Houses oversized materials within the Busse Papers. Types of materials include a record book, notary public stamp, an electroencephalography, plaques, a framed photograph, and awards. Materials are undated.
Incudes some of Busse's awards and honors throughout his career. Contains two awards from the American Psychiatric Association: The Jack Weinberg Memorial Award and the Distinguished Service Award, the Pioneer Award from the Governor's Commission on Reduction of Infant Mortality, and a certificate documenting Busse's membership to the President Gerald Ford's Biomedical Panel. Types of materials are plaques and a certificate. Materials date from 1975 to 1993.
Ewald W. Busse was a early leader in the field of geriatric psychiatry and a founder of the Center for Aging and Human Development, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Psychiatry and Dean Emeritus of Medical and Allied Health Education at Duke University.
Documents the professional career of Ewald W. Busse (1917-2004), the former chair of Duke's Department of Psychiatry and founding director the Duke University Center for Aging and Human Development. The materials include Busse's "History of the Department of Psychiatry at Duke"; Busse's reprints; a history of the Duke Medical Center Building Fund; awards and honors; reports and evaluations regarding the J. B. Gibbons Scholarship; minutes, newsletters, correspondence, and publications from the International Association of Gerontology; information about Highland Hospital (Asheville, North Carolina); materials regarding the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development; and the Medical School Advisory Committee's (MedSAC) minutes materials. Materials range in date from 1945 to 2003.