The annual student-faculty show is an entirely student-run production that offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke, usually parodying a popular musical or movie. Shows feature original songs and dances, student performances, and guest appearances by School of Medicine faculty. This collection contains digital and analog materials that feature scripts, cast lists, bulletins, programs, tickets, drafts, and lyrics from several of the student-faculty shows. Also contains audio and video recordings, photographs, and negatives for these productions. Materials date from 1940 to 2024.
Contains scripts, cast lists, bulletins, programs, tickets, drafts, and lyrics from miscellaneous student-faculty shows. Also contains audio and video recordings, photographs, and negatives for these productions. Materials date from 1940 to 2015.
The annual student-faculty show is an entirely student-run production that offers a comedic view of the experiences of a medical student at Duke, usually parodying a popular musical or movie. Shows feature original songs and dances, student performances, and guest appearances by School of Medicine faculty. This collection contains digital and analog materials that feature scripts, cast lists, bulletins, programs, tickets, drafts, and lyrics from several of the student-faculty shows. Also contains audio and video recordings, photographs, and negatives for these productions. Materials date from 1940 to 2024.