Course Materials (1959-1960) (folder 3 of 3), 1959-1960 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Teaching Materials, 1930-1962
Students' Comments; Dr. Sommer, 1959-1960 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Teaching Materials, 1930-1962
Students; Special Projects, 1959-1960 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Teaching Materials, 1930-1962
Building Committee, 1959-1960 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Duke University Committees, 1927-1969
Dean's Committee for the Veterans Administration Hospital (Durham, North Carolina), 1959-1960 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Duke University Committees, 1927-1969
American Cancer Society; Committee on Clinical Fellowships, 1959-1960 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Organizations, 1928-1973
China Medical Board of New York (Dr. Loucks), 1959-1960 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Organizations, 1928-1973
Addresses, Speeches, and Lectures; "Dementia Paralytica, Historical Aspects of Pathological Background", Residency Seminar, State Hospital (Raleigh, North Carolina), 1959-1960 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Manuscripts, Addresses, Speeches, and Lectures, 1926-1976
Forbus, Wiley D. (Portrait), 1959-1960 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Correspondence, 1924-1978Professional Correspondence, 1924-1978
Applications; Staff Vacancies/Appointments, 1959 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966
Department Guide; Procedure Book, 1959 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966
Manuscripts; Chick et al. (Die Nordamerikanische Blastomykose) (German), 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966
Manuscripts; Forbus and Poon (Myocardial Sarcoidosis), 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966
Manuscripts; Merritt and Fetter (Hepatitis), 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966
Manuscripts; Shanklin (Placenta), 1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966
Research Prospectus; Forbus and Huang (NC Kidney Disease Foundation, Myoglobinuric Nephrosis), 1959 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966
Staff; Staff List (Past and Present), 1959 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966
Telephone Conversation Recordings, 1959 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966
Technical Services, 1959 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966
Visitors; Correspondence: Kusama, Y. (Japan), 1959 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979Pathology Department Records, 1923-1966