Principles of Management of Chest Injuries in Mass Casualty Situations (Young and Sealy), 1959 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Surgical Treatment of Certain Congenital Malformations of the Heart and Great Vessels, 1948 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Studies of the Development and Nature of the Hypertension in Experimental Coarctation of the Aorta (Sealy, et. al), 1950 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Arterial Hypertension Produced by Experimental Stenosis of the Thoracic Aorta, 1949 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Effects of Chronic Constriction of the Thoracis Aorta Upon Renal Dynamics, et al), undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Congenital Tracheophageal Fistula, C29, 1951 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
A Report of Two Cases of the Anomalous Origin of the Right Subclavian Artery from the Descending Aorta, 1951 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Effects of Hypercapina and Hypoxia on the Response of the Heart to Vagal Stimulation, 1951 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Observations of the Complete Reversal of the Circulation in the Hind Limb of the Dog (Ferguson, et. al.), 1951 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Pathogenesis of Valvular Endocarditis: (1) Production of Acute Cardiac Valvular Lesions by a Large Arteriovenous Shunt. (2) Effects of an Arteriovenous Shunt on Removal of Bacteria from the Blood Stream, 1952 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Nocardiosis, 1951 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
A Study of Twenty three Cases of Circumscribed Solitary Lung Lesions, 1952 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Management of Cystic Disease of the Lung, 1953 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Thoracic Surgical Problems in Infancy and Childhood, 1953 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Reconstruction of Benign Non, 1953 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Pulmonary Blastomycosis: The Influence of the Immunologic Findings on the Section of Patients for Operation, 1954 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Peptic Esophagitis, 1954 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Problems of Anesthesia in Tracheal Reconstruction, 1954 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Surgical Treatment of Mitral Stenosis, 1954 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Reflux Esophagitis, 1954 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Role of Intracellular and Extracellular Electrolytes in the Cardiac Arrhythmias Produced by Prolonged Hypercapnia, et. al.), 1954 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Studies on Cardiac Arrest: The Relationship of Hypercapnia to Ventricular Fibrillation, 1954 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Arteriovenous Fistula of Ascending Aorta and Left Innominati Vein: Report of the Case Successfully Repaired by Surgery, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Mediastinal Tumors: A Review of 63 Casesl, 1956 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Management of Alkali Burns of the Esophagus, 1956 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Arterial Necrosis Following Resection of Coarctation of the Aorta, 1956 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
A Simple, Expendable Blood Oxygen Gas Exchanger of Use in Open Cardiac Surgery, 1956 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Clinical Significance of a Sliding Hiatus Hernia, 1956 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
A Method for Controlled Cardiac Arrest as an Adjunct to Open Heart Surgery, 1956 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Hypothermia, Low Flow Extracorporeal Circulation and Controlled Cardiac Arrest for Open..., 1957 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Sliding Hiatal Hernia Symptoms, Pathogenesis, and Results of Treatment, 1957 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Postoperative Respiratory Acidosis, 1957 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Use of Alcohol in the Treatment of the Postvalvulotomy Hyponatremic Syndrome, 1957 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus, 1957 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Ultimate in Vivo Survival of Erythrocytes Which Have Circulated Through a Pump Oxygenator, 1957 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Potassium, Magnesium, and Neostigmine for Controlled Cardioplegia, 1958 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
A Report on the Use of Both Extracorporeal Circulation and Hypothermia for Open Heart Surgery, 1958 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Open Operation for Treatment of Pulmonic Stenosis with an Intact Ventricular Septum, 1958 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Mucormycosis of the Brochus Successfully Treated by Lobectomy, 1958 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Potassium, Magnesium, and Neostigmine for Controlled Cardioplegia, 1958 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Management of Anesthesia and Hypothermia for Open Heart Surgery with Extracorpeal Circulation, 1958 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Experimental and Clinical Studies of Controlled Hypothermia Rapidly Produced and Corrected by a Blood Heat Exchanger During Extracorpeal Circulation, 1958 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Principles of Chest Injury Management in Mass Casualty Situations, 1959 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Potassium, Magnesium, and Neostigmine for Controlled Cardioplegia, 1959 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Anesthetic Management of Open Heart Surgery; Electroencephalographic and Metabolic Findings in Eighty-One Patients, 1959 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Metabolic and Physiologic Observations on Patients Undergoing Extracorporeal Circulation in Conjunction with Hypothermia, 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Effect of Quinidine on Ventricular Fibrillation in Hypothermic Dogs, 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Hypothermia and Extracorporeal Circulation for Open Heart Surgery: Its Simplification with a Heart Exchanger for Rapid Cooling and Rewarming, 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Hypothermia and Extracorporeal Circulation, 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Complications in 430 Consecutive Pulmonary Resections for Tuberculosis, 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Tolerance of the Profoundly Hypothermia Dog to Complete Circulatory Standstill, 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Use of