Contains general correspondence. Correspondence with Ralph Snyderman focuses on the treatment of elderly and retired professors of Duke University within the Duke University Hospitals. Materials range in date from 1956 to 1995.
Contains materials pertaining to the history and development of the Private Diagnostic Clinic at Duke University, particularly the role of the internal medicine physicians. Types of materials include contracts, correspondence, financial materials, minutes, and memoranda. Materials range in date from 1949 to 1971.
During the 1970s and 1980s, Orgain's research interests included the diagnosis and treatment of endocarditis, the diagnosis and pharmacological treatment of arrhythmias and congestive heart failure, and the investigation and pharmacological therapy of hypertensive vascular disease and of coronary artery disease. Contains newsletters, lists, memoranda, and financial materials pertaining to the Cardiovascular Diseases Service and the Cardiovascular Diseases Research Fund at Duke University. Materials range in date from 1946 to 1989.
Contains speaking notes, agendas, correspondence, and programs pertaining to the Orgain Symposium and various other professional conferences in which Orgain participated. Materials range in date from 1938 to 1995.
Contains the professional papers of Edward S. Orgain (1906-1995), professor of medicine and founding director of the Cardiovascular Diseases Service at Duke University. Types of materials include correspondence, contracts, minutes, notes, agendas, newsletters, short writings, reprints, brochures, and photographs. Major subjects include Edward S. Orgain, the Duke University Private Diagnostic Clinic, and heart diseases. Materials range in date from 1938 to 1995.