Warren Splenorenal Shunt, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Department of Surgery Administration Records, 1949-2002Presentations, Talks, and Lectures, 1956-2002
Warren Distal Spleno-Renal Shunt (Copy), May 1974 Box 45 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Audiovisual Materials, 1952-2007Surgery films, undated
Warren Distal Spleno-Renal Shunt (Copy), May 1974 Box 45 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Audiovisual Materials, 1952-2007Surgery films, undated
Wangensteen, Owen H., 1958-1981, undated Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Professional Correspondence, 1943-2003
Walter Reed/UHUHS Symposium, Congenital Chest Deformities, 1986 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Department of Surgery Administration Records, 1949-2002Presentations, Talks, and Lectures, 1956-2002
Walter F. Becker Lecture, Louisiana State University, 1983 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Department of Surgery Administration Records, 1949-2002Presentations, Talks, and Lectures, 1956-2002
Vitrectomy Instrumentation - McCuen; Silica for Diabetic - McCuen, undated Reel EMS Reel 345 Bookmark Collection Context Educational Media Services Motion Film Collection, 1946-1991, undatedEMS Film Reels, 1951-1991, undated
Visiting Professor Surgery, University of California Los Angeles, 1972 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Memorabilia and Artifacts, 1938-2009Certificates, 1943-2009
Visiting Professor of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Memorabilia and Artifacts, 1938-2009Certificates, 1943-2009
Visiting professor John Vasko, 1969-1971 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Department of Surgery Administration Records, 1949-2002Events and Other Business Correspondence, 1957-1986