Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993
Interview, undated Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undated
1. Epidemic Pleurodynia, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Reprint from The Southern Medical Journal, Vol. 27, No. 12, pp. 1019-1021, December 1934 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
Transcript, undated Box Transcripts 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undatedInterview, undated
2. Transient Discoloration of the Nails Due to Mercury Bichloride, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Reprinted from The Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, July, 1937, Vol. 36, pp. 62-64, July 1937 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
Interview, May 8, 1985 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Dr. Callaway's medical education at Duke. view more view less Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undated
3. Inefficacy of Siroil as a Remedy for Psoriasis, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., reprinted from The Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, Vol. 36, pp. 613-614, September 1937 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
Master Tape, May 8, 1985 Cassette Master (Tapes) 2 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undatedInterview, May 8, 1985
4. Pyogenic Relapse and Sensitiveness to Light in Certain Dermatoses, by John H. Stokes, M.D. and J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Reprinted from The Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, Vol. 36, pp. 976-983, November 1937 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
Use Tape, May 8, 1985 Cassette Use (Tapes) B Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undatedInterview, May 8, 1985
5. Relapse In Lupus Erythematosus After Treatment With Solium Gold Thiosulfate, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D. and John H. Stakes, M.D., Reprinted from The Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, Vol. 37, pp. 627-630, April 1938 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
Transcript, May 8, 1985 Box Transcripts 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undatedInterview, May 8, 1985
6. Citrus Fruit Dermatoses, by Herman Beerman, M.D., George H. Fonde, M.D. and J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Reprinted from The Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, Vol. 38, pp. 225-234, August 1938 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
Interview, May 17, 1985 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undated
7. A Study of the Sensitivity and Specificity of the Laughlen Test as Compared With the Wassermann and Kahn Tests, by H.W. Craig and J. Lamar Callaway, M.D., Reprinted from American Journal of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Venereal Diseases, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 76-78, January 1939 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
Master Tape, May 17, 1985 Cassette Master (Tapes) 2 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undatedInterview, May 17, 1985
8. Influence of Diets of Varying Fat-Content On Experimentally Produced Cutaneous Infections In White Rats, by J. Lamar Callaway, M.D. and Ray Oscar Noojin, M.D., Reprinted from The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 1940 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
Use Tape, May 17, 1985 Cassette Use (Tapes) B Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undatedInterview, May 17, 1985
9. Duke Hospital Clinico-Pathological Conference, Reprinted from The North Carolina Medical Journal, March, 1940, Vol. 1, No. 3, October 18, 1939 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Papers, 1930s-1993Collected Reprints, Dept. of Dermatology, Duke University, 1934-1952
Interview, July 10, 1985 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Philosphy. view more view less Collection Context Jasper Lamar Callaway Oral History Interviews, 1985-1989, undated