71. Dermatitis Herpetiformis: Report of a Case With A Koebner-like Phenominon, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Ray O. Noojin, M.D., Kathleen A. Riley, M.D. and Beatrice h. Kuhn, M.D., Reprinted for Private Circulation from The Urologic and Cutaneous Review, Vol. XLX, No. 2, pp. 110-111, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
85. Today's Management of Neurosyphilis, by Stephen F. Horne, M.D., Reprinted for Private Circulation from The Urologic and Cutaneous Review, Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 413-415, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
106. Pruritus, Method of J. Lamar Callaway, M.D. and George W. Crane, Jr., M.D., undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
107. Prickly Heat, Method of Marion B. Sulzberger, M.D. and Morris Leider, M.D., undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
109. A Leper's Victory Over VA Red Tape, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
36. Generalized Exfoliative Erythroderma Following Atabrine: Report of a Case, by Ray O. Noojin, M.D. and J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., From the Section of Dermatology and Syphilology of the Department of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, N.C., undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints of Dr. J. L. Callaway, 1934-1949
71. Dermatitis Herpetiformis: Report of a Case With A Koebner-like Phenominon, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Ray O. Noojin, M.D., Kathleen A. Riley, M.D. and Beatrice h. Kuhn, M.D., Reprinted for Private Circulation from The Urologic and Cutaneous Review, Vol. XLX, No. 2, pp. 110-111, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints of Dr. J. L. Callaway, 1934-1949
Transcript, undated Box Transcripts 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undatedInterview, undated
Interview, undated Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undated
102. The Treatment of Acne Vulgaris With Estrogens and Chorionic Gonadotropins: A Preliminary Report, by S.F. Horne, M.D., Reprinted from University of Michigan Medical Bulletin, Vol. XVII, pp. 317-319, September 1951 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
67. The Present Status of Penicillin In The Treatment of Syphilis, by Paul G. Reque, M.D. and J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Reprinted from The North Carolina Medical Journal, Vol. 7, No. 9, pp. 469-473, September 1946 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
68. The Treatment of Early Syphilis With Penicillin, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Ray O. Noojin, M.D., Beatrice H. Kuhn, M.D., Kathleen A. Riley, M.D. and Arthur H. Flower, Jr., M.D., Reprint from The Southern medical Journal, Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 718-726, September 1946 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
68. The Treatment of Early Syphilis With Penicillin, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Ray O. Noojin, M.D., Beatrice H. Kuhn, M.D., Kathleen A. Riley, M.D. and Arthur H. Flower, Jr., M.D., Reprint from The Southern Medical Journal, Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 718-726, September 1946 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
67. The Present Status of Penicillin in the Treatment of Syphilis, by Paul G. Reque, M.D. and J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Reprinted from The North Carolina Medical Journal, Vol. 7, No. 9, pp. 469-473, September 1946 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints of Dr. J. L. Callaway, 1934-1949
68. The Treatment of Early Syphilis With Penicillin, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Ray O. Noojin, M.D., Beatrice H. Kuhn, M.D., Kathleen A. Riley, M.D. and Arthur H. Flower, Jr., M.D., Reprinted from The Southern Medical Journal, Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 718-726, September 1946 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints of Dr. J. L. Callaway, 1934-1949
50. The Common Wart, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Southern Medicine and Surgery, Vol. 106, No. 9, pp. 340-341, September 1944 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints of Dr. J. L. Callaway, 1934-1949
47. Sulfadiazine and Sulfathiazole Therapy In Lymphogramuloma Venereum and Chancroid, by Ray O. Noojin, M.D., J. Lamar Callaway, M.D. and William Schulze, M.D., Reprinted from American Journal of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Venereal Diseases, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 601-606, September 1943 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
47. Sulfadiazine and Sulfathiazole Therapy in Lymphogranuloma Venereum and Chancroid, by Ray O. Noojin, M.D., J. Lamar Callaway, M.D. and William Schulze, M.D., Reprinted from American Journal of Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Venereal Diseases, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 601-606, September 1943 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints of Dr. J. L. Callaway, 1934-1949
48. The Present Status of Short Course Antisyphilitic Therapy, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Southern Medicine and Surgery, Vol. 105, No. 9, pp. 407-408, September 1943 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints of Dr. J. L. Callaway, 1934-1949
28. The Management of Pyogenic Skin Diseases, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Southern Medicine and Surgery, Vol. 103, No. 9, p. 492, September 1941 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints of Dr. J. L. Callaway, 1934-1949