Contains professional and personal materials of Drs. Susan C. and John E. Dees. Types of materials include correspondence; slides, the bulk of which depict the Dees' travels; photographs, the bulk of which are of Pediatrics Housestaff; reprints of materials written by both of the Dees; Susan Dees' awards and honors, degrees, medical license, and memberships and affiliations; clippings; a small amount of artifacts belonging to Susan Dees; a Robert (Bob) Blake painting gifted to the Dees by the artist, and an 8mm film reel. Materials date from 1933 to 1991.
Dr. Susan C. Dees, MD (1909-2001), founder and Division Chair of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (1948-1974), was one of the first female faculty physicians at Duke and the first female to achieve the rank of full Professor in the Duke Medical Center. Dr. John E. Dees, MD (1910-1993), a urologist, was a Professor of Urology at Duke, the second member of the Urology Faculty at Duke, and was known as a master surgeon and surgical innovator. This collection contains both their professional and personal papers. Types of materials include correspondence, slides, photographs, reprints, awards and honors, degrees, memberships and affiliations, clippings, a small amount of artifacts, a Robert (Bob) Blake painting, and an 8mm film reel. Materials date from 1933 to 1991.