Staff Communication and Vacation Requests Log; Duke University Medical Center, 2000-2005 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Duke Midwifery Service Records, 1989-2021Administrative Records, 1989-2013
Obstetrics Annual Reports and Statistics, 2000-2009 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Duke Midwifery Service Records, 1989-2021Administrative Records, 1989-2013
BV, trich, yeast (Spanish), 2001 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Duke Midwifery Service Records, 1989-2021Centering Program Materials, 1997-2016El Centro Bilingual Clinic Materials, 1997-2011
Tuberculosis (Spanish), 2001 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Duke Midwifery Service Records, 1989-2021Centering Program Materials, 1997-2016El Centro Bilingual Clinic Materials, 1997-2011
Notebook; Grant information, 2001-2002 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Duke Midwifery Service Records, 1989-2021Amy MacDonald Professional Papers, 1997-2019
Midwife's Birth Logs 1, 2, 3; Duke University Medical Center, 2001-2004 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Duke Midwifery Service Records, 1989-2021Administrative Records, 1989-2013
Notebook; Certified nurse midwife staff meetings, 2001-2004 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Duke Midwifery Service Records, 1989-2021Amy MacDonald Professional Papers, 1997-2019
Notebook; General notes, 2001-2004 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Duke Midwifery Service Records, 1989-2021Amy MacDonald Professional Papers, 1997-2019
Notebook; Meetings with Mary Lou Jones, 2001-2004 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Duke Midwifery Service Records, 1989-2021Amy MacDonald Professional Papers, 1997-2019
Lecture handouts and notes, 2001-2006 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Duke Midwifery Service Records, 1989-2021Amy MacDonald Professional Papers, 1997-2019