, 1968-1995, undated