Miscellaneous Papers, undated Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Frank Libman Engel Papers, 1934-1990Miscellaneous Items, 1943-1975, undated
Miscellaneous Correspondence, undated Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Frank Libman Engel Papers, 1934-1990Miscellaneous Items, 1943-1975, undated
Dr. Frank Engel's Obituary by Theodore B. Schwartz, M.D. for the Journal of Diabetes, undated Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Frank Libman Engel Papers, 1934-1990Miscellaneous Items, 1943-1975, undated
Letter to Mrs. Mildren Engel from Dr. Edward Orgain Explaining the Medical Procedures Used to Try Treating Dr. Frank Engel's Heart Attack, undated Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Frank Libman Engel Papers, 1934-1990Miscellaneous Items, 1943-1975, undated
Dartmouth Alumni Magazine Paper Honoring Dr. Frank L. Engel, undated Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Frank Libman Engel Papers, 1934-1990Miscellaneous Items, 1943-1975, undated
In Memoriam: Frank Engel - Given at Duke University Chapel Friday, by Rabbi E. Rosenzweig, July 12, 1963 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Frank Libman Engel Papers, 1934-1990Miscellaneous Items, 1943-1975, undated
A Tribute to Frank Engel Given at Duke Chapel by Eugene A Steak, M.D., undated Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Frank Libman Engel Papers, 1934-1990Miscellaneous Items, 1943-1975, undated
Frank Libman Engel - An Appreciation by Morton D. Bogdonoff, M.D. from Perspectives In Biology And Medicine, Vol. VII, No. 2, 1964 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Frank Libman Engel Papers, 1934-1990Miscellaneous Items, 1943-1975, undated
Frank Libman Engel 1913-1963 from Diabetes, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 210-211, March-April 1964 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Frank Libman Engel Papers, 1934-1990Miscellaneous Items, 1943-1975, undated
The American Journal of Medicine, Index Issue, December, 1963 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Frank Libman Engel Papers, 1934-1990Miscellaneous Items, 1943-1975, undated