Invitational Assembly for Advanced Urology, 1976-1977 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Subject Files, 1947-1986
Laboratories, 1976-1977 Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Subject Files, 1947-1986
Brenda Jordan, 1976 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Correspondence, 1947-1978
Roger C. Millar, 1976 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Correspondence, 1947-1978
Richard Perryman, 1976 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Correspondence, 1947-1978
Dissociation and Delayed Conduction in the Canine Right Bundle Branch, 1976 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Textbook on the esophagus, 1976 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Reply to Dr. Mark Orringer's Editorial,' circa, 1976 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Georgia Thoracic Society, 1976 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Samson Thoracic Surgical Society, 1976 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979
(Miscellaneous) Cancer Protocols, 1976 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Subject Files, 1947-1986
Cashier's Office, SPDC, 1976 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Subject Files, 1947-1986
Consultant at Brooke Army Med. Center Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 1976 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Subject Files, 1947-1986
Duke Correspondence, 1976 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Subject Files, 1947-1986
Keogh, Amended and Restated PDC Retirement Trust Agreement, 1976 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Subject Files, 1947-1986
Correspondence, 1975-1978 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979American Board of Thoracic Surgery correspondence, evaluations, guides, locs, meeting materials, agendas, and travel materials, 1963-1978Residency Review Committee materials, 1969-1978
Essentials, 1975-1978 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979American Board of Thoracic Surgery correspondence, evaluations, guides, locs, meeting materials, agendas, and travel materials, 1963-1978Residency Review Committee materials, 1969-1978
Meeting materials, 1975-1978 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979American Board of Thoracic Surgery correspondence, evaluations, guides, locs, meeting materials, agendas, and travel materials, 1963-1978Residency Review Committee materials, 1969-1978
American Board of Surgery, Booklet of Information, 1975-1977 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979
Meeting agendas, 1975-1977 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979American Board of Thoracic Surgery correspondence, evaluations, guides, locs, meeting materials, agendas, and travel materials, 1963-1978
Liaison Committee on Graduate Medical Education, 1975-1977 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979American College of Cardiology, correspondence and meeting materials, 1960-1977
North Carolina Surgical Association meeting, 1975-1977 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979
Hospital Corresondence, 1975-1976 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Correspondence, 1947-1978
N.C. Medical Society, Correspondence and meeting materials, 1975-1976 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979
Thoracic Surgery Directors Association, 1975-1976 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979
Department of Surgery, First Year Residents and Senior Resident Staff, 1975-1976 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Subject Files, 1947-1986
Minutes of the Division of General and Thoracic Surgery, 1975-1976 Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Subject Files, 1947-1986
Visiting Professor at VA Hospital Lexington Kentucky, 1975-1976 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Subject Files, 1947-1986
William Joyner, 1975 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Correspondence, 1947-1978
Personal Correspondence, 1975 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Correspondence, 1947-1978
Thoracic Surgical Problems Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis, 1975 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Action of Carbon Dioxide on the Collateral Pathways of Pulmonary Ventilation, 1975 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Diffuse Spasm of the Esophagus, 1975 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Pulmonary Aspergilloma, 1975 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Shunt Dynamics in Experimental Atrial Septal Defects, 1975 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Effects and Distribution of Acute Fat Embolism in Spontaneously Breathing Dogs Using Radioactive Carbon Triolein, 1975 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Mitral Valve Disease, 1975 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Lung Cancer Grant, 1975 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Grants and Research Funds, 1954-1980
Program critiques, 1975 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979American Board of Thoracic Surgery correspondence, evaluations, guides, locs, meeting materials, agendas, and travel materials, 1963-1978Residency Review Committee materials, 1969-1978
Louise Spur committee, 1975 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979American Board of Thoracic Surgery correspondence, evaluations, guides, locs, meeting materials, agendas, and travel materials, 1963-1978
American College of Physicians, 1975 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979American College of Cardiology, correspondence and meeting materials, 1960-1977
XXIII International Tuberculosis Conference, 1975 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Subject Files, 1947-1986
Workshop for Expanding the Role of Surgery of Atrial Dysrhythmias, 1974-1978 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Grants and Research Funds, 1954-1980
ABTS: Ad Hoc Committee on Recertification, 1974-1977 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979
Meeting materials, 1974-1977 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979American Board of Thoracic Surgery correspondence, evaluations, guides, locs, meeting materials, agendas, and travel materials, 1963-1978Residency Review Committee materials, 1969-1978
Grant Correspondence, 1974-1976 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Grants and Research Funds, 1954-1980
Committee to Rewrite Standards for Thoracic Surgery, 1974-1975 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Associates and Societies, 1954-1979
Personal Correspondence, 1974 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Correspondence, 1947-1978
Hyperlucent Lung, 1974 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Mediastinoscopy, 1974 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979