Miscellaneous, 1961-1987 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Writings, 1941-1987Writings by Others, 1941-1987
Personal Correspondence, 1963-1982 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Correspondence, 1961-1987Personal Correspondence, 1963-1982
Personal Correspondence, 1963-1982 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Correspondence, 1961-1987
Professional Correspondence; J. D. Bernal, 1964 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Correspondence, 1961-1987Professional Correspondence, 1961-1987
"The Structure of Molecules" book (by Gordon M. Barrow), 1964 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Printed Materials, 1945-1987
Miscellaneous Publications, 1966-1983 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Writings, 1941-1987Writings by Longley, 1960-1983
"The Crystal Structure of Bovine Liver Catalase", 1967 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Writings, 1941-1987Writings by Longley, 1960-1983
Notebook, 1968-1978 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Research Files, 1960-1985
Binder 5, 1969 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Research Files, 1960-1985
X-Ray Tube, 1971-1974 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context William Longley Papers, 1941-1987Duke University Department of Anatomy, 1971-1986