N, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004General Correspondence, undated
M, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004General Correspondence, undated
Miscellaneous Publications, 2001, 2004 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004Publications, 1930-2004
L, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004General Correspondence, undated
L'ane - Pierre Letellier, undated Box BioChem-3 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004Artwork and Framed Items, undated
K, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004General Correspondence, undated
J, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004General Correspondence, undated
I, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004General Correspondence, undated
H, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004General Correspondence, undated
G, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004General Correspondence, undated