A Simple Expendable Blood Oxygen - Gas Exchanger for Use in Open Cardiac Surgery, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Skin Resistance Patterns in the Lower Extremities in Diabetes Mellitus,' circa, 1950 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Studies on Tolerance to Prolonged Deep Hypothermia, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
A Study of the Requirements for Successful Replacement of Human Heart Valves with Prosthetic Valves, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Surgical Aspects of Cardic Conduction System, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Surgical Aspects of Opportunistic Fungus Infections, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Surgical Management of Plural and Pulmonary Manifestations of Rheumatoid Arthritis, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Surgical Treatment of Disease of the Esophagus, 1957 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Chapter on Thoracic Aorta, 1965 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Traumatic Ventricular Septal Defect Secondary to Non-penetrating Chest Trauma: A Review, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Use of Profound Hypothermia in Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease, 1961 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Wolff-Parkinson-White and Related Arrhythmias, 1972 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Acquired Mitral Stenosis, 1965 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Carcinoma of the Lung, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Differential Perfusion Hypothermia, 1962 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm, 1962 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Experimental Production of Tuberculosis Pericarditis, 1957 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Experimental Studies in Profound Hypothermia, 1962 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Experimental Studies on Profound Hypothermia Induced and Reverted with a Pump Oxygenator, 1963 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Failure of Beta-Adrenergic Blockade to Alter Ventricular Fibrillation Threshold in the Dog, 1966 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Functional and Structural Changes in the Lung in Hemorrhagic Shock, 1966 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Hyponatremia from Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Elaboration in Carcinoma of the Lung, 1966 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Hypothermia and Extracorpeal Circulation for Open Heart Surgery: Its Simplification with a Heat Exchanger for Rapid Cooling and Rewarming, 1959 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Hypothermia Low Flow Extracorpeal Circulation and Controlled Cardiac Arrest for Open Heart Surgery, 1957 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
An Improved Operation for the Definitive Treatment of the Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, 1974 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Increased Symphatic Nerve Activity Following Resection of Coarctation of the Thoracic Aorta, 1969 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Induction of Liver Necrosis in Rabbits by the Combination of Experimental Hyperthyroidism and Shape Papilloma, 1941 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
L'Arresto Cardiaco, 1941 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Medical Versus Surgical Management of Certain Esophageal Diseases, 1956 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Metabolic and Physiologic Observations on Patients Undergoing Extracorpeal Circulation in Conjunction with Hypothermia, 1959 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
A Method for Controlled Cardiac Arrest as an Adjunct to Open Heart Surgery, 1956 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Mucormycosis of the Bronchus Successfully Treated by Lobectomy, 1958 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Obstruction to Outflow Tract of Left Ventricleet, 1962 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Paradoxical Hypertension Following Resection of Coarctation of the Aorta: Possible Relationship of Increased Epinephrine and Norepenephrine Secretion to its Development, 1964 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Pathogensis of Pulmonary Damage During Extracorpeal Perfusion, 1966 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Performance of a Membrane Oxygenator Under Hyperbaric Conditions, 1967 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Postoperative Respiratory Acidosis, 1957 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Potassium Magnesium and Neostigmine for Controlled Cardioplegia, 1958 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Production of Neurogenic Afferent Renal Vasoconstruction in Humans and Dogs by 2-Benzyl 04 5-Imidazoline HC1 (Priscoline), 1950 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Prolonged Veno-Venous Perfusion with a Membrane Oxygenator for Respiratory Failure, 1966 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Protective Influence of Cardiac Denervation Against Arrhythmias of Myocardial Infarction, 1969 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Pulmonary Hilar Lymphadenectomy Following Contralateral Pneumonectomy, 1966 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Pulmonary Infection by Nocardia Asteroides, 1963 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Reconstruction of Benign Non-Tuberculous Strictures of the Trachea, 1953 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
A Report on the Use of Both Extracorpeal Circulation and Hypothermia for Open Heart Surgery, 1958 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Role of Infection in the Pathogenesis of Liver Necrosis in Hyperthyroidism, 1942 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Severe Airway Obstruction in Infancy Due to the Thymus Gland, 1965 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Studies on Cardiac Arrest: The Relationship of Hypercapnia to Ventricular Fibrillation, 1954 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Successful Surgical Interruption of the Bundle of Kent in a Patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White, 1968 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Superior Vena Cava-Right Pulmonary Artery Anastomias in Cyanotic Heart Disease, 1963 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Surgical Management of Pulmonary Histoplasmosis, 1963 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Treatment of Ventricular Arrhythmia by Permanent Atrial Pacemaker and Cardiac Sympathectomy, 1968 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Ultimate In Vivo Survival of Erythocytes Which Have Circulated Through a Pump-Oxygenator, 1957 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Ultracentrifugal Concentration of the Immunizing Principle from Tissues Diseased with Equine Encephalomyelitis, 1938 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Contains manuscripts of speeches, talks, addresses, and lectures pertaining to Sealy's medical research. Other materials include correspondence, event programs, travel receipts, photographs, and notes. Materials range in date from 1940 to 1982. view more view less Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986
American Association for Thoracic Surgery, 1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
American Association for Thoracic Surgery, 1980-1981 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
American Board of Thoracic Surgery Oral Examinations, 1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
American College of Cardiology, 1980-1981 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
American College of Cardiology Meeting, 1977-1978 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
American College of Surgeons meetings, folder 1, 1978-1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
American College of Surgeons meetings, folder 2, 1978-1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
American College of Surgeons meetings, folder 3, 1978-1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
American College of Surgeons meetings, folder 4, 1978-1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
American Heart Association, 1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
American Heart Association, 1979 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
American Surgical Association meetings, 1978-1982 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
An Efficient Blood Heat Exchanger for Use With Extracorporeal Circulation, 1958 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Ann Arbor Michigan, 1979 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Carcinoma of the Esophagus, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Cardiac Arrest, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Cardiac Surgery in Patients Over 50 Years of Age, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Chest Trauma, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Chicago Heart Association, 1980-1981 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Clinical Electrophysiology Symposium, 1980-1982 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Collateral Pulmonary Ventilation, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Contract Pricing Proposal Application, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Credentials Committee for North Carolina of the American College of Surgeons, 1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Credentials Committee for North Carolina American College of Surgeons, 1974 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Credentials Committee for North Carolina of the American College of Surgeons, 1979-1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Discussion of Clinical Application of Hypothermia, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Division of Allergy and Respiratory Disease Weekly Bulletin, 1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Dusseldolf, 1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Early Experience With Hypothermia, 1958 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Eastern North Carolina Sanatorium Wilson, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Emory University, 1981 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Esophageal Diverticulum, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Esophageal Pain and Colic, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Essex County Heart Association, 1978-1979 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
European Congress of Cardiology, 1965-1968 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Georgia Thoracic Society, 1976 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Hernia (Hiatal Hernias and Esophagus), undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Homographs, 1967 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Hypothermia and Extracorporeal Circulation, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Hypothermia and Extracorporeal Circulation for Open Heart Surgery, American College of Surgeons, 1959 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Hypothermia, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Hypothermia, South America, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Japan, 1978-1979 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 1980 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982
Joint Surgical Conference, International Cardiovascular Society, 1979 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Speeches, Talks, Addresses, and Lectures, 1940-1982