Duke University Department of Anatomy, 1971-1986 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Contains Longley's materials pertaining to the Department of Anatomy at Duke University. Major subjects include the Research Award Committee and the Optical Methods Course. Materials date from 1971 to 1986. view more view less Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987
Muscle Contraction/Muscle Fibers, 1972-1986 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Writings, 1941-1987Writings by Others, 1941-1987
Cow (acid) sequence?, 1973 Box Map Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Research Files, 1960-1985
Helix (15113157) Diagram, 1973 Box Map Tube 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Research Files, 1960-1985
X-Ray Diffraction Binder, 1973-1980 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Research Files, 1960-1985
"The double helix of tropomyosin", 1975 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Writings, 1941-1987Writings by Longley, 1960-1983
"The double helix of tropomyosin", 1975 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Writings, 1941-1987Writings by Longley, 1960-1983
"Nature" journal, 1975 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Printed Materials, 1945-1987
Helix (07610699) Diagram, 1975 Box Map Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Research Files, 1960-1985
The Structure of Alpha Proteins in Muscle (W. Longley), 1975-1980 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Grant Materials, 1975-1986