The Physiological Role of Brown Adipose Tissue, 1964 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The physiology of extreme environments (1 of 2), 1987 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The physiology of extreme environments (2 of 2), 1987 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Physiology of Thermoregulation, August 1964 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The physiology of whales-Cecil Kent Drinker, 1949 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Notes, 1913-1988
The physique of bus and truck drivers..., 1955 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Ponderal Somatogram: Evaluation of Body Size and Shape from Anthropometric Girths and Stature, July 1987 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Pose of the Subject for Photogrammetric Anthropometry, With Especial Refence to Somatotyping, March 1950 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The possible conversion of fat into carbohydrate in the obese, 1959 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The possible relationship of occupational stress to clinical coronary..., 1958 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The possible relationship of the emotions to clinical coronary heart disease, 1959 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The potential of new techniques and automation in cancer diagnosis, 1962 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Notes, 1913-1988
The Prediction of Outstanding Athletic Ability, 1976 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The prediction of thermal comfort..., 1969 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The preservation of the WASA, 1968 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The pressure-reduction limits for rats following steady-state exposures between 6 and 60 ATA, 1976 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The pressure reversal of general anesthesia and the critical volume hypothesis, 1972 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The preventive effect of denitrogenation during warm water..., 1973 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The principles of safe diving practice, 1971 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Diving, 1954-1986
The problem of experimentation on human beings, 1953 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The problem of pulmonary insufficiency in disability rating, 1955 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The protective effect of inhalation of oxygen at two atmospheres..., undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The psychosocial reconstruction inventory a postdictal instrument..., 1972 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The radioactive fallout and radioactive strontium, 1956 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Therapeutic apparatus, undated Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997
Therapeutic hyperbaric oxygen, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Hyperbaric oxygen, 1962-1981
Therapy with hyperbaric oxygen for experimental..., 1978 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Hyperbaric oxygen, 1962-1981
The rate of uptake of nitrous oxide in man, 1954 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Relation of Body Surface Area, Mass, and Indices to Energy Expenditure, March 1962 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The relation of lean body weight to metabolism and some..., 1953 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Relation of Lean Body Weight to Metabolism and Some Consequent Systemizations, November 17, 1953 Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The relation of specific gravity to body build in a group..., 1950 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The relation of the reaction of carbonic oxide to oxygen tension, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Relationship Between Body Composition Parameters and Football Ability, undated Box 38 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Reports, 1939-1985
The relationship between chronological age aptitude test..., 1971 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The relationship between summated tissue respiration and metabolic..., 1955 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The relationship between the heart volume and the blood volume..., 1951 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Relationship Between Third Molar Agenesis and Reduction in Tooth Number, January 1962 Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The relationship between vigilance and eye movements..., 1977 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The relationship of body water to basal metabolic rate and surface area, 1949 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The relationship of job performance to physical fitness..., 1981 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Relationship of Obesity and Growth Hormone to Serum Insulin Levels, October 8, 1965 Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The relationship of the total hemoglobin or total blood..., 1950 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Relationship of Total Red Cell Mass to Lean Body Mass in Man, February 1957 Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The relationships of age and ATC experience to job performance..., 1973 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Research Quarterly reprints, 1956-1960 Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Research Quarterly reprints II, 1960 Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The respiratory function in diving mammals and birds, 1940 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The respiratory function of blood, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Thermal problems in diving, 1977 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Diving, 1954-1986
Thermodynamic concentrations concerning the interaction of temperature and..., undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Rock-Whittier College newsletter, 1975, 1980 Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Publications, 1937-1986
The role of salt in the fall of blood pressure accompanying..., 1958 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The role of undersea warfare in US strategic doctrine, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The safe driver inventory, 1956 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Saint Louis Medical and Surgical Journal, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Publications, 1937-1986
The Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 1951 Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The sciences, 1973 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The seat of respiratory and cardiovascular responses to cerebral air emboli, 1962 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The skin senses, 1968 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Specific Gravity of Healthy Men, 1942 Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The stereoscopic angle and its relationship to the Standard Air Force..., 1966 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Structure and Measurement of Body Composition Factors in Young Adults, undated Box 38 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Reports, 1939-1985
The study of diving physiology and technology, volume I [Japanese], 1982-1983 Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Publications, 1937-1986
The study of man during a 56-day exposure to an oxygen-helium..., 1966 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The study of man during a 56-day exposure to an oxygen-helium atmosphere at 258mm..., 1966 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The tadpole tail as a model for decompression studies, 1972 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Studies and Experiements, 1930-1982
The technic of measuring radiation and convection, 1938 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The thermostatic control of human metabolic heat production..., 1961 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The time course for the uptake of inert gases by the tissue..., 1969 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The totipotency of all cells for typhoid resistance salmonella..., 1956 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The toxic effects of chronic exposure..., 1982 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The treatment of disease states with hyperbaric oxygen, 1969 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Hyperbaric oxygen, 1962-1981
The Triceps Skinfold as a Predictive Measure of Body Density and Body Fat in Obese Adolescent Girls, August 1965 Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The twentieth UMS workshop, 1979 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Conferences, 1906-1995
The undersea habitat and saturation diving, April 1980 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Conferences, 1906-1995Lecture Notes, 1974-1981
The Underweight Female, December 1980 Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Ups and Down of Weight, undated Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Publications, 1937-1986Clippings, 1945-1983
The use and misuse of drugs, 1968 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The usefulness of urinary creatine excretion in estimating body composition, 1972 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The use of antipyrine in the measurement of total body water in man, 1949 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Use of Antipyrine in the Measurement of Total Body Water in Man, May 1949 Box 41 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The use of carbon monoxide and T-1824 for determining..., 1968 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The use of mercury capillary length gauges for the measurement..., 1965 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The use of non-explosive mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen for diving, 1979 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Diving, 1954-1986
The use of overcompression in the treatment of decompression sickness, 1963 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Decompression, 1930-1987
The use of simple indicators for detecting potential coronary..., 1972 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The variability of measurement of inulin and diodrast..., 1950 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The variation in susceptibility to decompression sickness, 1968 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Decompression, 1930-1987
The vestibular apparatus under water and in compressed gas..., 1975 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The visual perception of size and distance, 1962 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, 1945 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The zero-supersaturation approach to decompression..., undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Decompression, 1930-1987
Third annual program hyperbaric medicine, 1966 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Hyperbaric oxygen, 1962-1981
Third annual program on hyperbaric medicine, 1966 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Hyperbaric oxygen, 1962-1981
Third international conference on hyperbaric medicine, 1965 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Conferences, 1906-1995
Thousand aviator study: nonvestibular contributions..., 1968 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Thousand aviator study: nonvestibular contributions to..., 1966 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Threshold distances for retinal burns from low-yield nuclear detonations, 1966 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Thyroid nodules as a late sequela of radioactive fallout..., 1954 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989