Interview, April 29, 1997 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Oral History Interviews, 1992-1997, undated
Master Tape, May 12, 1997 Cassette Master (Tapes) 6 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Oral History Interviews, 1992-1997, undatedInterview, May 12, 1997
Transcript, May 12-13, 1997 Box Transcripts 5 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Oral History Interviews, 1992-1997, undatedInterview, May 12, 1997
Interview, May 12, 1997 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Oral History Interviews, 1992-1997, undated
Presidential Address to Annals of Surgery, 1978 Box 100 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Writings, 1978, 2000Writings by Sabiston, 1978, undated
The Fundamental Contributions of Alfred Blalock to the Pathogenesis of Shock, undated Box 100 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Writings, 1978, 2000Writings by Sabiston, 1978, undated
Writings by Sabiston, 1978, undated Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Contains David C. Sabiston Jr.'s presidential address to the Annals of Surgery and a piece by Sabiston on Alfred Blalock's life and career. Materials date to 1978, and some materials are undated. view more view less Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Writings, 1978, 2000
R. Randal Bollinger. Remarks about Sabiston to the Medical Alumni of Duke University, 2000 Box 100 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Writings, 1978, 2000Writings by Others, 2000, undated
Sam Lelells. Draft of Relationship with Sabiston, undated Box 100 Bookmark Collection Context David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015Writings, 1978, 2000Writings by Others, 2000, undated