Steroids for the Control and Prevention of Serious Respiratory Embarrassment During and After Intrathoracic Operations, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Prevention of Ventricular Fibrillation During Profound Hypothermia by Quinidine, 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Effect of Coreinduced Hypothermia of 25 (degrees C) and 7 (degrees C) on Dogs with Acute Myocardial Infarction, 1960 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Selection and Surgical Treatment of Some Types of Congenital Heart Disease, 1960 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Craniotomy Under Conditions of Quinidine Protected Cardioplegia and Profound Hypothermia, 1960 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Postoperative Vascular Complications of Coarctation of the Aorta, 1960 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Profound Hypothermia Combined with Extracorporeal Circulation for Open Heart Surgery, 1960 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Study of the Effects of Complete Circulatory Arrest in the Profoundly Hypothermic Dog, 1960 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Anesthetic and Metabolic Factors Associated with Combined Extracorporeal Circulation and hypothermia, 1960 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Comparative Long Term Study Following Pulmonary Resection for Tuberculosis, 1961 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Observations on the Heart's Action During Hypothermia Induced and Controlled by a Pump Oxygenator, 1960 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Studies on Profound Hypothermia I Technique of Induction, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Studies on Profound Hypothermia II. The Effects of Complete Circulatory Arrest in the Profoundly Hypothermia Dog, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Studies on Profound Hypothermia III. The Effect of Coreinduced Hypothermia of 25 (degree C) and 7 (degree C) on Dogs with Myocardial Infarction, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Cardiac Arrest Progress in Cardiovascular Disease 4: 285, 1961 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Studies on Profound Hypothermia with Special Reference to Techniques of Induction and Tolerance of Dogs to Complete Circulatory Standstill, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Employment of Cross Circulation and Multiple Heat Exchanges to Induce Deep Hypothermia: Its Use in the Study of Central Nervous System Changes, 1961 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Differential Perfusion Hypothermia for Selective Bone Marrow Protection During the Administration of Nitrogen Mustard, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Profound Hypothermia Induced and Controlled with a Pump Oxygenator, 1961 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Effect of Profound Hypothermia on the Heart, 1961 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Use of Profound Hypothermia in Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease, 1962 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Obstruction to Outflow Tract of Left Ventricle, 1962 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Studies on Tolerance to Prolonged Deep Hypothermia, 1963 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Experimental Studies on Profound Hypothermia Induced and Reverted with a Pump Oxygenator, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Deep Hypothermia in the Rat: Studies on Survival and Tolerance to Circulatory Arrest, 1963 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Rupture of the Esophagus, 1963 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Vascular Responses During Hypothermia, 1963 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Surgical Management of Pulmonary Histoplasmosis, 1963 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Vascular Responses During Hypothermia, 1963 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Studies on Tolerance to Prolonged Deep Hypothermia, 1963 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Schatzki's Ring on Lower Esophageal Web: A Semantic and Surgical Enigma, 1963 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Tolerance of Dogs to Deep Hypothermia, 1964 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Conduction and Excitability of the Intact Hypothermic Heart Studies Using Chronically Implanted Electrodes and Controlled Deep Hypothermia, 1965 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Acquired Mitral Stenosis, 1965 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Severe Airway Obstruction in Infancy Due to the Thymus Gland, 1965 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Case Report: Sparganoma of the Lung, 1965 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Dissecting Aortic Aneurysms: The Role of Fenestration Procedures in Treatment, 1966 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Prolonged VenoVenous Perfusion with a Membrane Oxygenator for Respiratory Failure, 1965 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Functional and Structural Changes in the Lung in Hemorrhagic Shock, 1966 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Chronic Middle Lobe Infection: Factors Responsible for Its Development, 1966 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
The Surgical Treatment of Multisegmental and Localized Bronchiectasis, 1966 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Prevention and Treatment of Experimentally Induced Ascites in the Dog by Thoracic DucttoVein Shunt, 1966 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Hyponatremia from Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormones Elaboration in Carcinoma of the Lung, 1966 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Surgical Significance of the Specialized Atrial Internodal Tracts, 1966 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Pulmonary Hilar Lymphadenectomy Following Contralateral Pneumonectomy, 1966 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Damage During Extracorporeal Perfusion, 1966 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Electrophysiologic Effects of Respiratory and Metabolic Alkalosis on the Heart, 1966 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Electrophysiologic Effects of Quindine Studies Using Chronically Implanted Electrodes in Awake Dogs With and Without Cardiac Denervation. Circulation Research 19: 960, 1966 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979
Failure of BetaAdrenergic Blockade to Alter Ventricular Fibrillation Threshold in the Dog Evidence for Extra..., undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Will Camp Sealy Papers and Records, 1938-1986Publications, Reprints, and Writings, 1938-1979